Slow But Certain Integration in Israel.There’s more promise for improved Arab-Israeli relations than you think.
Weeks of devastating warfare and extremist rhetoric that began after the murders of Israeli and Palestinian boys have prompted many to ask if Israelis and Palestinians can ever get along. Skeptics aside, the answer is yes. Right in front of our eyes, we see how 1.7 million Israeli Arabs and more than 6 million Israeli Jews live in peace, because of how Israeli Arabs have been integrated into the economic, if not social, life of Israel.
Certainly, the decades after Israeli statehood were difficult and military rule over Arab communities lasted into the 1960s. But, over time, Israeli Arabs have come to believe that the Israeli government is serving their interests. They are increasingly seeing themselves as Israeli citizens, not as Palestinian outsiders. Affirmative action policies have significantly increased the number of Arabs employed in government agencies. The educational performance of Arab students has improved significantly as well, leading to a substantial increase in enrollment in Israeli universities. More Arab women are employed in professional careers, and Arabs with high-tech training have transformed Nazareth into a hub where numerous national and international companies run production development sites.