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Sharyl Attkisson: Who Decides What News Is Fake News? Posted By Tim Hains


SHARYL ATTKISSON: We’ve entered a brave, new world in the information age where it can be tough to know what’s real. Now there are movements to help us sort through it all— to teach our kids media literacy, to “curate” our information, and cull out “fake news.” Sounds like a good idea. After all, who doesn’t want their news straight up? But what if some of those efforts are actually attempts to control the narrative? Today’s cover story examines “The Curators.”

In January, the website BuzzFeed had a bombshell: anonymous sources claimed President Trump instructed his attorney to lie to Congress. And that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had the goods. It wasn’t long before Mueller took an unusual step— publicly denying it.

President Trump: I think that the BuzzFeed piece was a disgrace to our country.

Jeffrey Toobin: The press screwed up and they should apologize and you know the media isn’t as great as it thinks it is. This is a bad day for the news media. I mean, let’s not kid ourselves.

MSNBC: Big Lie Sausage Factory Diana West


It may be that the media and their political wing in Congress are preparing for the aftermath of a disappointing Mueller report.

If they were anticipating hot, spicy evidence of “Russian collusion,” why would House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) be promising to return to re-investigate “Russian collusion” at the infamous Trump Tower meeting some more?

Or take a recent narrative-setting session with MSNBC’s Katy Tur and MSNBC analyst Michael McFaul, the former ambassador to Russia credited with designing the Obama–Clinton “reset.” If they really thought the special counsel was about to nail President Donald Trump, why would they now be re-baiting some of the same old sorry traps?

Of course, it’s also possible they’re priming the public to accept the special counsel’s findings by re-enforcing a series of forgotten false narratives, Big Lies, which depend on constant repetition to achieve conventional wisdom status—the subject of my last column.

Victor Davis Hanson, Best-Selling, Smeared Author By Jack Fowler

Sophistry in the Service of Evil
A review of ‘The Case for Trump’ by Victor Davis Hanson
by Gabriel Schoenfeld

Last night our colleague Victor Davis Hanson, the author of the new bestseller The Case for Trump, was on Fox News Channel’s The Story with Martha MacCullum vigorously attacking anti-Semitism. Today, taking a break from mocking pro-lifers, The Bulwark published an aggressive attack on the book and its author, in which reviewer Gabriel Schoenfeld casts VDH as a modern-day version of a Nazi mouthpiece and sympathizer. Somewhere in some fiery pit, Gore Vidal is smiling in admiration.

U.S. Government Media Network Fires Journalists Over Report Critical of Soros


At the request of a scandal-plagued Democratic senator tried for bribery and corruption, the head of the government’s international media networks is abusing his office to punish employees behind a broadcast critical of leftwing billionaire George Soros. U.S.

Agency for Global Media (USAGM) Chief John F. Lansing, an Obama appointee, is utilizing Stalinist techniques to retaliate against the journalists and producers involved in the Spanish-language segment which aired in May 2018 on Television Martí and was available for months online. Eight reporters and editors at the taxpayer-funded media outlet have been fired and Lansing has ordered a review of all content to address “patterns of unethical, unprofessional, biased, or sub-standard journalism.”

An employee at the Miami, Florida-based Martí headquarters said in a local newspaper report “the environment that has been created by the upper hierarchy of the Agency for Global Media is repressive. People write with fear. Adjectives are no longer used.”

Television Martí—and its radio counterpart—operate under the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB) and comprise one of the USAGM’s five international multimedia networks. The others are Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), Radio Free Asia and Middle East Broadcasting. The media outlets get about $685 million a year from American taxpayers and reportedly reach 345 million people worldwide in 59 languages.

Phony Constitutionalists Despise This Freshman Senator By Mark Pulliam


Newly elected U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), who handily defeated incumbent Democrat Claire McCaskill in November, is a former Supreme Court clerk who served previously as Missouri’s attorney general. At age 39, he is the youngest member of the Senate. Generally regarded as a rising star, the cerebral Hawley was named to the Senate Judiciary Committee, a plum assignment for a freshman. Yet just months after taking the oath of office, Hawley was blasted—twice—by the Wall Street Journal, which not only accused him of “bad judgment” but nastily remarked about his youth and physical appearance (referring to him, oddly, as having “a lean and hungry look”).

What apostasy did Hawley commit to warrant such opprobrium? Did he sell out to Planned Parenthood, endorse the Green New Deal, or betray the Republican platform?

No, Hawley had the temerity to express concern about a pending judicial nominee to the D.C. Circuit, widely viewed as the second-most-important court in America, next to the Supreme Court.

Hawley questioned the judicial philosophy of Neomi Rao, President Trump’s choice to replace Brett Kavanaugh on the appellate court that often serves as a stepping stone to the high court (as it did for Kavanaugh, Chief Justice John Roberts, Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Clarence Thomas, and the late Antonin Scalia). Hawley stated he had reservations about Rao’s position on Roe v. Wade—the notorious activist ruling that invented a constitutional right to abortion out of whole cloth—and also concerns about her opposition to the doctrine of “substantive due process.”

For this, the Wall Street Journal berated him for applying a “litmus test,” “inhaling rumors,” and attempting “to make himself a hero of the anti-abortion right.”

Facebook’s Tommy Robinson takedownBy Anne-Christine Hoff


On February 26, 2019, Facebook removed Tommy Robinson’s official Facebook and Instagram profiles for allegedly violating their community standards. The company’s public statement alleges that Robinson consistently used dehumanizing language and incited violence against Muslims. Yet Facebook’s press release includes not even one screen shot to justify Robinson’s removal.

British news outlet Kipper Central wrote a piece on September 28, 2018 about Robinson’s meteoric rise on Facebook since his creation of an account five years earlier. According to the article’s author Reece Coombes, just before Tommy reached one million followers last year, he posted this message:

“Soon to reach one million followers. That is double as many as our Prime minister Theresa ‘the appeaser’ May.

The elites, establishment and the mainstream media are just so detached from what normal people feel. They continue to label all of us as extreme, fringe or far right but the fact that I have twice as many supporters as that so called ‘mainstream’ politician who is busy making a mess of this country, should give them a wake-up call.”

South African Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema is allowed to make statements on Facebook that truly incite violence, statements such as the one made on March 24, 2018 that call for the taking of other people’s land without payment. Yet he is never deplatformed.

Facebook’s community standards also go further to warn the followers of Tommy Robinson not to show their support on the platform or they too could have their accounts removed. The statement reads:

I learned that Trump didn’t tell Cohen to lie, there was no collusion, and the dossier was false. It is too bad journalists didn’t care. By Jack Hellner


When I see any article by a journalist talking about lessons learned from Michael Cohen, my first thought is, why would I care what he says? He’s a convicted perjurer, tax cheat, and bank fraudster who shook down multiple corporations pretending he could get favors for them from Trump. Isn’t it true that once you have a liar, a cheat, and a thief, that is all you have?

The biggest lessons I learned from Michael Cohen’s testimony are that Trump didn’t tell him to lie to Congress, he never saw any collusion with Russia, and the dossier funded by the DNC and Hillary and used as an excuse to spy on the Trump campaign was false.

A significant number of us have known that those were false stories from the beginning and that most of the media were spewing forth these false stories because they wanted Hillary to win and they will do whatever they have to in order to dispose of Trump. Are journalists and other Democrats who willingly spread false stories with no evidence to destroy someone they don’t want as president any better than Cohen?

Jonah Goldberg, Steve Hayes Team Up for New ‘Trump-Skeptical’ Media Company By John Ellis


Many people would say that Jonah Goldberg’s current employer, National Review, is already anti-Trump. Known for his barrage of #NeverTrump articles (in the issue of full disclosure, I’ve written my own barrage of #NeverTrump articles), Goldberg is enemy number 1 for many of President Trump’s most ardent supporters. They view the writer as a traitor to the conservative cause. Well, it appears that Goldberg is doubling down on his #NeverTrump position because the news broke this morning that he is leaving National Review in the coming months to help create a new conservative media company that is “Trump-skeptical.”

First reported by Mike Allen for Axios, Jonah Goldberg is teaming up with Steve Hayes, who was the editor-in-chief of the now-defunct Weekly Standard. According to Allen, “Goldberg and Hayes tell me they plan a reporting-driven, Trump-skeptical company that will begin with newsletters as soon as this summer, then add a website in September, and perhaps ultimately a print magazine.”

The new company doesn’t have a name yet and is seeking investors. Jonah Goldberg will serve as its editor-in-chief with Hayes stepping into the CEO role. According to Hayes, “We believe there’s a great appetite on the center-right for an independent conservative media company that resists partisan boosterism and combines a focus on old-school reporting with interesting and provocative commentary and analysis.”

14 Recent Anti-Trump Hate Crimes That the Media Ignored By Matt Margolis


In the wake of the Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax, there’s been a lot of discussion in the media about hate crimes. As the truth about what happened became impossible for the media to deny, the message shifted from “this is America under Trump” to “even though this was fake, don’t forget hate crimes are on the rise under Trump.” Keep in mind, when Obama was elected, the media alleged that hate crimes rose because of that, too.

What the media is trying desperately to hide from us is another form of hate crime—those motivated by political prejudice. Jussie Smollett’s hate crime hoax got enormous attention, not just because of Smollett’s celebrity status, but because it fit the narrative: gay black man assaulted by Trump supporters.

Below is a selection of recent examples of anti-Trump hate crimes that the media barely covered. But make no mistake, there are many more examples of anti-Trump /anti-conservative prejudice not covered in this list, such as incidents of vandalism, refusal of service, etc. The important thing to realize here is that these aren’t simply a bunch of isolated incidents. The left has become so consumed with hatred that they will attack anyone who supports Trump, be it children or the elderly, and often without provocation.

How do you cover a ‘national emergency’? Depends who’s president… Compare the media’s coverage of the border wall to Obama’s 2011 Libya strikes. The contrast is shocking Barbara Boland


When Trump declared the border situation a national emergency, you couldn’t move for breathless headlines questioning the constitutionality of his order. But has the mainstream media always held this deep commitment to reporting on the limits of power of the nation’s chief executive?

Trump is hardly the first president to make use of an executive order in order to circumvent Congress. Back in February, 2011, President Obama began contemplating strikes against Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi. Article I, Section 8, of the US Constitution grants Congress the power to declare war. But a search of contemporaneous headlines quickly reveals that extremely few news stories from the time mentioned the device by which the President would impose strikes on Libya – an executive order.

After Obama decided on military action without Congressional approval, almost no stories mention ‘executive order’ or national emergency or the Constitutionality of this decision; in stark contrast to stories on Trump’s border decision, which has always been framed by in these terms.