I HATE TO QUOTE OBAMA…BUT THIS IS WHAT HE SAID IN 2007 ABOUT IRAQ:”We have now set the bar so low that modest improvement — in what was a completely chaotic situation to the point where now we just have the levels of intolerable violence that existed in June of 2006 — is considered […] Standing down the hanging jury In Britain today, hating Israel has become a valid criminal defense. This week five criminal defendants charged with destroying property valued at some $285,000 at the EDO MBM arms factory in Brighton during a January 2009 break-in were found innocent of all charges. They were found innocent despite the […] Obama mum on Bush’s borders for Israel Tension looms over ’04 letter By Eli Lake As Israel’s prime minister prepares for his fifth official meeting with President Obama this week, the White House has declined to publicly affirm commitments made by President Bush to Israel in 2004 on the final borders of the Jewish […] Palestinian Journalist Zainab Rashid: “Syria’s people need freedom flotillas more than Palestinians do… Gaza has no mud schoolrooms, like those in many Syrian provinces. Gaza does not have 60 students to a single classroom. Even after Gaza was besieged, food is not scarce there as it is in Syria, where many food products do […] Chesler Chronicles What’s On My Mind: Jeremy Ben Ami, Afshan Azad, Yazmin Bautista | J Street’s Jeremy Ben Ami, President Obama’s new “go-to Jew†(a young man who arose as suddenly and as swiftly as did our new President), had previously been Senior Vice President at Fenton Communications—the very company hired by Sheikha Mozah […] FROM PROF. MOSHE SHARON Sept. 2007….from a speech he delivered to the Conference of Americans for a Safe Israel….. WORDS LAUNDRY: A SHORT GUIDE TO THOSE OBSESSED WITH PEACEProfessor Moshe Sharon “Everybody says that his donkey is a horse.â€â€œThere is no tax on words.â€(Two Arab proverbs) On December 25, 1977, at the very beginning […]
Israel Commentary: July 2010 Archives Geert Wilders: a Dutch “Revolutionary” and neglected American and Israeli Hero Redacted from a combination of Web sources and personal experience By Jerome S. Kaufman July 1, 2010 June 10, 2010 After 16 hours of manually counting the 9 million cast votes, the 9th of June 2010 Dutch general […]
That Dangerous Idea of Liberty This Fourth of July marks the 234th anniversary of one the most dangerous ideas ever unleashed on the world. That people do not belong to governments, but governments belong to people. This was not an altogether new idea. History was filled with all sorts of theorizing and debating over the […] A guide to the perplexed by Victor Sharpe I was asked by a friend recently to assist a Christian Zionist lady who had received some anti-Israel propaganda at her church and was perplexed and swayed by the opposing points of view she was reading. I have taken the liberty of using as my title […]
Obama says: Cuba Si!, Gulf Coast No! John Hunt Wall Street Journal columnist Russell Gold reports on Friday, July 2, on the pending deepwater drilling off of Cuba by Spain’s Repsol YPF SA, on locations that could be as close as 60 miles from Florida. For reference, the Macondo #1 blowout is about 57 […]