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Barack Obama’s Swamp of Evil: Part I: Edward Cline

I am convinced that Barack Obama’s strategy to swamp America with immigrants Muslim and Mexican was inspired by his watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, which was broadcast between 1987 and 1994. What he likely took away from the series was a plan very similar to that of the Borg. As Jean-Luc Picard, commander of the Enterprise, said of the Borg: “In their collective state, the Borg are utterly without mercy; driven by one will alone: the will to conquer. They are beyond redemption, beyond reason.”

You know what the Borg are, don’t you? That interstellar beehive of conquered worlds, using the enslaved as disposable pawns in that will to power? “Resistance is futile.” Resist, and you die. Submit, and you survive as a numbered cipher in service to the Collective.

That was a good plan, Obama must have thought, while he was “community organizing” in Chicago and teaching – or maligning or mis-teaching with tongue in cheek – constitutional law at the University of Chicago, as a “visiting fellow.” He was going to “fix” this country. It was too “white.” Too beholden to the “flawed” Constitution. Too European. He had a plan to swamp the country with Muslims and Mexicans, that is, with any real Mexicans or Central Americans passing through Mexico to enter the U.S.

As long as the “immigrants” were brown or black or fifty shades of gray between those hues, it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter if they wore burqas or niqabs or baseball caps or Pancho Villa hoodies, one and all were welcome to come and overwhelm Honky. He certainly wasn’t going to encourage and enable the invasion of the U.S. by white Europeans who wished to flee their looting welfare states, as I’m sure many want to. Use the Muslims and Mexicans as one would use salt and sand on icy roads. Salt will break up the ice, sand will give traction. After all, grains of salt or sand have no individual identities. Being Muslims, Mexicans, and assorted varieties of manqués and ciphers in between those hues, their “selves” are inextricably linked to the tribe, the Umma, the Cube, the race, La Raza. You don’t give them dirty looks or they’ll hit you.

Who is Responsible for the Atrocities in the Muslim World? by Uzay Bulut

If colonialism were the main problem, Muslims, too, still are, colonizers — and not particularly “humanitarian” ones, at that.

Islamic jihad and Islamic violence; the sanctioning of sex slavery; dehumanization of women; hatred and persecution of non-Muslims have been commonplace in the Islamic world ever since the inception of the religion. Deny everything and blame “the infidel.”

But is it America that tells these men to treat their wives or sisters as less than fully human? If we want to criticize the West for what is going on in the Muslim world, we should criticize it for not doing more to stop these atrocities.

The U.N.’s Gaza Report Is Flawed and Dangerous By Richard Kemp

Richard Kemp, a retired British Army colonel, is former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan.

As a British officer who had more than his share of fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Balkans, it pains me greatly to see words and actions from the United Nations that can only provoke further violence and loss of life. The United Nations Human Rights Council report on last summer’s conflict in Gaza, prepared by Judge Mary McGowan Davis, and published on Monday, will do just that.

The report starts by attributing responsibility for the conflict to Israel’s “protracted occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip,” as well as the blockade of Gaza. Israel withdrew from Gaza 10 years ago. In 2007 it imposed a selective blockade only in response to attacks by Hamas and the import of munitions and military matériel from Iran. The conflict last summer, which began with a dramatic escalation in rocket attacks targeting Israeli civilians, was a continuation of Hamas’s war of aggression.

Where’s the Pope’s Encyclical on Christian Persecution? By Raymond Ibrahim

Pope Francis recently released a new encyclical. Portions of it deal with environmentalism, global warming, and climate change. Naturally, this has prompted controversy.

It’s noteworthy that Francis didn’t merely opine on global warming during this or that sermon, but that he issued a papal encyclical on the matter. Encyclicals are much more formal and significant that passing comments made during mass. They are letters written by a pope and sent to bishops all around the world. In turn, the bishops are meant to disseminate the encyclical’s ideas to all the priests and churches in their jurisdiction, so that the pope’s teaching reaches every church-attending Catholic.

All this leads to the following question: Where is Pope Francis’ encyclical concerning the rampant persecution that Christians—including many Catholics—are experiencing around the world in general, the Islamic world in particular?

ASU Spent $500,000 to Host Clinton Conference Other Universities Hosted for Free By Julia Porterfield

Since 2008, the Clinton Global Initiative University, an entity of the Clinton Foundation, has hosted an annual conference at one lucky college or university in the United States. Several of the host schools in recent years have held the conference without spending a dime, but the host of CGI University’s 2014 conference, Arizona State University, wasn’t quite so lucky — the college shelled out a costly $500,000 in “marketing expenses” for the event.

According to The College Fix, the price tag for the University hosting the annual conference has varied in the past. In 2009, the University of Texas at Austin hosted CGI University, and paid production costs up front before the student government requested and received reimbursement from the organization for the full $28,851.15 UT had spent.

Man Decapitated in Islamist Attack in France

Beheading And Blast Reported At French Factory Attackers reportedly carrying Islamist flags are said to have rammed a car into the building, setting off an explosion.

A man has been decapitated by attackers brandishing Islamist flags at a French factory near Grenoble, according to officials.

The severed head had Arabic writing scrawled across it and was found on a fence next to two jihadi banners, a French official said.

Several other people are reported to have been hurt in explosions at the factory.

Politicians Call for Machete Control After New York City Machete Attack By Daniel Greenfield

Back when we were still sensible about crime, before even Republicans started spouting nonsense about banning the death penalty, legalizing drug dealing and freeing all the criminals, Frederick Young would have been considered scum that should have been locked away with the key thrown away. He’s the walking case for three strikes laws.

These days though the narrative is dominated by professional social justice warriors screeching about the prison pipeline and the City Council speaker wants the taxpayers to put up bail for indigent criminals.

And so this is just another blip on the big radar screen of the city as it descends back to the terrible 70s. For all the millenials who weren’t around then. Here’s what it was like. Try not to get macheted [2]. If you do, check your privilege.

Sook Yeong Im, who is visiting from South Korea, had just finished a yoga class on the lawn and was looking for a place to sit around 11:30 a.m. when career criminal Frederick Young, 43, followed her with the blade in a plastic bag.

Young — who has at least two dozen prior arrests, including a 2010 machete attack — hacked at the victim’s arm several times as she screamed.

Charleston & Har Nof: A Lesson in Contrasting Societies By Ari Lieberman

While Americans grieve the murder of nine in a church, Palestinians cheer the slaughter of five in a synagogue.

Most Americans, at least the sane ones, recoiled in horror upon hearing the news of the Emanuel AME church shooting in Charleston that claimed the lives of nine including six women. Some prayed while others were glued to their screens in an effort to glean whatever information they could about the innocent victims and the deranged gunman.

The victims were simply attending bible study and sitting among them, for at least 45 minutes, was the gunman who gave his victims no hint of his pernicious agenda. No one knows precisely why he sat there so patiently among those he would soon be murdering, and quite frankly, it makes no difference.

Dylann Roof was a racist. He cold-bloodedly murdered nine people whose sole “crime” was the color of their skin. It made no difference that they were God-fearing people with families. To Roof, they were people who possessed a different skin color than his and that constituted sufficient justification.

SCOTUS Rewrites ObamaCare to Save It By Arnold Ahlert

One might think a 2700-page [2], largely unread [3] healthcare bill passed solely [4] by Democrats that remains as unpopular as ever [5] might chasten the president who championed it. Especially when that effort was based on a litany of lies [6], one of which earned Obama Politifact’s 2013 Lie of the Year [7] award. Yet as FactCheck.org [8] has documented [7], the president remains determined to double down on his continuing effort to deceive the American public. And sad to say, yesterday morning the Supreme Court rewarded the administration for its mendacity. In a 6-3 ruling, SCOTUS upheld [9] the Obama administration’s unilateral decision to provide insurance subsidies on healthcare exchanges in every state, despite wording in the original bill limiting such subsidies to exchanges “established by the state.”

Gina McCarthy and Obama’s Totalitarians By Jamie Glazov

Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov disappeared from public view in early May, 1984 after he had begun a hunger strike to get permission for his wife, Yelena Bonner, to travel to the U.S. for heart surgery. In the Soviet paradise, wanting one’s anti-Soviet wife to live, and, worse still, to be saved by evil capitalist surgeons and not by the holy surgeons of the Soviet utopia, was, clearly, an exercise in abnormal psychology.

Sakharov was undoubtedly “mentally ill.” No wonder, therefore, that Soviet authorities forcibly confined him in a closed ward of the Semashko Hospital in Gorky, where he was force-fed and given drugs to alter his state of mind. This is how Soviet authorities believed they would get the Soviet dissident to not only stop caring about his wife, but to also make a public recantation about his abnormal anti-Soviet views – a gambit in which they ultimately failed.