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The New York Times’s slathering praise for John McCain rings false Try reading what they wrote about him in 2008, when he represented a threat to Democratic hegemony by Roger Kimball


I am not going to comment directly on the passing of Senator John McCain. Although I voted for him in 2008, I thought him a deeply flawed candidate. His behaviour subsequently, especially after Donald Trump became the Republican nominee and then President, was in my judgment petty, self-aggrandising, and harmful to the country.

What interests me now, however, are the hallelujahs of praise and commendation that surrounded his passing. He has always been a hero to the neo-conservative faithful. But here we have The New York Times running a fawning obituary with the title ‘War Hero, Senator, Presidential Contender.’ It was the full lion-of-the-Senate treatment: ‘proud naval aviator . . . climbed from depths of despair as a prisoner of war in Vietnam to pinnacles of power . . . two-time contender for the presidency,’ yada, believe me, yada.

Just how great was John McCain, according to the Times? This great: Despite his grave condition, he soon made a dramatic appearance in the Senate to cast a thumbs-down vote against his party’s drive to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Give the parrot another cracker!

3 Major Problems With NYT’s Story About How The FBI’s Trump Informant Was Outed By Mollie Hemingway

The story fails on multiple levels to make its central claim that congressional oversight regarding the use of human informants against the Trump campaign is hurting intelligence-gathering in Moscow.

The New York Times published an article last week that claimed “Kremlin Sources Go Quiet, Leaving C.I.A. in the Dark About Putin’s Plans for Midterms.” Reporters Julian E. Barnes and Matthew Rosenberg write that informants close to Russian President Vladimir Putin were talking to U.S. intelligence, but have recently clammed up.

The reporters give three possible reasons, after saying officials don’t think they were compromised or killed. They may have been spooked by more aggressive Russian counterintelligence. Information collection may have been dampened by the expulsion of American intelligence officials from Moscow — in response to American expulsion of Russian officers from the United States. But there’s another theory for what’s gone on, and let’s see if you buy it: Congressional oversight by Republicans is to blame.

The Silence Over A Potential Chinese Spy In Feinstein’s Office Is Deafening From the start, this was a story the media had no interest in covering. Now it is apparent that our political class has no interest in probing it. Ben Weingarten


With concerns over attempts by foreign adversaries to influence the American political system at a fever pitch — notwithstanding that in the case of the president, the commentariat’s charges of certain treasonous Russian collusion have grudgingly been downgraded in slightly more sane quarters to dubious alleged campaign finance infractions — that the story of a Chinese spy in Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office has seemingly died is simply stunning.

From the start, this was a story the media had no interest in covering. Now it is apparent that our political class has no interest in probing it.

The reporting on Feinstein was limited to a few outlets — ignored by large newspaperssuch as The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times, and major networks, excluding Fox News, which provided scant details as to what transpired and downplayed the potentially dire ramifications of the alleged breach.

The press took at face value boilerplate statements from Feinstein’s office seeking to dispel any suggestion that the Chinese had penetrated her office, with nary a question directed at the senator herself as she enjoyed her tranquil August recess.

Media Justifies Ethnic Cleansing With Fake Stats About South African Farmers FACT CHECK: 72% of South Africa’s land is not owned by white farmers.


After President Trump tweeted about the mistreatment of white farmers in South Africa, the media rushed out stories justifying the ANC regime’s plans to ethnically cleanse white farmers by seizing land without compensation. These stories invariably contained a popular fake statistic abused by racists.

Bloomberg pretended to conduct a fact check by accusing Trump of misleading the public and claimed that, a “land audit released in February showed that whites own 72 percent of the land.”

“Land reform is a highly divisive issue in South Africa, where white residents, who make up 8 percent of the population, own 72 percent of land, according to official figures,” the New York Times observed.

“Whites own 72 percent of the 37 million hectares held by individuals,” the Washington Post contended.

The hedging isn’t hard to spot.

Is it 72% of the land or 72% of the land owned by individuals? There’s a huge difference. A sizable amount of South Africa’s land is actually owned by the government. That is, it’s owned by the ANC. Quite a lot of it is held by assorted organizations, including the tribal authorities of black South Africans.

For example, the Ingonyama Trust, controlled by the Zulu king, has 3 million hectares of land. The ANC’s decision to seize the king’s land has made fewer headlines, but has been even more explosive.

By Madeline Osburn New York Times ‘Seizes’ On Murder Of Mollie Tibbetts To Attack Donald Trump The paper stealth edited a report on an illegal immigrant murdering Mollie Tibbetts in order to criticize President Trump.


An illegal immigrant was arrested for seizing 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts and murdering her in cold blood, but the latest New York Times article on the subject blasts Trump for “seizing” on the story of the young woman’s murder.

According to records from NewsDiffs, the story’s original headline, “Body Believed to Be That of Mollie Tibbetts, Iowa College Student, Is Found,” was changed to, “After an Immigrant’s Arrest, Trump Seizes on Killing of Mollie Tibbetts, Iowa Student.”

Quotes from President Trump at a rally in West Virgina on Tuesday night were also quietly moved from the bottom of the story to the top, following the lede.

President Trump, who has repeatedly linked crime to illegal immigration, alluded to the case at a rally Tuesday evening in West Virginia.

“You heard about today with the illegal alien coming in, very sadly from Mexico, and you saw what happened to that incredible, beautiful young woman,” Mr. Trump said. “It should’ve never happened. Illegally in our country. We’ve had a huge impact, but the laws are so bad, the immigration laws are such a disgrace.”

The contents of the story’s abstract have also been drastically changed.

Reporter Alex Griswold pointed out that The New York Times has alternative, less violent verbs for headlines about President Obama politicizing tragedies.


‘As Long as I’m Living, My Baby You’ll Be’
By Julie Kelly

Eighteen years ago, I was decorating the world’s most perfect nursery. We knew our first baby would be a girl, so the room was awash in pink. Each item—from the cribside lamp to the diaper caddy—was an agonizing decision. I spent months stitching a homemade quilt with matching bumper pads. (Who was that person!?)

Over her crib, I stenciled this phrase from a famous children’s book:

I’ll love you forever,I’ll like you for alwaysAs long as I’m living,My baby you’ll be.

I can’t count how many times I read that book to my daughter before bed. There were nights she would ask me to read it and I would cringe—particularly after a long day—hoping she would choose something shorter and less repetitive. Then one evening I read it to her for the last time and I didn’t even know it. That’s the fleeting, cruel thing about parenthood: You focus so much on the firsts that the lasts quietly slip past you and you don’t realize those precious moments will never return.

Eighteen years after I painted those words on her wall, I sat in her very teenaged room in a different house watching her pack for college. We blasted old Hannah Montana tunes (her childhood idol) and argued about how there was no way in hell she would fit 16 pairs of shoes in her dorm closet. As we taped up each box, the reality of her leaving began to sink in. And the hole in my heart started to burn.

There is nothing unique or special about my preparing to send off my firstborn to college. Thousands of moms are doing it right now and feeling the same emotions that I am. But for stay-at-home moms like me, who gave up careers instead to raise children in a culture that devalued and demeaned that choice, it is an opportunity for reflection. Did I make the right choice? Would she have turned out any differently had I worked full-time? Did my choice teach her to subjugate her own future dreams and independence for her husband and children? Where would I be now professionally and financially had I continued working?

Press mocks the murder of Mollie Tibbetts soon as it turns into an illegal alien story By Monica Showalter


See also: MSNBC panelist labels Mollie Tibbetts a ‘girl in Iowa’ ‘Fox News is talking about’

After whipping up such a brouhaha about illegal immigrants being separated from their children as a result of their lawbreaking, the press was confronted with new story about illegals to report and comment upon, and it didn’t quite tug on the heartstrings the way the crying toddlers narrative did.

According to the New York Times:

A body believed to be that of Mollie Tibbetts, a 20-year-old student at the University of Iowa who vanished a month ago after going for a jog, was found on Tuesday morning, investigators announced. A 24-year-old undocumented immigrant has been charged with first-degree murder in the killing.

The body was found in a field southeast of Brooklyn, Iowa. Ms. Tibbetts was last seen nearby on July 18, Rick Rahn, a special agent of the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, said at a news conference.

“The identity has not been confirmed, however, we believe it to be the body of Mollie Tibbetts,” Mr. Rahn said. The authorities did not say what the specific cause of death was; an autopsy is scheduled for Wednesday.

Latin American Conservative Blogger: Facebook Suspended and Doxed Me By Debra Heine


A conservative Latin American blogger has been suspended from Facebook for 30 days for “violating community standards,” although she doesn’t think she did anything wrong. Worse, she says the social media giant “doxed her” by putting her private family photos in a public setting.

“I am 100 percent sure of it,” the blogger, who wishes to remain anonymous because she fears the communists in South America, told PJ Media. “I’m panicked … I’m very terrified,” she said.

The blogger — I’ll call her Maria — has made a huge impact in the Latin American community in recent years, especially in 2016, when she helped then-candidate Donald Trump win 29 percent of the Hispanic vote despite a never-ending torrent of negative press painting him as an anti-Hispanic bigot.

The suspension comes as Latin American conservatives rally for Brazil’s right-wing candidate, Jair Bolsonaro, who holds a solid lead in the race for October’s presidential election in a recent poll — one that excludes jailed leftist candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. When the corrupt former president is included in the poll, 37 percent of voters said they backed him, putting him in the lead by 5 percentage points despite him being in the slammer.

“The Amerian Left is financing Lula, as always, and they go to the poorest regions and neighborhoods to buy votes,” Maria explained.

Maria posts at several very popular conservative Latin American Facebook pages — including Resistencia Capitalista, Red Alternativa Capitalista de Informacion, and Resistencia Anti-Communista — where she shares stories from The Daily Caller, Breitbart, PJ Media, Townhall, and more. Her Twitter handle is @LatAmFr.

Being a Hispanic Trump-supporter, Maria has — not surprisingly — been the target of much online harassment.

In McGahn Report, the New York Times ‘Attempts’ to Find Corruption Andrew McCarthy

The president’s critics are trying to build an obstruction case based on reading Trump’s mind.

The thing to bear in mind is that the president of the United States does not “attempt” to fire anyone in the executive branch. The chief executive either fires an inferior executive official or he does not. “Attempt” does not enter into it.

Yet “attempt” is the foundation on which the New York Times’ Michael S. Schmidt and Maggie Haberman build their blockbuster report this weekend about the decision by President Trump — apparently on the advice of his first team of lawyers — to waive executive privilege and attorney-client privilege so that prosecutors on the staff of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III could interview White House Counsel Donald F. McGahn II.

I will in another column address the significance of the waiver. (To my mind, it bolsters the already strong argument that the president should not agree to be interviewed by the special counsel.) For now, let’s keep our eye on the ball: the question of whether there is an obstruction case against the president. The Times report is lengthy, but here is the critical passage:

The Press Abets a Coverup There is much to know about America’s own spies in 2016, but it would be impolitic to ask. By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.


The two biggest shoes are yet to drop in the 2016 investigations. We still don’t know the origins and back story of the intercepted Russian intelligence document that was pivotal in James Comey’s unprecedented, ill-advised and possibly decisive (according to numerous Democratic and independent election analysts) interventions in the presidential race.

Depending on what report you credit, the information was false, it was planted by the Russians, or it accurately indicated an illegal conspiracy to obstruct justice by the Clinton campaign and Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch. If it was a Russian fabrication, then Mr. Comey was spoofed by the Kremlin into his improper intervention in the race. If the parties to the incepted exchange were simply misinformed, it’s hard to understand Mr. Comey’s reason for intervening.

Presumably some of the questions are answered in a still-secret annex to the inspector general’s report that criticized Mr. Comey’s performance, but even that won’t tell us everything we need to know. What did fellow intelligence agencies, such as the CIA, tell the FBI about this intercept? What did they advise Mr. Comey to do?