A version of this column will be posted Monday, Nov. 17, 2014, on the website http://yeoldecrabb.com/
The Chinese Riddle
A servile media has again misrepresented the important if unproductive Asian tour of Pres. Barack Hussein Obama, most importantly the promised engagement with China which failed to materialize.
The ballyhooed U.S.-China climate change agreement, appealing to the fashionable, signed between the U.S and China was much less than meets the eye. It committed America until it gets to a Congress which will have a different sense to a rigorous cutback in industrial carbon emissions to be achieved at the price of economic growth and jobs.
It couldnt be more bogus. Beijing, by far the worlds greatest polluter and not only through carbon emissions but through poisoning of its arable land and most of its water, only formally signed on for something ambiguous down the road. Worse still, as Japanese and South Korean consumers have found and those Walmart customers may one day learn too at their peril — it exports its poisons through cheaper processed foods.
Recent history is littered with the evidence of failures of the Chinese Communist adherence to international agreements it has signed. Ironically, many of them were pushed through international forums by Washington administrations, both Republican and Democrat, anxious to bring a rising China into the world family. For example, none of Chinas promises have been fulfilled after the U.S. shoehorned it against considerable opposition into the World Trade Organization with all its benefits.
As previous administrations, most notably the two Bush II terms, Washington did not take on Chinas manipulation of its currency and its subsidized exports which have disemboweled American manufacturing. That Chinese thrust had to be met at the same time U.S. industry was trying to cope with the digital revolution, with its enormous increases in productivity but an absence of low and medium-skilled job creation.