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Media Uninterested in Discussing 2 Illegal Aliens Who Plotted July 4th Mass Shooting Daniel Greenfield


Inconvenient narrative.

Mass shooters are supposed to be suburban American kids. In statistical reality, if counting mass shooters by the number of victims, most are gang members in urban areas. And even the conventional concept of the mass shooter, a disgruntled or unstable individual opening fire at a school, workplace, or general area to cause as much harm as possible without a criminal or political motive, the truth is more complicated than the media’s narrative would have it.

That’s why the media is reluctant to discuss it.

Like this latest July 4th mass shooting plot by illegal aliens.

Two illegal immigrants were arrested in a mass shooting plot at the Richmond, Virginia, July Fourth celebration.

“A hero citizen picked up the phone and overheard a conversation there was a mass shooting being planned here in the city of Richmond, Virginia,” Richmond Chief of Police Gerald Smith said Wednesday.

Two illegal immigrants, 52-year-old Julio Alvarado-Dubon and 38-year-old Rolman Balacarcel, were arrested and charged with being a non-U.S. citizens in possession of a gun after police uncovered a plot that the duo planned a mass shooting at Richmond’s July 4 celebration Monday.

Will Americans Ever Trust The Media Again? — I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


Each month, the I&I/TIPP Poll seeks to gauge how much the public trusts the media to do their jobs. And, as time goes by, the answer seems increasingly clear: Average Americans no longer trust the media to tell the unvarnished truth about what’s going on in our country and the world.

June’s media indexes show that, whatever else our major news and information outlets might have going for them, trust among the reading public isn’t one of them.

The online June I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,310 adults, taken from June 8-10 with a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points, asked the following questions, as it has each month since March of 2021:

“Generally speaking, how much trust do you have in the traditional or established news media (Example: Washington Post, New York Times, NPR, CBS News, etc.) to report the news accurately and fairly?”
“Generally speaking, how much trust do you have in the alternative news media (Example: New York Post, Washington Times, NewsMax, The Daily Caller, RealClearPolitics, etc.) to report the news accurately and fairly?”

From these two questions, I&I/TIPP has created a monthly Traditional Media Index and an Alternative Media Index. This lets us gauge how the public view the major media over time.

First, look at June’s monthly data: Just 34% of Americans say they trust the “traditional” or established news outlets, while 58% say they have no trust. Diving a bit deeper into those numbers, only 12% describe themselves as having “a lot of trust,” while 22% say they have “quite a bit” of trust.

On the other side, 27% say they have “no trust at all” in the big media. None. And 31% express “little trust.”

Not exactly a big vote of confidence.

How the Media Used Russiagate Conspiracy Theories to Create a News Cartel by Daniel Greenfield


The Wall Street Journal reports that Facebook paid over $20 million to the New York Times and $15 million to the Washington Post in annual fees. Even more valuable than the big checks was Facebook’s ability to push media content to its users. Last year, sources at several publishers were crediting Facebook News with massive traffic surges, but not everyone was equal.

“Many other U.S. news publishers are getting payments from Facebook to have their content featured in its news tab, but they only get a fraction of the sums paid to the Washington Post, the New York Times,” the Wall Street Journal noted.

Facebook and the media had created a cartel in which media sites created paywalls to raise the value of their content and gain better deals with the social media monopoly. Zuckerberg’s company offered its biggest media critics big checks in exchange for exclusive deals. Both sides claimed that they were “fighting misinformation” with what was really a shakedown and a cartel.

When the media accused Facebook of spreading conservative misinformation, the only defense was providing special privileges for the media. Despite the fundamental illegality of such cartels, Democrat politicians and the media openly pressured Facebook to promote “responsible” journalism, by which they meant their own political content, at the expense of “misinformation”.

By then the entire debate about misinformation had boiled down to creating a two-tiered content system across Big Tech that would fund and push media content while suppressing rival material. This urgent need for a news cartel was described as the best way to meet the “threat to democracy” posed by the “wild west” of the internet. This cynical rhetoric carefully avoided any discussion about the benefits that would flow to the media from this arrangement.

Recent entries from the Washington Post, which was being paid $15 million, include, “Facebook Gives Gun Sellers 10 Strikes Before Ban” and “Facebook Fails Again to Detect Hate Speech in Ads”: both of which went viral. The former taps into the new mania over gun control to manufacture yet another crisis involving Facebook. And crises reward the media cartel.

The two interlocking cartels, Big Tech and the media, became politically and then economically interdependent in a way that was both illegal and deeply dangerous to a free society. The lies, the conspiracy theories and the censorship are products of technopolitical collusion between two sets of corrupt companies that have devastated our politics, our culture and our country.

The two cartels set out to control our speech and our politics for their own power and profit. They did it by manufacturing a crisis and declaring that their abuses were the solution.

Both Big Media and Big Tech cartels need to be broken up before they break our society.

In the fall of 2019, Facebook announced that it would be writing selected media outlets some very big checks. The launch of Facebook News was billed as a way to give consumers more access to information, but it was actually an attempt at appeasing big media companies.

We’re All Fascists Now, Apparently Fascism for facile journalists and the knee-jerk Left is like Justice Potter Stewart’s famous test for obscenity: They know it when they see it. And they see it everywhere. By Ben Boychuk


David Von Drehle wouldn’t know real fascism if a Blackshirt was kicking him in the face with a steel-toe boot while belting out “Giovinezza.” And in these exceptionally stupid times, he’s certainly not alone. Nevertheless, the Washington Post columnist last week decided to share his thoughts about a new national conservative statement of principles drawn up by the Edmund Burke Foundation and published at The American Conservative.

The manifesto, Von Drehle writes, is “a rather slapdash document” that “has an awful lot in common with fascism.” 

Yet Von Drehle’s only real support for invoking the f-word amounts to an aside three-quarters of the way through his column. The manifesto’s relationship with fascism, he asserts, is “its faceless conspiracy of the globalist imperium, its exaltation of a cultural coherence that never existed, and its casual licensing of government power to enforce conformity.” 

That certainly sounds unseemly. But is it fascism? And, incidentally, is that what the document actually says? By all means, read it and decide for yourself. But here is an executive summary. 

The manifesto affirms 10 (arguably 11) principles: National independence; rejection of imperialism and globalism; national government; God and public religion; rule of law; free enterprise; public research; family and children; immigration; race.

On independence: “Each [nation] has a right to maintain its own borders and conduct policies that will benefit its own people. We endorse a policy of rearmament by independent self-governing nations and of defensive alliances whose purpose is to deter imperialist aggression.” Sovereignty, in other words. 

That isn’t fascism. That’s John Quincy Adams.

On globalism: “We support a system of free cooperation and competition among nation-states . . . But we oppose transferring the authority of elected governments to transnational or supranational bodies.”

American journalism is just about done By Mark C. Ross


From climate change to racism, our leftist journalists just don’t have any credibility.

I just came upon an article in the N.Y. Times, via RCP, about the attempts by evil conservatives to use the courts to block government efforts to limit the production of “greenhouse” gases.  It caught my attention because the author, Coral Davenport, appeared on PBS’s Washington Week some years ago.  She went on and on about how Florida would soon be submerged unless drastic measures were taken.  The moderator, the late Gwen Ifill, had to shut her up and move on to another topic.  Foam almost started dripping from her mouth.  And yet, she’s still cranking out this screed.

This did seem rather unusual until I remembered a much earlier event.  Before climate change was the global emergency du jour, there was a rebellious movement within the Sierra Club to consider uncontrolled immigration across our southern border as a serious environmental problem.  This was immensely controversial, considering the political correctness typical of the club’s rank and file.  The S.F. Chronicle then posted an op-ed by one of the club’s directors, who just happened to have a Hispanic surname.  In the piece, he claimed that immigration is not a problem, environmental or otherwise.  The real problem, he stated, is personal freedom.  He went so far as to say the environment is put in peril because we get to live where we want to live, work where we want to work, eat what we want to eat, and go where we want to go.

Shrug: Will the Media Ever Bother to Cover the Crime Spree Terrorizing Pro-Life Organizations? Guy Benson


This stuff just keeps happening, and aside from stray headlines, local coverage, and scrutiny from right-leaning outlets, this spree of political violence and crime is hardly generating any national attention.  Political violence is a right-wing problem, you see, and examples contrary to that approved narrative are to be ignored, downplayed, or mis-categorized.  Here is the latest of many recent instances:

The Seattle field division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) said Friday it was helping authorities in Oregon investigate a fire that was “suspicious in nature” at a pregnancy center run by a Christian organization. The fire at the Gresham, Oregon facility came after a similar anti-abortion facility in Eggertsville, New York, was damaged in an alleged arson attack earlier this week. That incident is also currently under investigation, according to the Buffalo News. The U.S. government is preparing for a potential surge in political violence from the Supreme Court’s ultimate ruling on abortion rights in the coming weeks…First Image, the anti-abortion organization that runs the Gresham Pregnancy Resource Center, said in a post on its website that a fire broke out at the facility at about 3 a.m. on Friday. Extensive fire damage was mostly contained to one room but there was additional water and smoke damage in other parts of the building, the organization said. No one was injured in the incident.

Imagine being so pro-abortion, a fringe that goes well beyond ‘pro-choice’, that you terrorize and assault organizations that help women choose not to have abortions.

Even With The Media Tossing Her Softballs, Biden Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Can’t Get The Bat Off Her Shoulder By: Kylee Zempel


There’s really no other way to say it: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is really bad at her job.

You’d think every Biden White House press conference would be a home run because, despite the president being largely incoherent, the press corps is exceedingly friendly to Democrats. Nonetheless, there are no home runs for President Joe Biden’s new press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. It seems everything she says is a swing and a miss.

That’s been the case since Jean-Pierre inherited her post from her predecessor Jen Psaki, who left the White House spin team for the one over at MSNBC. But Monday was particularly bad for Jean-Pierre, who stuttered, lied, and fumbled her way through her massive binder to avoid saying what anyone with eyes knows: Everything is a disaster.

Perhaps most disastrous is the state of the American economy, and when Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked about it, a flustered Jean-Pierre parroted the tired “Putin price hike” defense.

She took the lie one step further and even said we’re seeing a “historic economic boom” thanks to the so-called American Rescue Plan.

Epic fail: Media apathy on attempted Kavanaugh murder shameful Joe Concha


It was one of the biggest and most disturbing stories of the year: An alleged assassination attempt of a Supreme Court justice was thwarted after a man was arrested outside the home of Brett Kavanaugh. If the alleged assailant had been successful, the country would have been further divided over the prospect of President Biden nominating another liberal justice to replace Kavanaugh. It also would have possibly triggered a copycat murder of another conservative justice to tip the balance of the high court to the left for years to come. 

Last week, Nicholas John Roske, 26, was charged with attempted murder of a Supreme Court justice. At the time of his arrest, Roske was carrying a black tactical chest rig, tactical knife, a Glock pistol, two magazines of ammunition, zip ties and pepper spray.  

And despite this major story, some lawmakers and journalists simply shrugged their collective shoulders at the plot. On the Sunday morning political shows, the assassination attempt wasn’t mentioned even once.

So, ask yourself this: If there were a murder attempt against Justice Sonia Sotomayor or Justice Elena Kagan or soon-to-be Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, would it be a top story? No doubt.

And then there’s social media, where Twitter somehow is allowing this tweet from the radical abortion rights organization Ruth Sent Us to remain on its platform:

“If you’re in the DC metro area, join us. Our protests at [Justice Amy Coney] Barrett’s home moved the needle to this coverage. Falls Church is a People of Praise stronghold. She sends her seven kids to a People of Praise school that she sat on the Board of Directors for. She attends church DAILY.”

New York Times Lectures and Hectors Israel When will “the paper of record” ever treat Israel fairly? Hugh Fitzgerald


The New York Times doesn’t much care for Israel. Its reporters always find some flaw to exaggerate, some Palestinian atrocity to explain away, some “settlers” in the “occupied West Bank” to denounce, some new way to libel the inoffensive, warmhearted, and permanently imperiled Jewish state. It recently ran a “staff editorial” on the killing of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akhleh which, for connoisseurs of its anti-Israel slant, did not disappoint. A report by Ira Stoll on this editorial that lectured and hectored Israel on “what it must do,” is here: “New York Times Editorial Lectures: ‘Israelis Should Care More,’” by Ira Stoll, Algemeiner, June 9, 2022:

The New York Times these days only rarely publishes staff editorials, and it saves the ones it thinks are most important for the Sunday newspaper, which attracts the largest readership.

This past Sunday, which was also the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, the Times unleashed an editorial headlined “Who Killed Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh?” The question is rhetorical, because the Times editorialists have already clearly decided who is to blame. You guessed it, Israel. The Times insists: “Israel needs to ensure the safety of journalists in the country and in areas that it occupies, to ensure the safety of its own democracy.”

The Times assumes that we all agree on who killed Abu Akleh – Israel. But despite the claims of the Palestinians, and the Timesmen who parrot them, it is not known, and cannot be known, until the bullet that killed her can be subject to ballistic tests by forensic experts. Israel is not insisting that it alone must conduct those tests – they could be carried out jointly with the PA and the American government. However, the PA adamantly refuses to produce the bullet, without explanation. That apparently doesn’t bother the New York Times, which sees nothing suspicious in the PA’s failure to produce the bullet. So Israel will be forced to issue an incomplete report, unable either to implicate or exculpate itself, until that bullet can be made available for forensic analysis.

An Implicit Admission That The ‘News’ Is Slanted


Media giant Gannett, owner of USA Today, announced last week it was cutting back on newspaper opinion pages within its chain, the largest in the country. Apparently editors decided “readers don’t want us to tell them what to think.” Or, put another way, they don’t need opinion pages when the “news” is doing a fine job of tacitly telling readers what to think.

In the words of a Fox News report, Gannett is “scaling back its opinion pages in an effort to combat a perception of having a political bias” and a political agenda. But that seems more like a cover than a genuine reason. Since when has the leftist corporate media been shy about coloring the events of the day, and worshipping at the altar of their political gods?

In just the years since Donald Trump announced his 2016 presidential candidacy, the media, and not just newspapers, used “news” reports to do all they could to first run Trump’s campaign aground, and when that didn’t work, diligently peddle the narrative that Trump was a Russian stooge and had to be removed from office.

For anyone who even lightly scrolled through the media’s output during the Trump term, it was nigh on impossible to avoid claim after claim that the “bombshell” revelation which was going to bring down Trump was in the air on its way to the target. The media were – and still are – obsessed with Trump.