Our political discourse, national and international, is filled with total dishonesty and it is time we called them on it.
For Iran and the 5+1 does not take a year and a half. If Iran was not working on nuclear weapons, they would reach an agreement in a month and would allow inspectors to go anywhere they want. They do neither; So it is only reasonable and the safe thing to believe that they are working on nuclear weapons. For the Obama administration to keep giving Iran more time only leads to the conclusion that the Administration expects them to have nuclear weapons and is willing to delay them , not stop them.
The Administration is proposing a 10 year agreement. How convenient for Iran. What is being proposed is a Hudna. To agree to a Hudna is to tell them that we won’t attack them and they won’t attack us for 10 years unless the Iranians feel strong enough to attack us. It they have nukes, they will feel strong enough to wage nuclear war.. President Obama went to a madrasa as a youngster. There is no reason to believe that he does not know what a Hudna is and what danger it poses to us.
The Administration does not condemn Muslim violence and genocide against non-Muslims, or Muslims of another sect. However, if a non-Muslim attacks a Muslim it is roundly condemned by the Administration. A case in point is the Hamas war of 2014. Israel attacked a UNWRA school used to store Hamas rockets and/or launch rockets against Israel. Israel is condemned for the attack while Hamas and UNWRA are not attacked for their actions.
Geneva Convention IV
Article 28 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV provides: “The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations.”
Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, Geneva, 12 August 1949, Article 28.