Jeb Bush wants you to know that he is the ultimate multitasker! He says that he can love his Mexican-born wife, Columba, and control the Mexican border at the same time! I remember how President Clinton “compartmentalized” himself so that while the upper half of him handled affairs of state, the lower half handled affairs with Monica Lewinsky. So I suppose this is possible.
“You can love the Mexican culture, you can love your Mexican-American wife and also believe that we need to control the border,” Bush told the crowd. “This is a bizarre kind of idea that somehow you can have an affection for people in a different country and not think the rule of law should apply.”
Jeb supports the rule of law? He’s got my vote!
He added that he would push to deploy “forward-leaning border control agents” closer to the actual border; use new technologies, including drones, to monitor border traffic …
This is great! Jeb plans to monitor the flow of illegal aliens!