Reading Robert Spencer’s PJ Media article of July 1th, “Chattanooga Shooter Marinated in Self-Pity Over ‘Islamophobia,’” and Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs article, “Chattanooga Jihadi’s Anti-American Diary: Wanted to be a Suicide Martyr for Islam” of July 20th, I was struck by the similarities between the empty vessel that was Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez and the average Moonie.
What is a Moonie?
A Moonie is a member of the Unification Church of the United States, a religious or cult-like movement that was imported to the U.S. from South Korea by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012). Here is some background on Moon and his religion.
When he was 15 years old [in 1935], at Easter, he believes that Jesus Christ appeared to him in a vision, charging him with the responsibility of completing the work in the world that Jesus had started. During his adult life he has had trouble with legal authorities, having been arrested for practicing capitalism (a crime in North Korea), charged (but not convicted) in South Korea of other activities, and convicted of tax evasion in the United States. During 1948, the Presbyterian Church of Korea felt that his views were incompatible with traditional Christianity; they excommunicated him.