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How delightful would it be if the “poster boy” for the GOP were a Democrat? It would give them hives.

How about Harry Truman, the accidental president who faced an incredible challenge when Franklin Delano Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, almost seventy years ago as the end of World War 2 was in sight? As Eleanor Roosevelt said to Harry Truman on delivering the news that her husband had died: ” Is there anything we can do for you? You are the one in trouble now.”Without benefit of a college degree Harry Truman rose to every challenge before him.

His obituary in The New York Times: “Harry Truman- Decisive President”(http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/0508.html) said the following:

For Truman, a hitherto minor national figure with a pedestrian background as a Senator from Missouri, the awesome moment came without his having intimate knowledge of the nation’s tremendously intricate war and foreign policies. These he had to become acquainted with and to deal with instantly, for on him alone, a former haberdasher and politician of unspectacular scale, devolved the Executive power of one of the world’s mightiest nations.”But now the lightning had struck, and events beyond anyone’s control had taken command,” Truman wrote later.These events, over which he presided and on which he placed his indelible imprint, were among the most momentous in national and world history, for they took place in the shadow and the hope of the Atomic Age, whose beginning coincided with Truman’s accession. And during his eight years in office, the outlines of the cold war were fashioned.In war-ravaged Europe in those years, Truman and the United States established peace and held back Soviet expansion and built economic and political stability through the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In the Mideast he recognized the State of Israel. In the Far East the President imposed peace and constitutional democracy on the Japanese enemy, tried valiantly to save China from Communism and chose to wage war in Korea to halt aggression. In the United States, Truman led the nation’s conversion from war to peace, while maintaining a stable and prosperous economy.”

Now that sounds like the perfect role model to me…..rsk

ISIS Sets Sights on the Mediterranean by Peter Martino

The failed state of Libya has become easy prey for ISIS. The terrorist organization has announced that it is planning to use Libya as a gateway to Europe.

From Sabratha and Sirte, ISIS is able to launch attacks on Italy and Malta.

There is also the threat of attacks on maritime targets, such as cruise liners on the Mediterranean.

The Office of Migration in Rome confirms that there could be as many as half a million people in camps waiting to come to Italy.

Last week, Toto Martello, a spokesman for the fishermen of the Italian island of Lampedusa, sounded the alarm. “The Mediterranean is becoming the world’s powder keg,” he said. He demanded that the Italian government declare a state of emergency in Lampedusa and Linosa, two islands halfway between Italy and Libya. “We are frightened of our boats being boarded by terrorists,” Martello said.


“British Mandate Part 4: Illegal Immigration” is now available. You can see it directly via the following link:


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“British Mandate Part 4: Illegal Immigration” describes the desperate efforts of Jews to reach Palestine even as the British cruelly bar the country’s gates. Indeed, the first two people killed by the British on the opening day of World War II are not Nazis, but two Jews aboard the SS Tiger Hill.

We are now a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible. Help us reach our goals by donating to Zionism 101. Please visit: http://zionism101.org/donate.aspx

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We welcome questions and comments.David Isaac
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Reform Judaism: A Betrayal of Israel? — on The Glazov Gang


This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Aaron Shuster (Writer/Producer), Ari David (Host, The Ari David Show Podcast) and Barak Lurie (Host, Barak Lurie Show).

The guests gathered to discuss Reform Judaism: A Betrayal of Israel?, pondering what is Jewish about Jews who supports Israel’s enemies. The discussion occurred within a focus on Reform Judaism: Is It a Bad Thing?

(The dialogue was an extension of last week’s show, The Psychology of Left-Wing Jews.)


When a large number of foreign-policy experts—both Republicans and Democrats—falsely attribute many of the world’s ills to the Jewish state, they are channeling an ancient hatred. The time has come to say so.
Schizophrenia is a much-abused metaphor. Those of us who have ever cared about someone who suffers from the illness have a hard time with all those pundits who get it wrong, confusing it with split-personality disorder, and then applying it metaphorically to anybody who carries two contradictory thoughts.

But knowing about the disease can still be helpful in talking about politics—giving us a much better metaphor to describe the conversation about Israel taking place in Washington today.

Schizophrenics suffer not from multiple personalities, but from an inability to tell the difference between things they encounter or imagine on the one hand and reality on the other. It’s been described as a kind of filtering problem: If they overhear someone on television saying, “the court awarded me $5 million,” a schizophrenic may easily believe she is owed that money and say so repeatedly for years. Schizophrenics also suffer from all manner of delusions, believing things happened that never did. And if they are also paranoid, they will try to convince you that secretive people and forces are conspiring to hurt them.

DHS Law Enforcement Officers Or Presidential Edict Enforcement Officers? Posted By Michael Cutler

Our immigration laws and our borders are America’s first and last line of defense against international terrorists, transnational criminals and other foreign nationals whose presence in the United States would undermine national security, public safety and the overall well-being of America and Americans.

Yet the president has decided that the political component of this issue justifies his issuing edicts that contradict current laws. He has also apparently decided to “double down” when, during an interview on MSNBC made it clear that any Border Patrol agent or any ICE agent who attempts to enforce the immigration laws that contradict his illegal edicts would face serious consequences. This is a not-so veiled threat. Once again we find that we live in a thugocracy (sic).

The ISIS Beheader Is the Victim Posted By Daniel Greenfield

After watching Jihadi John saw through so many human necks in the name of Allah, we now know his name and his name is “Victim”.

Sure Mohammed Emwazi, aka Jihadi John, may be a brutal killer, but he was actually a “gentle, kind … beautiful young man” who was “radicalized by Britain.” If the brutal monster was extreme about anything, it was being “extremely kind”.

That’s according to Asim Qureshi of CAGE, one of those groups campaigning against Islamophobia and efforts by the beleaguered British to prevent further kind and gentle beheadings.

Asim is another of those extremely kind Muslim men who might be extremely kind or kind of extreme depending on your perspective.

He was caught on video saying, ”When we see the example of our brothers and sisters fighting in Chechyna, Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan, then we know where the example lies. When we see Hezbollah defeating the armies of Israel we know what the solution is and where the victory lies.”

“We know that it is incumbent upon all of us to support the jihad of our brothers and sisters in these countries when they are facing the oppression of the west. Allahu akbar!”

CAGE claims that criticism of Boko Haram, currently using little girls as suicide bombers in a quest to wipe out the Christians of Nigeria, is about “demonizing Islam”.

John McLean: Warmism’s First Casualty: Integrity

Despite acknowledged flaws in computer models and global temperatures’ prolonged plateau, three august Australian bodies have issued reports insisting that the climate-change “crisis” is real, bad and getting worse. Have they no shame?

Many things are said to be threatened by climate change — species, coastlines, farming and so on. Few, if any, have actually witnessed a deleterious impact, save perhaps the most important of all: integrity.

Gone are apolitical scientists who once told the whole story. In their place are activists who distort, omit crucial facts, cherry-pick and torment data contrary to common science ethics. I was initially prepared to write it off as incompetence, but we’ve seen so much of it, time and time again, not to grasp that some darker influence must be at work. The Climategate emails pulled back the curtain on a cabal of scientists who “hide the decline”; select a small subset of, in one infamous instance, tree ring-data that supports their claim while ignoring a broader base of survey findings; conspire to have scientific journals’ editors sacked, and discuss how to stall and stymie perfectly legal Freedom of Information requests. As those emails showed, the climate cabal even expressed joy over the death of a persistent critic.

The Lessons of Culture, Benjamin Netanyahu Edition By Roger Kimball

The rancid Pelosi-Reid contingent of the Democratic Party won’t even listen to what Israel’s prime minister has to say.
Here we are, on the eve of Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to both houses of the United States Congress. The Obama administration is acting like a petulant twelve year old [1] — how dare the prime minister of Israel come to the United States and speak before Congress when he wasn’t invited by us? — and the rancid Pelosi-Reid contingent of the Democratic Party has promised to take their marbles and go home: they won’t even listen [2] to what he has to say.

The ostensible issue is Iran, with which the Obama administration is currently capitula– er, negotiating. The presence of a Jew, and a Jew from Israel, in the nation’s capital (and Capitol) is sure to offend the mullahs in Tehran, and it might just upset the delicate diplomacy by which Obama privately assures that Iran gets nuclear weapons while publicly pretending to prevent that eventuality.

Back in 2001, when Barack Obama was in the Illinois state Senate and still battening on the wisdom of the “Reverend” Jeremiah (“God-Damn America”) Wright [3], Netanyahu was more forthright, and more percipient, than most politicians about the Islamic terrorist attacks of 9/11.


Menendez Pulls No Punches: Takes Shots at Rice, ‘Political Friends,’ Nuclear ‘Mothballing’

The Democratic author of Iran sanctions measures that have drawn ire from the Obama administration took aim at his critics and embraced his allies in a passionate address before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), the ranking member on the Foreign Relations Committee, also took a dig at National Security Advisor Susan Rice as he rallied the conference crowd in the speaking slot after the administration official.

“I take issue with those who say the prime minister’s visit to the United States is ‘destructive’ to U.S.-Israel relations,” Menendez said. Rice made such comments in an interview with PBS aired last week.