Fire McChrystal? Jun 22 Written by: Diana West Tuesday, June 22, 2010 3:59 AMÂ Politico reports that Gen. Stanley McChrystal has been “summoned” to Washington from Kabul over “biting and unflattering remarks” he and his staff made to Rolling Stone magazine about members of the Obama administration, including Obama himself. The general is now […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor June 22, 2010 4:00 A.M. Roberts Rules The Supreme Court upholds an important terrorism law For a dozen years, leftist organizations styling themselves as proponents of international humanitarian law have campaigned to undermine the laws prohibiting material support to terrorism. On Monday, the U.S. Supreme […] Exclusive: Could Mr Alvin Greene of South Carolina Do a Better Job in the US Senate? Frank Hill We wonder:  Could a total newcomer to politics and everyday citizen such as Mr. Alvin Greene do a good  job in Congress? Or rather, could he do a better job than the people who are already […] Exclusive: Who Tore Down the Virtual Fence? Michael Cutler The need to secure our nation’s borders has never been greater. Â Each and every day unknown thousands of illegal aliens including, undoubtedly, criminals and terrorists easily make their way across our nations borders. Â Each and every day unknown tons of narcotics and God knows what […] Terrorists crossing AZ border into U.S.? By: Steve Irvin PINAL COUNTY, AZ – On a single day in April, in a special cell block deep inside the Pinal County Jail, nearly 400 inmates sat awaiting trial or extradition after being detained trying to cross the Arizona border from Mexico. Only about half of them […] Police chief: Cartels threaten U.S. law enforcement in Arizona By Nick Valencia, CNN June 21, 2010 7:01 p.m. EDT A fence separates the cities of Nogales, Arizona, (on the left) and Nogales, Sonora Mexico. STORY HIGHLIGHTS (CNN) — In the first public incident of its kind, cartels are making direct death threats to U.S. […]
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE David Horowitz & Jacob Laksin The first installment of a two-part article. The second installment will appear tomorrow. June 21, 2010 4:00 A.M. Obama and the War against Israel If President Obama had been trying to undermine Israel’s security — and ours — he could hardly have done a better job. No […]
Humanitarians at the Gate Editorial of The New York Sun | June 21, 2010 The first thing we thought of when we read of America’s victory in its Supreme Court case against the Humanitarian Law Project is the crisis in respect of Gaza. The case, brought by Attorney General Holder, didn’t involve Israel or […]
Obamnesty First, Security Second? Immigration: The president tells a border state U.S. senator that if we beef up border protection Democrats will lose the bargaining chip for comprehensive immigration reform. Forget national sovereignty — sue Arizona! As the Obama administration prepares to sue the state of Arizona to block its copycat enforcement of federal […] Obama’s Collapsing Base In a single year Obama lost the support of independent voters and liberal Republicans by passing the left’s agenda. And this year, he is well on the way to losing the support of the left for not passing enough of their agenda. Being too left wing for mainstream America, and too […]