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The Times, They Aren’t Never A-Changin’


Sunday, its largest circulation day of the week, the New York Times ran a lengthy, triple-bylined story intended to stir up fear and anger over the Trump White House’s climate policy. It was no example of civically minded journalism, just another propaganda piece to fuel the global warming tale.

Right from the top, the reporters tell readers that President Donald Trump “has severely damaged the government’s ability to fight climate change, upending American environmental policy with moves that could have lasting implications for the country, and the planet.”

“Could?” That’s what the entire global warming scare is built on, coulds and maybes and possiblies.

Yet the reporters screech that “Mr. Trump has gutted federal climate efforts, rolled back regulations aimed at limiting pollution and given a major boost to the fossil fuel industry.” Let’s not confuse carbon dioxide with pollution, which the alarmists continually do. Just because the federal government has classified CO2 as a “threat to human health and welfare,” that doesn’t mean that it is. As every school kid knows, it’s essential to life.

Naturally we can’t have any boosting of the fossil fuel industry, since it merely provides the cornerstone of modernity and there’s nothing in line, no, not even renewables, to replace it.

At this point, just two paragraphs in, it’s clear this story is no piece of journalism. It’s agitprop for green nonsense and the Democratic Party’s agenda to run the economy from Washington and blue-state capitals.

The Donks’ Press Agents Are Panicking As more portents of doom appear. Bruce Thornton


Last week more portents of doom appeared for the Dems’ mouthpieces. The Washington Post’s owner Jeff Bezos, once a center-left stalwart, announced a radical shift in the paper’s editorial orientation. Going forward, commentary will now defend two pillars: “personal liberties and free markets.” Adding insult to injury, Bezos also said that “viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others.”

We knew Bezos was wobbly before the election when he didn’t endorse a presidential candidate, exercising Falstaffian discretion rather than endorsing Trump. But this shift to the right burns a bridge for the progressives, whose hatred of Donald Trump is all-consuming and absolute.

Another bad sign for progs, though not as certain as Bezos’ decision, regards the Associated Press’s failure to secure a court order that halts Trump’s banishment of the wire service from the White House, the Oval Office, and Air Force One, for thumbing its nose at Trump’s renaming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. And, according to The Wall Street Journal, the banishment was also for “more substantial complaints about bias and dishonesty in the influential AP Stylebook.”

Again, the outcome is uncertain for now, but a win for common sense and good journalism is still possible depending on the hearing on March 20. But the AP’s hubris––demanding special consideration as though it is entitled to ignore the Constitution’s separation of powers, and colonize the executive power’s proprietary space––needs some comeuppance, especially since the media’s endemic arrogance and self-regard are contributors to its excessive partisanship and haughty pretensions to superior intelligence and righteousness.

How the Media Killed Itself By the end of the decade, the media may no longer exist. by Daniel Greenfield


Over the last twenty years, the media, an institution that had defined American politics in the twentieth century, began a decline that has wiped out its influence, its finances and its future.

Ask anyone in the media what happened and they will blame the internet, social media, disinformation, echo chambers and other tired buzzwords directing the fault elsewhere.

The reality is that the media killed itself.

The media lost its influence because it believed so much in that influence that it became convinced that it was no longer subject to the gravity of public opinion, but defined public opinion, at exactly the time when its future was most at risk and its influence was most in doubt.

It wasn’t the internet, but the media’s reaction to it that put it on its current pathway to oblivion. Rather than responding to the increasing competition resulting from a low barrier to entry by maximizing its appeal, the media radicalized until it could only appeal to niche audiences.

The media complains about echo chambers and disinformation, but it chose to become a very expensive echo chamber filled with disinformation appealing to a shrinking audience. Now it’s struggling to compete with much cheaper echo chambers filled with disinformation.

When faced with this reality, the media insisted that it had an entitlement to monopolize the market and demanded that Google, Facebook and other major monopolies subsidize its content and suppress the content of its competitors because it was in the ‘public interest’. The media’s rent seeking did not save it, it only slowed the rate of decline until it became irreversible.

American Public’s Trust in Mainstream Media Hits 50-Year Low: Poll By Eric Lendrum


A new survey from Gallup revealed that the American people’s trust in the mainstream media has reached the “lowest point” in over 50 years.

As reported by Breitbart, Gallup had asked the public about their trust in mass media dating as far back as 1972. At that time, 68% of Americans said they either had a “great deal” or “fair” amount of trust in the media, with that number rising slightly to 69% in 1974. It then reached a record high of 72% in 1976.

Since 2000, that number has plummeted to remain consistently below 50%, with just 51% saying they trusted the media in the year 2000; the number then fell to 44% in 2004 before rising slightly to 45% in 2018. In every subsequent poll, the number has dropped further and further, with the most recent poll showing just 31% saying they trusted the media in 2024.

Gallup noticed that a major contributor to the decrease in trust came in the form of Republican voters, who overwhelmingly distrust the media compared to independents and Democrats.

“Whereas about a third of U.S. adults say they have no trust at all in the mass media, 59% of Republicans hold this view — a view that saw a particularly sharp increase between 2015 and 2017, when it rose 21 percentage points to 48%,” the report notes. “Republicans’ lack of trust in the media topped 50% for the first time in 2020 and has since remained at the majority level.”

“Lack of trust is also up sharply among independents, now 42%, while it continues to be low — 6% this year — among Democrats,” the survey’s summary added.


German Soccer Player’s Child Bites Referee’s Crotch Forcing the Game to Be Canceled

A recent soccer match in Germany was postponed after an unfortunate injury to a referee.

According to the Latin Times, Rheinische Post, and National World, the incident occurred just before the match between FC Taxi Duisburg II and FC Rot-Weiss Mülheim began on Sunday, Feb. 23.

Referee Stefan Kahler was reportedly conducting his routine pre-game checks of the players’ passports when a “small child” who was on the field “doing gymnastics” gave him a “sharp” bite on his left testicle.

The young child was later identified as the son of a player on the Taxi Duisburg football team.

Related: Golfer Billy Horschel Fends Off Wayward Alligator with Club at Tournament

Kahler’s injury was so painful that he “buckled over” in pain, per the reports, and he was unable to perform his scheduled duties as referee.

Tapped Out Tapper Steven Hayward


“I predict one common theme from this and all the other forthcoming books about the 2020 election and the run-up to it: they will all absolve the media of any blame. Who covered it up? I thought exposing cover-ups is what the media is all about ever since Watergate. Biden’s “deception,” as it is termed here, would never have succeeded without a compliant media.Would this be the same Jake Tapper who scorned any mention of Biden’s obvious decrepitude, claiming that Biden’s stumbles were because of his “stutter”?

So CNN’s Jake Tapper and co-author Alex Thompson of Axios and CNN have announced May 20 as the publication date for their book Original Sin: President Biden’s Decline, Its Cover-Up, and his Disastrous Choice to Run Again.

My hunch is that they are still writing the book, but want to pre-empt the field of journalists feverishly cranking out similar “inside stories” of Biden’s disaster right now.

Let’s have a look at the pre-publication description:

Joe Biden launched his successful 2020 bid for the White House with the stated goal of saving the nation from a second Trump presidential term. He, his family, and his senior aides were so convinced that only he could beat Trump again, they lied to themselves, allies, and the public about his condition and limitations. At his debate with Trump on June 27, 2024, the consequences of that deception were exposed to the world. It was shocking and upsetting.

Now the full, unsettling truth is being told for the first time. Jake Tapper and Alex Thompson take us behind closed doors and into private conversations between the heaviest of hitters, revealing how big the problem was and how many people knew about it. From White House staffers at the highest to lowest levels, to leaders of Congress and the Cabinet, from governors to donors and Hollywood players, the truth is finally being told. What you will learn makes President Biden’s decision to run for reelection seem shockingly narcissistic, self-delusional, and reckless—a desperate bet that went bust—and part of a larger act of extended public deception that has few precedents. The story the authors tell raises fundamental issues of accountability and responsibility that will continue for decades.

CNN’s Jake Tapper Faces Backlash Over New Book ‘Exposing’ Coverup of Joe Biden’s Mental Decline By Debra Heine


A new book purporting to expose the cover-up of Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, co-authored by CNN anchor Jake Tapper and Axios reporter Alex Thompson, has conservative critics fuming with exasperation.

While Thompson was one of the few legacy media journalists who questioned Biden’s mental acuity well before his disastrous debate, Tapper ignored the elephant in the room for years, and even insisted in 2020 that Biden’s chronic incoherence was just a “stutter.”

The pair, according to CNN, was inspired to write “Original Sin: President Biden’s Decline, Its Cover-up, and His Disastrous Choice to Run Again,” the day after Donald Trump won the 2024 election.

But even before the 2020 election, it was obvious that Biden was struggling cognitively on the campaign trail. It became clearer by the day post election, even as White House staffers limited and strictly choreographed his media appearances.

The media, including CNN, was largely complicit in the fraud throughout Biden’s term.

Now, CNN reports, the “deeply sourced” Tapper and Thompson can report that there was indeed a “cover-up” of Joe Biden’s “serious decline.”

The book’s publisher, Penguin Press, announced the book on Wednesday, saying: “What you will learn makes President Biden’s decision to run for reelection seem shockingly narcissistic, self-delusional, and reckless — a desperate bet that went bust — and part of a larger act of extended public deception that has few precedents.”

Biden, “his family, and his senior aides were so convinced that only he could beat Trump again, they lied to themselves, allies, and the public about his condition and limitations,” the press release added.

Did Jeff Bezos Just Kill Karl Marx On K Street?


Amazon founder and owner of the Washington Post Jeff Bezos announced Wednesday that change is coming to the paper’s opinion pages. Going forward, they will be supporting and defending the “two pillars” that are “right for America,” “personal liberties and free markets.” It was helpful for those who oppose the change to identify themselves as enemies of personal liberties and free markets.

Bezos also said that “viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others.”

“A big part of America’s success has been freedom in the economic realm and everywhere else. Freedom is ethical — it minimizes coercion — and practical — it drives creativity, invention, and prosperity. … I’m confident that free markets and personal liberties are right for America. I also believe these viewpoints are underserved in the current market of ideas and news opinion.”

“Congratulations on becoming Reason Magazine!” Liz Wolfe, a Reason staffer tweeted in response.

Other reactions were not so kind. In fact, to a casual observer, it might seem as if Bezos had committed a felony by assaulting someone or had shot and killed Karl Marx, whose hostility to personal liberties and free markets has produced quite a few spiritual grandchildren and great-grandchildren who hold prominent places in American society.

There were of course the crude reactions from the crude people who believe the country is theirs to run.

Keith Olbermann, who used to be someone some time ago, before he came off of his hinges, said “the self-defenestrating” Washington Post is “somehow climbing back up the stairwell and throwing itself out another window while Bezos fires the opinion section and declares the paper utterly fascist.”

Get that? Personal liberties and free markets are “utterly fascist.” It takes a truly twisted person to reach that conclusion.

MSNBC Cancels Joy Reid’s Show in Programming Shakeup By Haley Strack


MSNBC will cancel host Joy Reid’s show, The ReidOut, this week. The show has aired in the 7 p.m. timeslot on the network since July 2020.

The move was initiated by MSNBC’s new president, Rebecca Kutler, the New York Times reported on Sunday. Reid’s last show will be sometime this week. Reid’s 7 p.m. slot will now be filled with commentary from the current co-hosts of MSNBC’s weekend morning show, The Weekend, Symone Sanders Townsend, Michael Steele, and Alicia Menendez.

The network’s decision comes after years of Reid’s peddling far-left narratives involving identity politics and progressive ideologies. Recent Nielsen Media Research data showed that after Donald Trump won the presidency, between November and December, Reid’s show lost almost half of its viewers. MSNBC experienced a 53 percent decrease in primetime viewership after the election.

Reid has used her platform over the past many years to show disdain for Trump and Republican supporters. In an infamous Thanksgiving special last year, Reid vindicated liberals who might not want to share their holiday table with conservatives: “Make your own dinner, MAGA,” she said.

“You right-wingers shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences of your votes? ‘You don’t want to be around me because I voted for fascism. No fair. I am coughing on you with COVID, but you want me to wear a mask for your safety? No fair. My body, my choice.’ Well, here’s an alternative thought — make your own dinner, MAGA. Make your own sandwiches, wipe your own tears, troll amongst yourselves with Elon, and leave us alone,” she said.

Reid also bashed Latinos who supported Trump in November’s election, saying last year that pro-Trump Latino voters “own everything” that happens to their families.

During Trump’s inauguration, Reid criticized Trump’s expansionist mindset as “manifest destiny,” which she described as “one of the most racist concepts in the history of America.” She also made remarks about the appearance of billionaire tech CEOs Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, and Elon Musk.

‘Fact-checking was a sham industry’ Robby Soave on why we should welcome the demise of the misinformation ‘experts’.


One of Donald Trump’s first executive orders promises to bring an end to the American government’s censorship of social media. Although the First Amendment forbids the state from censoring citizens’ speech, federal agencies would previously get around this by pressuring the tech platforms to censor content on their behalf. Entire topics, such as the Covid lab-leak theory or the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, were branded ‘misinformation’ by the state and then scrubbed from social media. A whole ‘censorship industrial complex’ of self-appointed fact-checkers, disinformation experts and ‘pro-democracy’ NGOs emerged to help enforce the state’s diktats. But what happens next? Could the era of Big Tech censorship finally be on its way out?

Robby Soave – senior editor of Reason and co-host of Rising – returned to The Brendan O’Neill Show to discuss all this and more. What follows is an edited extract from the conversation. Listen to the full thing here.

Brendan O’Neill: How are you feeling about the first few weeks of Donald Trump’s second presidency?

Robby Soave: I do find myself in a very unusual and frankly uncomfortable position of being happy with a lot of changes that are taking place in the government. I don’t know that I’ve ever been in that position in my entire life.

Initially, I wasn’t quite sure about Trump. We’ve already been through four years of Trump. Frankly, they weren’t that different from what you would have seen from any other Republican, or any other political figure. There was a lot of continuity in policies I don’t really like, so I was lukewarm for Trump running again this time. I thought he talked a good game on some stuff and was wild in other ways.

And then he came in and put Elon Musk in charge of cutting government waste. You’ve got a lot of the other tech titans who are, if not getting explicitly on board with Trump, becoming more favourable towards him. I don’t agree with everything he does by any stretch of the imagination, but there really does seem to be a desire to disempower the censors. That whole movement seems to be falling away.

O’Neill: One of Trump’s very good executive orders was on ‘ending federal censorship’. Do you think that ‘misinformation’ became a shield for what was essentially political censorship?