While the young woman who complained of lurid texts and wandering hands has been suspended without pay, the man she accuses of sexual harassment sails serenely on. He continues to describe himself as head of the IPCC as probers drag their heels and the Western media looks the other way.
Dr Rajendra Pachauri,until this February the world’s top climate bureaucrat, continues to operate at the helm of Delhi think-tank The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI), with no announcement that he has resigned or dismissed. There’s even speculation now that he might make a comeback in some new role at the United Nations.
In February, Pachauri, 75, was hit with a sexual harassment complaint by a 29-year-old TERI analyst, who provided police with more than 5000 incriminating texts stretching back to her first weeks at TERI in 2013. She also alleged he had assaulted her sexually and that, having repeatedly resisted his advances, Pachauri finally removed her from productive work.