“Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse upon the Jews. Victory to Islam. Allahu Akbar,” the worshipers recited en masse. Then a terrorist roaming among the mosque’s patrons detonated himself…
Don’t you hate it when you’re raining down death-curses on people hither and yon, and then some guy blows you up? In this case, the pro-Houthi Shia victims were killed by a pro-ISIS Sunni terrorist. Some 140 dead, over 350 injured.
This was in Yemen, one of those Obama success stories he was bragging about only six months ago:
This weekend the last US forces in the country hot-tailed it outta there, leaving half-a-billion bucks’ worth of state-of-the-art weaponry in the hands of the blood-soaked loons.
Who do you side with in the ISIS/Iran Sunni/Shia split? Back when Michael E Mann, PhD (Doctor of Phraudology) first decided to sue me, I had a conference call with a bigshot DC lawyer auditioning for my business. Not stinting on the braggadocio, he began the conversation with: “So. Do you wanna win fast? Or do you wanna win slow?”
That’s the choice Iran and ISIS are offering the west: Do you wanna lose fast? Or do you wanna lose slow? The mullahs are happy to nuke us; the Islamic State reckon it’s more fun to behead us one by one.
~So how’s that Iranian nuclear deal coming along? First, John Kerry: