Milton Viorst, neither scholar nor serious journalist has a long and shoddy history of Israel bashing…In 1987 he wrote a screed “Sands of Sorrow” decrying American aid to Israel and its defense force. He was a vocal supporter of Walt& Mearsheiners’ libel against America’s pro Israel lobby. In a strange turn of events, among the people he criticized for support for Israel, is Abe Foxman-accusing him of suppressiong truth about Israel……rsk
In December 1948, Menachem Begin first visited the United States in an attempt to gather support for his newly established political party, Herut. In response to his arrival, various prominent figures from the Jewish intellectual elite published a joint letter in The New York Times criticizing him and his party. The members of this group, which included Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt, warned the readers of the Times that Begin’s party was “closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.”
History has shown that their analysis fell way short of the mark. The Herut Party became a principal voice for democracy and liberty in Israeli politics. It was Herut that was one of the leading opponents of the martial law that had been imposed on Israel’s Arab population until 1966. This opposition was consistent with Begin’s principled belief in equal rights for all of the country’s citizens.
The party also played a major role in defending freedom of the press, even in cases where media outlets were on the opposite side of the political map. (For example HaOlam HaZeh, a far-left weekly magazine that David Ben-Gurion had threatened to shut down.) It is noteworthy that during the more than 40 years of complete dominance of the Zionist, and then Israeli, establishment by Mapai and its successors, Begin insisted on keeping his opposition and protests within the democratic framework and playing by the rules of the game, even though it seemed as though he would never get the chance to win an election.