I tuned in at 7 EST and flipped channels til 2 a.m.
The imbecilities flew thick and fast from the get-go. For the first hour and a half, the talking heads were all on the same page: Trump had awoken a “sleeping giant” in the Hispanic vote. Hispanics were more than compensating for African-American no-shows, and they would teach the Republicans a lesson they would not soon forget. Unless the party pandered to minorities, it was doomed. Where have I heard this before?
When it became clear what was happening, we were instructed ad nauseum about “uneducated white males,” “white men without a college education,” and “angry white men.” (It had never been “angry Hispanics” earlier.) Then, for a while, we were lectured about the betrayal of the “suburban women” who had apparently voted en masse for Trump, inexplicably. The men lived in mill towns and on farms, but their wives lived in the suburbs.
Then came a slew of dark references to Putin.
The mea culpas were exclusively about the polls underestimating the angry whites. But they had been less than candid with interviewers.
I was switching between the 4 MSM sleeping giants (skipping the Clinton News Network and MSNBC), so it’s possible I missed something, but I heard literally no references to the following:
A corrupt and dishonest media
The Clinton Foundation
Hillary’s deleted emails and her successive lies about the private server
The long trail of Clinton scandals, from Cattlegate and Whitewater in the Disco Age, through Bimbogate, Travelgate, and Pardongate, and on to the glory years of pay for play after 2000. Apparently none of the heads watched or read—even in the comic book version (which is quite good)—Peter Schweizer’s Clinton Cash.