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The FBI and its media allies scramble to justify the Mar-a-Lago FBI raid By Rajan Laad


After considerable public pressure, missing-in-action U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland finally addressed the media yesterday, saying he “personally approved the decision” for the FBI to execute a search warrant at President Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago. Garland declined to provide details about the investigation, such what the documents retrieved by the FBI were.

Reading from his text Garland piously intoned:

“Faithful adherence to the rule of law is the bedrock principle of the Justice Department and of our democracy. Upholding the rule of law means applying the law evenly without fear or favor. Under my watch, that is precisely what the Justice Department is doing.”

Following claims of honor, morality, and legal egalitarianism, Garland’s FBI then leaked information to the Washington Post, a notorious Democrat mouthpiece, proving in itself that the agency had been politized and compromised, and not for the first time.

The WaPo reported that the FBI was looking for classified documents related to nuclear weapons during their raid. The sources were obviously anonymous. It’s unclear what type of documents the FBI claimed to be seeking or if they pertained to nuclear weapons belonging to the U.S. or other countries.

The FBI also claims that their agents killed a shooter in Ohio on Thursday who allegedly tried to force his way into the bureau’s Cincinnati office.

The WaPo is claiming that the Ohio shooter, a man named Ricky Shiffer, had “possible ties to extremist groups, including the Proud Boys, whose leaders are accused of helping launch the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.” They also claimed Shiffer told his followers on Truth Social that he was “ready for combat” after the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago. They are even claiming the shooter called upon his followers to “kill the F.B.I. on sight.”

The Washington Post however could not confirm whether the account actually belonged to Shiffer.

Garland defended FBI agents as “dedicated, patriotic public servants” and said he would not “stand by silently when their integrity is unfairly attacked….They do so at great personal sacrifice and risk to themselves.”

So clearly, the spin will be two tier.

The first is that Trump stole nuclear weapons-related documents.

The second is Trump supporters are domestic terrorists preventing the FBI from doing its job.

Why Are Media Ignoring This Muslim Mayor’s Racism And Alleged Election Fraud In Michigan? By: Benjamin Baird


The media blackout of this Michigan mayor’s racist and supremacist views is part of a larger societal trend.

The mayor of Hamtramck, Michigan, Ameer Haiderah Ghalib, was recently exposed for mocking black political demonstrations and endorsing comments that referred to African Americans as “animal” and “inhuman.” He also accused Arab world leaders of being secret Jews and “liked” a Facebook post calling Jews “monkeys” who tax “the air we breathe.”

Ghalib, the first Muslim mayor in Hamtramck’s 100-year history, even admitted to committing a potential case of voter fraud by filling out absentee ballots for about 20 families during the 2020 presidential primary. Both the FBI and the Michigan secretary of state’s office have looked into the allegation.

Yet, in the era of “cancel culture,” when activist reporters have all but abandoned investigative reporting in favor of opinionated call-outs, not a column inch has been devoted to documenting the misdeeds of an internationally known public official. Black political activists have failed to march a single city block in opposition to Ghalib’s anti-black racism, and Jewish rights organizations are silent in the face of antisemitic dog whistles.

US: The New Real Hoaxes? by Pete Hoekstra


The investigative reporting by these two organizations [the New York Times and the Washington Post] was so thorough and groundbreaking it turned up things that were not even there.
For having refused to rescind these awards, the Pulitzer Committee should receive its own Pulitzer — for fraud.
The real hoax appears to have been the CCP’s ostensible good behavior and the now-hugely-discredited initial reporting on the virus.
Or how about the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up? Once again, On October 14, 2020, just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, a critical story of possible extensive influence-peddling with senior intelligence officers in the CCP, Russia and Ukraine by the son of a presidential candidate. The contents of the laptop raised questions that the candidate at the time, Vice President Joe Biden, could be compromised. The entire subject was decisively pushed aside, along with the potential threat to national security that such an eventuality might entail.
Also not allowed during the January 6th hearings have been any witnesses for the defense, any cross-examination, or any exculpatory evidence.
One wonders, for instance if the January 6th Committee will consider the July 29, 2022 tweet by General Keith Kellogg, that on January 3, 2021, Trump, in front of witnesses, did indeed ask for “troops needed” for January 6. Kellogg wrote: “I was in the room.”
The January 6th Committee has also not released any information about government informants or FBI undercover law enforcement officers who might have been in the crowd, and Pelosi is also said to be blocking access to a massive quantity of documents. Finally, according to attorney Mark Levin, under the Constitution’s separation of powers, Congress, has no legitimacy even to hold a criminal investigation: that power belongs to the Judiciary. The entire proceeding is illegitimate and a usurpation of power.
Is it surprising that after the Pulitzer decision, the Russia collusion hoax, the Whitmer kidnapping hoax, the Covid origin hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop hoax, and now the January 6th Committee hoax, that many Americans believe there is something wrong with the system?

Recently former US President Donald Trump challenged the award of Pulitzer Prizes to the New York Times and the Washington Post for their investigative reporting on alleged collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia.

Gaslighting: How the Mainstream Media Tries to Drive You to the Left By Chris Queen


It’s no secret that the mainstream media has abandoned objective reporting for a long time. The left-leaning — and often more than leaning — narratives from the press are hard to miss.

But there’s more at play than just reporting the news from one particular viewpoint. The mainstream media, along with social media and cultural tastemakers, attempt to lead the public to question anything that doesn’t hew to a far-left narrative. The end result, in the hopeful minds of the media, is that everyone who consumes their media will move to the left politically and culturally.

It’s a form of what we’ve come to know as gaslighting. For the uninitiated, gaslighting is “intentionally distorting reality to make you feel like what you’re seeing or feeling isn’t real,” according to Forbes. The term came from the 1944 film Gaslight, in which Gregory Anton (Charles Boyer) manipulates his wife (Ingrid Bergman, who won the Best Actress Oscar for her role) into thinking that she’s insane.

Instead of making you think you’re crazy, the media wants you to think that your conservative, libertarian, or even non-woke liberal beliefs are insane. And it’s masterful manipulation.

The Decline and Fall of Newspapers By Charles Lipson


A few years ago, you would have unfolded your newspaper and read opinion and analysis like this. Those days are gone. Today, most of us get our news and commentary online, perhaps supplemented by network or cable television, although TV viewership is far smaller than in the days of  “The Big Three.” Buried alongside those iconic broadcasters is the public’s confidence in news from all sources. Only 16% of Americans say they have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in newspapers, only 11% in TV news. Those numbers keep sinking. Today, if Walter Cronkite ended his broadcast, “And that’s the way it is,” most people would just smirk.

How dramatic is this change in the way we get our news? What’s driving it? What have we gained and lost? And how do these changes affect our deeply divided nation?

The most important point is the most obvious: The changes are huge – and irreversible. One recent study shows that in our country of 332 million people, no newspaper has a print circulation of more than 1 million. Only nine have more than 100,000 subscribers. Among the 25 largest papers, only one showed an increase in circulation, and it serves a retirement community. It’s shocking, really, that a paper with less than 50,000 subscribers is among the nation’s largest.

The decline is relentless. Print papers are losing one out of eight subscribers every year. Their daily circulation, over 63 million at its peak in the 1980s, is now about one-third that size. Over 25% of all American newspapers have died in the past 15 years.

In Paul Krugman’s Upper West Side Bubble, All Is Well


After Richard Nixon’s landslide victory over leftist George McGovern in 1972, New York Times movie critic Pauline Kael supposedly said: “How could Nixon have won? Nobody I know voted for him.”

This weekend, current New York Times columnist Paul Krugman outdid Kael in the utterly-clueless-liberal-bubble department.

On CNN Sunday, Krugman said that the big problem with the economy today is that media are unfairly writing negative stories about it. “I think that what’s happening now is that there’s been a kind of a negativity bias in coverage,” he said.

Then Krugman went full Kael, telling CNN’s Brian Stelter, “if you ask people, ‘How are you doing?’ they are pretty — they’re pretty upbeat … if you ask people, ‘How’s your financial situation?’ it’s pretty favorable.”

Really? What people?

The folks who attend dinner parties with Krugman in New York’s Upper West Side, for whom inflation is a petty annoyance, if they notice it at all? Are those the people Krugman’s been talking to?

If he talked to families struggling to make ends meet, or find baby formula, or pay their rent, he’d get a far different response than “pretty upbeat.” Because out here in the real world, they’ve watched things go from bad to worse.

If Krugman can’t bring himself to talk to the unwashed masses, at least he could look at recent poll data.

Tom Bevan: Media Beclowned Themselves Redefining The Word “Recession” For Biden This Week Posted By Tim Hains


RealClearPolitics co-founder Tom Bevan gave his takes on the “winners and losers” of politics for the final week of July 2022 on Friday’s edition of FNC’s “Special Report” panel.

WINNER: “Chuck Schumer, after months of frustration and humiliation, he finally got his guy, Joe Manchin. Let’s see if he can get his girl, Kirsten Sinema, and get this [Inflation Reduction Act] thing passed.

LOSER: “The media, they really beclowned themselves all week long at the New York Times, Associated Press, and Washington Post trying to redefine a 50-year term [recession] in service to this administration, it was just an abomination.”

Nervous media warns the wokesters They’ve seen the polls and know disaster is coming:Stephen L. Miller


Two dimensions collided last week, the real world and woke Twitter.

Khiara Bridges, a law professor at UC Berkeley, found out how using woke terminology usually reserved for a private classroom or an online mob works in an open forum where you can’t simply shut students down or press the “block” button. When asked by Senator John Cornyn whether she believes a baby has value even a day before birth, she responded, “I believe a person with the capacity for pregnancy has value.” When Cornyn responded, “No, I’m talking about the baby,” she reiterated, “I’m talking about the person with a capacity for pregnancy,” and declared in front of Congress that she was “answering a more interesting question to me.” How convenient for her.

When Bridges was then pressed by Senator Josh Hawley to clarify whether she meant women, she retreated to one of the woke’s favorite lines of defense by declaring that Hawley’s line of questioning was “transphobic” and “it opens up trans people to violence.”

On Twitter, the progressive left promptly called it a win for Bridges. Yet then something unexpected happened. Several more moderate journalists sounded the warning that the hearing did not go the way their woke colleagues thought it did.

Regime Propaganda, Ray Epps, and the New York Times  In order to understand what the Times is up to, one needs to approach its stories as one would approach those emitted by the Soviet Union or other totalitarian regimes. By Roger Kimball


Is the New York Times playing four-dimensional chess?

Or is it only tic-tac-toe with a three-year-old?

I ask because I cannot quite fathom the Times’ latest intervention into the January 6 miniseries, its aromatic aria bewailing the fate of Ray Epps.

Who is Ray Epps?

We don’t really know—not yet.

In the immediate aftermath of the January 6 jamboree, he was on the Stasi’s—er, the FBI’s—list of most wanted “domestic extremists,” “insurrectionists,” etc.

He was also a star of several videos, a right-out-of-central-casting, MAGA-hat-wearing Trump nut telling anyone who would listen on the evening of January 5 that the next day they had to go “into the Capitol, into the Capitol.”

Into the Capitol, not “to” the Capitol. You see the difference.

Back in January 2021, the entire regime propaganda machine was indiscriminately fanning the line that “Trump sparked an insurrection, an attempted coup, an effort to overturn the 2020 election.” Glenn Greenwald, no friend of Trump’s, was an early skeptic about that overblown hysteria. “Condemning that riot,” Greenwald noted, “does not allow, let alone require, echoing false claims in order to render the event more menacing and serious than it actually was.”

Media Berates J.K. Rowling for Complaining About Trans Video Calling For Her Death Daniel Greenfield


Every now and then the media rolls out another hit piece on J.K. Rowling for the unfathomable crime of objecting to the erasure of women. The latest hit piece comes out of Politico, which decided to take a break from breathlessly reporting on J6 and stories planted by the Biden administration to go after the Harry Potter author.

One excerpt though really stands out.

“While Rowling’s critics haven’t held back in their attacks, the Harry Potter author hasn’t hesitated from responding in kind — at least when it involves punching down.”

Punching down, an illegitimate woke concept that claims political standing and perceptions of power, not standards, determine the legitimacy of behavior, is quite something to apply to death threats.

However, in April, Rowling responded to an amateur music video with lyrics “J.K. hope you fit in a hearse” by tweeting a public complaint — eliciting a howl of protest from the original poster (whose video was taken down by Twitter).

“The most powerful TERF in the world (billionaire, lives in castle, 14.1M followers) sent a mob after me (broke, lives with mom, 1.1k followers),” tweeted Faye Fadem, the bedroom producer behind the video and a trans man. “She made a conscious choice to target me because she felt threatened by a young trans woman expressing herself. If u want to come in here and say ‘but u did death threat’ I’m an artist with 0 power expressing myself.”