What’s Comes after Death of Mideast Peace? Youssef M. Ibrahim It is not easy to belittle Aaron David Miller’s renunciation of what he described as ‘’False Religion of the Mideast Peace’’ in his essay published in Foreign Policy. Framed in impeccable logic with unchallenged knowledge from a man who more than any other […] Wilsonian Internationalism Reborn Posted By Herbert London There is a toxin coruscating through the international body politic that resembles Woodrow Wilson’s commitment to a world order based on global government. Among contemporary Wilsonians like Anne Marie Slaughter [1] and Harold Koh [2] of the State Department, there is a belief that international law and […]
REVIEW & OUTLOOK APRIL 23, 2010 The New Master of Wall Street Obama surveys the financial kingdom that may soon be his. President Obama is a gifted man, but until yesterday we hadn’t known that his achievements include having predicted the financial panic of 2008. It was a “failure of responsibility that I spoke about […]  Finding Dr. Schatz” – The Discovery of Streptomycin and A Life It Saved As part of his doctoral research, Albert Schatz, a twenty-three year-old graduate student at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, diligently worked alone in a basement laboratory to find an antibiotic against tuberculosis. In October of 1943, Schatz discovered […]
OPINION APRIL 23, 2010 Liberals and the Violence Card Conservative protest is motivated by a love of what America stands for By RUSH LIMBAUGH The latest liberal meme is to equate skepticism of the Obama administration with a tendency toward violence. That takes me back 15 years ago to the time President Bill Clinton accused […]
ON HIS WAY WHY DOESN’T HE TAKE LINDSEY GRAHAM WITH HIM?….RSK,_will_you_please_go_now need a Dramamine to cover GOP Sen. John McCain’s re-election bid. With his desperate lurch to the right, he’s inducing more motion sickness than a Disney Land teacup. McCain’s campaign represents the same self-serving political cynicism that American voters have grown tired of […]
AFSI WAS ON TO THESE SCOUNDRELS ALONG TIME AGO AND WE MET ONLY INSULTS FROM THE “ESTABLISHMENT” ORGANIZATIONS “1987, long before the Jewish treason of J Street, Isaac wrote The New (Anti)Jewish Agenda and in 1990, long before the recent flap in Israel over its activities, AFSI published Irving Moskowitz’s The New Israel Fund: A […] WHERE DOES OUR MILLIONAIRE PRESIDENT…(2009 REPORTED INCOME ABOUT FIVE MILLION) INVEST HIS BIG BUCKS? RSK PRUDEN: Fear, loathing on money trail Wesley Pruden OPINION/ANALYSIS: Money is a lot like blood. Blood spilled in the jungle is easy to track. Money spilled in the pursuit of avarice and greed can be easy to follow, too, […] South Park Can’t Stop Sharia Alone The creators of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, get it. They get the free-speech significance of the Danish Muhammad cartoons epitomized by Kurt Westergaard’s bomb-head Muhammad. They even get it across. “It’s so sad, the whole Muhammad, the whole Danish cartoon thing,” said Stone, […]
GOOD FOR VIV FORBES AND WISE AUSTRALIANS…BUT DON’T FOGET WE HAVE A TERRIFIC GROUP HERE IN THE US CALLED CLIMATEDEPOT…AT   Carbon   Sense <>     Opposing pollution of the atmosphere and the mind.      CS 100421      April < “Gambling our Future  on Sunbeams and Sea Breezes† A […]