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Media Go To Increasingly Absurd Lengths To Protect Biden


Just how far will the leftist media go to protect President Joe Biden? If the past couple of weeks are any indication, there is no limit.

Take the incident in late September where Biden repeatedly called out for a dead congresswoman to come forward. It happened when he was speaking at a White House conference on nutrition and health and started thanking lawmakers who’d worked on the issue.

“Representative Jackie — are you here? Where’s Jackie? — I think she was going to be here,” Biden said.

Rep. Jackie Walorski, R-Ind., had died in a car wreck in August. Biden even issued a statement at the time, saying “Jill and I are shocked and saddened by the death of Congresswoman Jackie Walorski of Indiana along with two members of her staff in a car accident today in Indiana.” Yet there he was, searching her out in the audience.

Most cognizant Americans saw this for what it was: Another worrisome sign that Biden’s mental acuity is rapidly declining. For the press, however, it was an opportunity to praise the 79-year-old.

Jill Lawrence, a former commentary editor at USA Today, wrote that “there’s another way to look at this.” Namely, she said, it shows “how generous and professional Biden is.”

He was just trying to be nice to a lawmaker, and a Republican one to boot, she wrote. What a guy! And how refreshingly different from that evil Trump! “Some things,” she concludes, “are more important than age and a perfect memory.”

How touching.

Then, within a matter of days, both the New York Times and the Washington Post each published stories defending Biden against his habit of, well, lying about just about everything, especially about himself.

The Times headlined its article: “Biden, Storyteller in Chief, Spins Yarns That Often Unravel.”

Archives’ Politicization Portends Another Russiagate This is a replay of Russiagate and a reprise of the media’s complicity in a coverup proceeding apace, driven by sensational irrelevancies. By John D. O’Connor


If the Russiagate fiasco proved anything, it is that slimy but clever beats straight but blundering, at least in the political short term. Unfortunately, the oleaginous tactics of the Biden Administration regarding former President Donald Trump’s statutorily protected presidential papers, combined with its politicization of what should be a neutral, nonpartisan National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), follows the temporarily successful Russiagate playbook. And as in the “Russia collusion” hoax, the media feeds the frenzy of its credulous naïf audience, using the shiny object of a few straggling classified documents out of millions, importance unknown.

More significantly, the media is concealing from the public the clear provisions of the Presidential Records Act (PRA), which, if read with critical intelligence, reveals the sickening politicization of the Archives which, like the FBI, is tasked to be neutral and nonpartisan. 

For two hundred years, until Richard Nixon sought to destroy unflattering White House tapes, former presidents owned their presidential papers, classified and unclassified, after leaving office, willing them to their heirs or putting them in trust.

The 1978 PRA attempted to keep the status quo, with the exception that the government now owned the documents, with the Archives serving as a faithful librarian.

A former president has unfettered access to his documents for up to 12 years, while the sitting president and Congress have no access, unless the incumbent can show, per section 2205 (B) (2), that “such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of current business of the incumbent President’s office and that is not otherwise available.” 

But whether or not the incumbent president can see these documents, the former president is assured by the PRA of access to all his papers: “The presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President or the former President’s designated representatives.”

Those two simple statements are at the heart of the case that the Archives has been politicized and that the Biden Administration has weaponized this politicization. Both have acted shamefully, but our vaunted “investigative” media, of course, has not noticed. Don’t we have swarms of wannabe Woodwards and Bernsteins? 

It is the duty of the Archives not to provide such access unless the requisite showing has been made. Because this exception requires a showing that the sitting president cannot get the information elsewhere and that it is needed for the current (i.e., already existing) business of the incumbent’s office, this should pose a high burden.

Foaming at the mouth, the media tries to run cover for J6 charade By David Zukerman


It should come as no surprise that The Wall Street Journal, in an October 14 editorial, gave credence to the rogue, irresponsible, illegitimate, and unconstitutional “Jan. 6” House Select Committee comprised of nine Trump-despisers, two of which are rabidly anti-Trump Republicans, soon to leave Congress after monumental defeats at the August ballot box. The title read, “What the Jan. 6 Hearings Accomplished”. The Journal, by that title, showed its Trump-loathing hand for what it was: it was no inquiry, it was an inquisition.

The Journal’s anti-Trump editorial also gave credence to the unconstitutional subpoena for the former (and future?) President Donald J. Trump.

Noting the 9-0 vote in favor of the Trump subpoena, the Journal said: “If he wants to avoid the hot seat, Mr. Trump only needs to find a way to resist the subpoena….”

Immediately following that, the next paragraph began:

Rep. Liz Cheney justified an extraordinary subpoena to a former President by saying that ‘more than 30 witnesses in our investigation have invoked their Fifth Amendment right to self-incrimination.’

Let’s stop there for a personal, relevant note. Chalk it up to my age and lifelong interest in politics, but as soon as I learned of the Trump subpoena, I recalled a political event that occurred in November 1953, when I was 13-and-a-half years old. I remembered that former President Truman (a Democrat) had been served with a subpoena by House Republicans (then in the majority) and rejected the subpoena as violating the Constitution’s separation of powers principle. Having that memory, I then went to the internet for confirmation. The fruit of that search appears here.

Paul A. Gigot, editor of the Journal’s editorial page where this article appeared, could not have had a memory of Mr. Truman’s rejection of the House subpoena as he was not born until 1955, a year-and-a-half after the Truman subpoena. But a separation of powers problem should have  occurred to Mr. Gigot — or did his apparent loathing for Mr. Trump blind him to major constitutional details? How else can one explain the editorial’s claim that “Rep. Liz Cheney justified an extraordinary subpoena to a former President….”?

Briefly stated, there can be no justification of a subpoena “to a former President” — unless the server has no respect for the separation of powers principle — much less this observation in Federalist Paper no. 47 attributed to James Madison:

Special Counsel John Durham and the Press’s Battle With Truth To the media, ignorance is bliss when it comes to the true 2016 election story. By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.


Members of the press are rooting for the failure of the latest John Durham prosecution, because they think it absolves them of their roles in the collusion hoax.

Nor are the feelings of special counsel Durham hard to guess. They are likely identical to those of a previous exposer of FBI misfeasance, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who could not have failed to be surprised and a little appalled at the media’s indifference to the truths he and his team labored to reveal at taxpayer expense.

It was Mr. Durham himself, in his initial and expansive indictment of Democratic lawyer Michael Sussmann, who dwelled and dwelled on every reason for believing the FBI had not been fooled by the lie Mr. Durham charged the lawyer with telling in the collusion hoax.

The message is even clearer in this week’s prosecution of Steele dossier principal “researcher” Igor Danchenko, who has also pleaded not guilty to lying to the FBI. The world now knows, thanks to Mr. Durham, that the FBI put Mr. Danchenko on its payroll for 3½ years and kept him there as late as October 2020, long after it knew the dossier was a package of lies. One effect of this arrangement was to discourage the analyst-about-town Mr. Danchenko from telling the press or other investigators the truth about the dossier’s fraudulence while the FBI was still suggesting to the public and courts it was “credible.”

As a news story, alas, all this runs into the blinkeredness, not to mention giant helpings of personal cowardice, of many reporters covering it.

Telling is a Washington Post scene-setter on the Danchenko trial that began by misrepresenting the three-year-old words of the Justice Department’s Mr. Horowitz, who said he found no “documentary or testimonial evidence” of improper motivation in the Clinton email and Trump collusion investigations.

Gullible Corporate Media Falls for Race Hoax After Race Hoax, Learns Nothing By Ben Bartee


You might be forgiven for mistakenly believing race hoaxes couldn’t possibly get more brazen, or morally depraved, than actor Jussie Smollet’s theatrical rendition of a midnight MAGA lynching in sub-zero downtown Chicago.

That fateful 2019 winter eve, Smollet hired his two Nigerian bodyguards to play the roles of white supremacists, who allegedly attacked Smollett while on his way to Subway in the middle of the night.

The white supremacists, wearing ski masks, allegedly yelled “f****t Empire n*****r, this is MAGA country” from across the street, then crossed the street to grab Smollett.

They proceeded to pour bleach on him (which was somehow still liquid in freezing temperatures), beat him up, wrapped a noose around his neck, and mysteriously disappeared into the night nearly as quickly as they came.

(Smollett undoubtedly got the bleach idea from the iconic scene in the 1997 film American History X in which neo-Nazis, led by Edward Norton, pour milk over a Latina grocery store clerk.)

Everyone knows the white man can’t help but go around slipping nooses on black people everywhere he goes, like Johnny Appleseed.

“You hadn’t noticed it before?” Roberts interjects (the hardest question, by the way, she asks the whole time, despite the palpable absurdity of Smollett’s fantastical account).

The Flood of Political Violence the Press Refuses to Cover An impressive list. by Brad Slager


If we were to listen to the lectures from the media, we are on the cusp of an outbreak of violence set to explode from the right side of the political spectrum. President Biden has enthusiastically pushed this agenda, positioning MAGA Nation as a violent faction orchestrating an uprising of democracy-threatening actions any day now. At Biden’s direction, “fascist” has become the left’s new knee-jerk accusation since “racist” has become a played-out charge.

There is one disqualifier; the actual acts that we have recently seen that fall under this heading are emanating from the left. There have been numerous incidents of leftist political violence over the past year, yet – despite typifying the very promised outbreak of outrage – these are somehow not classified as dangerous, get explained away, or are outright ignored by the press.

The following examples perfectly display the very promised violence they say will arrive any day now from the conservative right, and their willingness to not address these incidents exposes the effort to demonize and criminalize only one side of the political arena.

North Dakota Political Killing

Last week, Shannon Brandt was arrested for using his car to run over and kill an 18-year-old who he declared was a “Republican extremist.” There has been a notable lack of enthusiasm in reporting on this on a national level, and we have been spared numerous news panel discussions, editorials, and think pieces decrying the political divide in this country. Some are even going so far as to say there is no evidence that this was a politically-motivated attack – despite the fact that the suspect, Shannon Brandt, repeatedly stated he did this as a result of the political stance of his victim.

Republican Teenager Murdered, Media Yawn They don’t want this in the “political violence” category. by Tim Graham


A long time ago, when Air Supply and Toto were in heavy rotation on the radio, I was an 18-year-old Midwestern Republican kid in braces. So, I was especially outraged when news emerged from tiny McHenry, North Dakota, that 18-year-old Republican kid in braces Cayler Ellingson was run over and killed for his political views.

Shannon Brandt, 41, struck and killed the teenager with his Ford Explorer SUV early Sunday in an alley. His mother said Cayler called and asked her if she knew Brandt (she did). The boy called again a short time later and said that “‘he’ or ‘they’ were chasing him.” The mother could no longer reach him after that.

Court documents said, “Brandt admitted to striking the pedestrian with his car because he had a political argument with the pedestrian and believed the pedestrian was calling people “to come get him.” He claimed the teen was part of an unspecified Republican “extremist group.” Brandt was released on bail.

While the Fox News Channel and Newsmax both started reporting this story on the evening of Sept. 20, NewsBusters found zero coverage on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or MSNBC. How about our taxpayer-funded PBS and NPR? Zero coverage. The New York Times and The Washington Post had nothing.

The Great Canadian Mass Graves Hoax Why so many journalists embraced a story as “true” even though it wasn’t real. Bari Weiss


Last year, The New York Times dropped a bombshell headline: ‘Horrible History’: Mass Grave of Indigenous Children Reported in Canada. As other outlets picked up the shocking story, marches, protests and riots erupted across Canada. One former Canadian minister called it “Canada’s George Floyd moment.”

But according to veteran journalist Terry Glavin, the shocking story about a mass graves wasn’t true.

And saying that—reporting that—came at a very high cost.

Terry Glavin has been a reporter for over 20 years. In that time, he’s had a particular focus on persecuted minorities. Both in faraway places like China, Afghanistan, Russia and Iraq, but also in his own backyard, where he has reported extensively on the First Nations of Canada and the abuses they have suffered at the hands of the state. So how is it that someone who has spent his career giving voice to the most vulnerable, found himself accused of genocide denial?

That’s what today’s fascinating and provocative conversation on Honestly is about. In the end, it’s about what happens when the truth no longer matters.

Ebrahim Raisi’s predictable ‘CBS News’ performance By Ruthie Blum


 The brouhaha surrounding Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s comments about the Nazi genocide of the Jews, during an interview that aired on Sunday with CBS News’s “60 Minutes,” is puzzling.
Anyone who expected the radical political figurehead of the mullah-ruled Islamic Republic to acknowledge, let alone denounce, the acts of the Third Reich—when his regime makes no bones about wanting to finish the job that Adolf Hitler started—is living in an alternate universe.

Nevertheless, the short exchange he had on the topic with correspondent Lesley Stahl made international headlines and was circulated widely on social media. When asked by Stahl whether he “believe[d] the Holocaust happened—that 6 million Jews were slaughtered,” Raisi replied, “Look, historical events should be investigated by researchers and historians. There are some signs that it happened. If so, they should allow it to be investigated and researched.”
The only thing noteworthy about this was his willingness to point to “some signs that it happened.” It was almost amusing of him to suggest that it be “investigated and researched.”

As though he had no idea that it’s been studied for decades and verified by historians and survivors. And as if his role-model ayatollahs aren’t keen to emulate the Holocaust, albeit Islamist-style: first, through terrorist proxies in Syria, Lebanon, Judea and Samaria and Gaza, and ultimately with nukes.

“So, you’re not sure; I’m getting that you’re not sure,” Stahl said quietly, being careful to avoid causing her interviewee to rue over having agreed to be challenged by a woman.
“What about Israel’s right to exist?” she then queried.

Here, Raisi didn’t hesitate or moderate his answer. But he did, however, refrain from repeating the name of the Jewish state that’s in the crosshairs of his massive arsenal of weapons, both in Iran and along Israel’s borders.

How A Small, Conservative Campus Paper Did A Better Job Covering The BYU Volleyball Incident Than “The New York Times” Another strike against “moral clarity” in journalism Jesse Singal


Last month, Rachel Richardson—the only black starter on the women’s volleyball team at Duke University—leveled a shocking accusation. She said that during her team’s August 26 match against Brigham Young University, fans inside the BYU arena in Provo, Utah inundated her with racist abuse and threats.

After the match, 19-year-old Richardson told her godmother, Lesa Pamplin, about the incident. Pamplin is a criminal defense attorney running for a county judgeship in Texas, and was not at the game—but the next day, she published a tweet that rocketed the story to national attention: “My Goddaughter is the only black starter for Dukes [sic] volleyball team. While playing yesterday, she was called a [n-word] every time she served. She was threatened by a white male that told her to watch her back going to the team bus. A police officer had to be put by their bench.”

The tweet is no longer available, but it racked up 185,000 likes before it was archived. LeBron James himself responded: “you tell your Goddaughter to stand tall, be proud and continue to be BLACK!!! We are a brotherhood and sisterhood!  We have her back. This is not sports.”

Richardson’s story also spread via her father, Marvin Richardson, who is Deputy Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and who spoke with multiple outlets on behalf of his daughter. In an August 27 story about the incident in the New York Times that named him but not his daughter, he described an alarming, potentially violent scene. Despite an onslaught of slurs, he told the Times, his daughter thought the safest choice was “to keep her head down and continue playing.” He said that “as the crowd got more hyped and the epithets kept coming, she wanted to respond back but she told me she was afraid that, if she did, the raucous crowd could very well turn into a mob mentality.”