Posted By Victor Davis Hanson The Hope and Change Edicts What are we to make of our current NASA chief, the distinguished retired Marine Corps major general and astronaut, Charles Bolden, who, in an interview with al Jazeera, listed a “foremost†NASA objective as finding “a way to reach out to the Muslim world […] SUCH ELEGANT PROSE BUT NARY A WORD ABOUT THE GREATEST THREAT TO AMERICA WITHIN OUR BORDERS AND ABROAD…..JIHAD AND SHARIA….WAKE UP !!!…RSK American Decline Is a State of Mind The U.S. still remains the most racially diverse, stable, free, productive, and militarily strong country in the world. We are hearing all sorts of reasons […] AÂ new online recruitment tool for jihadists that touts itself as the first magazine to be issued by al Qaeda in English. The launch has been bumpy: Due to technical glitches, only its first three pages are available. By Ashish Kumar Sen A page of the online magazine Inspire, a recruitment tool for jihadists that […] OSLO (AP) — Three suspected al Qaeda members were arrested Thursday morning in what Norwegian and U.S. officials said was a terrorist plot linked to similar plans in New York and England. The three men, whose names were not released, had been under surveillance for more than a year. Officials believe they were planning […] “Had America never allied with any non-Muslim country or Muslim country, that Muslims have a grievance with– Americans would still be murdered. Because as long as an ideology embraces both violence and the dehumanization of those outside the ideology– murder is inevitable. This did not begin in 1965. It began in 610. And it’s […] Arthur Hays Sulzberger and His Kind of Journalism AHS of the New York Times – He Would Be Proud of the paper’s Current Coverage of Israel Since the patriarch of The New York Times, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, determined that his paper was going to lead the charge against Israel’s founding in 1948 (he was […]
Humanitarian Situation in Turkey Worse than Gaza – Ben-Dror Yemini (Maariv-Hebrew) Turkey was the most prominent country in the recent flotilla, but according to a number of indicators, the humanitarian situation in Turkey is worse than it is in Gaza. Infant mortality in Gaza is 17.7 per thousand; in Turkey it is 24.8. Life expectancy […] By Fred Burton and Ben West On July 6, the Indian government issued a warning to railroad operators and users after Maoist rebels — known as Naxalites — declared a “bandh,†a Hindi word meaning threat of attack, in eastern India. When a bandh is declared by the Naxalites, it means they have declared […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor July 8, 2010 4:00 A.M. Elena Kagan’s ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Sharia Policy Political willfulness is not the judicial temperament. I wonder if Elena Kagan knows about Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani. Ms. Ashtiani is about to be stoned. That’s where they bury you up to your […]