Ruthie Blum is the web editor of Voice of Israel talk radio (
The United Nations Human Rights Council report on last summer’s war in Gaza was released Monday. In anticipation of the report, whose findings were a foregone conclusion, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicated that Israel would not bear the brunt of yet another unjust assault on its character and behavior in the face of barbarism.
His sentiments were drowned out, however, by the cacophony of cheers from much of the media and most of the nongovernmental organizations whose testimony to the UNHRC provided canon fodder against Israel.
It’s an old story with a predictable punch line: Israel is no better than Hamas and other “armed groups” in Gaza. But it has less of an excuse than Palestinian terrorists to engage in military action, since the only reason that it incurs rocket and mortar attacks is that it is an occupying power, which denies innocent Palestinians basic human rights protected by all kinds of international conventions.