Yesterday I had the honor of listening to a speech by Geert Wilders. It was at a private luncheon, venue and the text of his speech are off the record and I’ll respect that. There is no wiser, more prophetic, more courageous, more articulate, more knowledgeable and more convincing person on the international and political scene today. He is today’s Winston Churchill warning Western civilization of the threat of radical Islam…essentially what Norman Podhoretz has called “World War Four.”
There is an old saying “Give ’em enough rope, and they’ll hang themselves.” Today it should be “Give’em enough ROP (Religion of Peace) and they’ll hang themselves.”
All these efforts to air-brush terrorism and jihad with fatuous excuses and claims that they are not driven by faith or the Koran are leaving us ever more vulnerable. Garland, Texas where Wilders spoke at Pamela Geller’s event is the latest example in a concatenation of Jihadist rhetoric and murders right here in the United States. Where is our legislator with the guts to state this?
Bless Geert Wilders and keep him safe.