District 16
Jim Costa (D) Incumbent **
HEALTHCARE Support and Strengthen The Affordable Care Act- Provisions Listed
Our Valley is an energy rich region, supplying the state with power from oil, gas, and renewable sources like hydropower, biomass, wind, and solar. This vital sector of our economy is a job creator in our communities and a key player in reducing our nation’s dependence on foreign sources of energy.
For these reasons, I took the lead on this issue with a bipartisan group of legislators in the 112th Congress in introducing the Infrastructure Jobs and Energy Independence Act. Unlike the “cap and trade” bill which I opposed and voted against, this bill outlines a practical, responsible energy plan for America that would further develop domestic energy production of traditional oil and gas, provide a funding stream to clean up the environment and fully develop clean energy technologies. Supports KeystoneXL without limiting amendments.
Johnny Tacherra (R) Challenger Farmer, businessman, second attempt – candidate ran for this office in 2012
HEALTHCARE Jim Costa must be held responsible for the failure of ObamaCare as the Congressman who cast the deciding vote against the wishes of the Central Valley’s residents. Poor planning and implementation of ObamaCare is costing millions of Americans their health insurance, raising rates and costing jobs.
IMMIGRATION I fully support policies that will keep families together and secure our border but amnesty for millions is not a solution and will cost trillions of dollars. There must be incremental reform that recognizes we are a beacon of freedom for people savaged by repression (Cambodia and Cuba come to mind), not just difficult economic circumstances. Blanket amnesty is a solution that will only create more problems on health care and social service costs, and punish those who have played by the rules and obeyed the law.
FARM BILL Congressman Jim Costa failed on ObamaCare and now you can add the farm bill to that. By playing Pelosi-partisan politics, Costa didn’t get the job done yet again. I support reducing the SNAP program expenditures and reducing what has become a huge bureaucracy at the USDA to get it back to what its mission should be: ensuring the future of our food supply and expanding our farm economy throughout the world by opening doors to new markets around the globe.