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Who’s Stoked for CNN+? By Kyle Smith


CNN will charge six dollars a month for more stuff nobody watches.

C an you feel the excitement? It’s already blockbuster season on the screens. Batman! Bullock! And, um . . . Blitzer!

There’s so much media chatter attending the launch of CNN+ on March 29 that incoming boss man David Zaslav (soon to be CEO of parent company Warner Bros. Discovery, today known as WarnerMedia) might as well be Cyrus, warlord of all gangsters, summoning the troops to the park to inquire of all comers, “Can you dig it?” The urgent, let’s-disrupt-the-industry panel discussions have been convened at South by Southwest. The trade papers have printed leaked details. The billboards have sprouted all over Midtown Manhattan. CNN+ stands a chance to be the most dazzling new infotainment product since Ozy Media.

CNN+! CNN . . . plus? As in, we didn’t have enough CNN and needed to plus it up? Does anyone not actually employed by the company agree with this? And unlike the old CNN, which nobody considered himself to be paying for because it was part of a large lineup of cable channels, CNN+ is gambling that people are going to get out their credit card and splash out a dedicated, separate fee for it. On top of all the other things TV watchers are already paying for.

CNN+ is being offered for $5.99 a month. Disney+ charged $6.99 a month when it launched and offered an exciting slate of brand-new and much-discussed series such as The Mandalorian, not to mention a huge library including scores of the most beloved blockbuster movies ever made.

The Atlantic: The Worst Thing About Nuclear War Is That It Would Accelerate Climate Change By Robert Spencer


If you aren’t convinced yet that our self-appointed moral superiors are profoundly unserious people, full-grown children with childishly ridiculous ideas who nonetheless enjoy the serious attention of Leftists, check out the photo of The Atlantic’s Robinson Meyer here. Oh, and there’s another here. Painting your face so that you look like a goofy dalmatian puppy is one thing. Getting pictures taken in that state is another, and using them for profile shots on allegedly serious articles is a whole new level of childishness. In that light, Meyer’s risible analysis, published in The Atlantic last Wednesday, posits that the worst aspect of nuclear war is that it would accelerate climate change. We were told the adults were back in charge; the problem is that Robinson Meyer is the Left’s idea of an adult.

“I mean this quite literally,” writes Meyer with a straight face, his face paint quivering with rage and fear: “If you are worried about rapid, catastrophic changes to the planet’s climate, then you must be worried about nuclear war. That is because, on top of killing tens of millions of people, even a relatively ‘minor’ exchange of nuclear weapons would wreck the planet’s climate in enormous and long-lasting ways.”

That’s right, “on top of killing tens of millions of people,” as if that were just a minor detail, with the real trouble being that the sumptuous beachfront properties of Barack Obama and Joe Biden might end up underwater. One thing you can say about Leftists: they cling to their ideology to the bitter end, and no one is a bitterer clinger than Robinson Meyer. He is so committed to his idea here that he even tosses aside the conventional wisdom about a nuclear war resulting in global cooling, a “nuclear winter”: “And even though the world would get cooler, the nuclear winter resulting from a full-blown global conflict (or even ‘nuclear fall,’ as some researchers prefer) would not reverse the effect of what we might morbidly call ‘traditional’ human-caused climate change.”

Project Veritas has another mind-boggling video of a NY Times reporter By Andrea Widburg


A couple of days ago, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released a video in which The New York Times’s Matthew Rosenberg, an investigative reporter, savaged his own paper’s (and his) dishonesty about January 6, as well as speaking disparagingly about his fellow reporters on the ground that day. Now, Project Veritas and Rosenberg are back. This time, in addition to admitting that the infamous “Trump pee tape” doesn’t exist, Rosenberg had some very keen insights about the way in which the “crazier leftist” woke mentality is affecting the quality of the paper’s reporting. I wonder how long he’ll have a job after this.

If you haven’t yet seen it, you can find the first Project Veritas video about Matt Rosenberg here. It’s worth five minutes of your time to understand how the mainstream media pursue their agenda regardless of the known facts. It also brings you face to face with one seasoned reporter’s view of the woke journalism school grads who are taking over America’s newsrooms. They’re much worse than you even imagined.

In this, the second undercover video – a classic honeypot sting that sees Rosenberg boasting to an unseen, unnamed young woman – Rosenberg has a lot more to say about his fellow journalists and how they’re laying waste to the newsroom. Before touching on them, the most significant point he makes is about the so-called “pee tape” that alleged showed Trump watching prostitutes whom he’d paid to urinate on a bed in Moscow in which Obama had once slept. According to Rosenberg, he works with government officials to create fake stories to generate excitement in the national media, stories such as the so-called pee tape: “It involved CIA and NSA. It involved Trump and involved that ridiculous, like, ‘pee tape,’ which, of course, doesn’t exist.”

Freedom Center Fellow Canceled By NPR It’s time to fight fire with fire. Jason D. Hill


In October of 2021, I returned to the National Public Radio show Watching America, with host Dr. Alan Campbell, for an interview about my recently-published book, What Do White Americans Owe Black People: Racial Justice in the Age of Post Oppression. I had had a delightful interview with Dr. Campbell the year before for my previous book, We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People.

In the ensuing weeks following that October interview, I inquired about its status. I was told that the “higher-ups” at NPR were disturbed by the book, the interview and, just as importantly, the author. They found me, my ideas, and the book too controversial, too offensive. Let it be known that both the producer of the show and Dr. Alan were upset by this decision. They were and remain brave and remarkable individuals devoted to the free and open exchange of ideas.

 In fact, the producer of that show, having grown weary of battling with management over content and freedom of expression, has resigned from NPR on principle. She is a hero in my eyes.

The “higher-ups” – the management and leadership apparatchiks who can only be described as part of the woke supremacists and cancel culture bureaucrats – are the real villains. They have become the artificial arbiters of what constitutes truth, creators of taste, and standard-bearers of morality in matters of the intellect. I am not alone here. A few conservative friends—mildly so—have confided in me that they too have been canceled by NPR.

But what exactly are they afraid of in a book that aims to explore the entitlement culture we live in; one that challenges the idea that all economic asymmetries and disparities between the races must be the result of systemic racism, and a residual effect of slavery?

The New York Times Hasn’t Always Cared About Ukrainians By Jack Cashill


At his CPAC speech on Saturday, former President Donald Trump could not have been clearer in his denunciation of Vladimir Putin. “The Russian attack on Ukraine is appalling,” said Trump. “it’s an outrage and an atrocity that should never have been allowed to occur.”

Yet the fact that Trump called Putin “smart” and “savvy” is, for the New York Times, prima facie evidence of his affection for Mother Russia. Indeed, the Times had the nerve to run a delusional op-ed on Sunday headlined, “How the American Right Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Russia.”

Earth to the New York Times: No one on the right is pulling for Putin. The Times is pushing this Russia-love narrative both to salvage some political gain from Biden’s catastrophic foreign policy and to cover for its own historic indifference to the Ukrainian people.

The truth is that British and American conservatives have long cared about the Ukraine. Most still do. The international left, the New York Times in particular, cared more about the success of Josef Stalin’s lethal policies than it did the millions of Ukrainians those policies killed.

The New York Times Moscow correspondent, Walter Duranty, admitted to being “pleased as punch” when Stalin announced his Five-Year Plan in the fall of 1928. Stalin, as Duranty observed in his well-titled book, I Write as I Please, was the world’s “greatest living statesman.” A pioneer in the art of fake news, Duranty saw signs of greatness in Stalin’s plan “to socialize, virtually overnight, a hundred million of the stubbornest and most ignorant peasants in the world.”

Everywhere, Cancel The View. Now. It’s reductive, boring, and serves no higher purpose than to fill the pockets and fuel the egos of those involved, at the expense of women. Kay Smythe


ABC’s suspension of Whoopi Goldberg for her Holocaust rant was labeled “cancel culture” by her leftist bedfellows. It may be true, but I don’t think ABC went far enough. I think The View should be cancelled in its entirety.

Goldberg, whose real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson (she gave herself a Jewish last name), had denied that the Holocaust was a racially-driven genocide. The comments were especially galling given her bizarre history with Judaism.

In May 2011 she told a crowd: “I just know I am Jewish. I practice nothing. I don’t go to temple, but I do remember the holidays. Religion is a lot of work, it’s exhausting. So I keep it simple, I have a pretty good relationship with God. We talk.’”

Speaking about her name change, she opined: “The name is wonderful for starting conversations.” The Jewish Chronicle reported that her mother, “Emma Johnson, thought that the family’s original surname was ‘not Jewish enough’ for her daughter to become a star.”

Perhaps even more repulsively, Goldberg has defended Bill Cosby (who poisoned and raped women and girls), even after he admitted giving women quaaludes without their consent. Goldberg is not a woman who supports others, and neither are her co-panelists on The View.

The Media is the Massage Tony Thomas *****


Why is the media so mistrusted? That’s not a question much raised at journalism schools or debated on the ABC’s The Drum. The mistrust is because the left-leaning media dispenses such muck that only fools give it any credibility. Read on and I’ll document that statement– understatement, really — using as case studies the giant global news wholesalers such as Agence France Press (AFP) and Associated Press (AP), and the New York Times, flagship of America’s progressive newspapers.

In Australia reporters are the second-least trusted of 30 occupations, ahead of politicians but behind delivery drivers. That’s according to a Readers Digest poll last year. Among 46 countries, the US media is the least trusted (29 per cent), according to a Reuters Institute poll last year. Australians who trust the media were 43 per cent, which is less than in Poland, Croatia and South Africa. Within the US, last October’s Gallup Poll assessed trust in media at 36 per cent, the second-lowest on record. Only 11 per cent of Republicans – who comprise half the population – trust the media, and only 10 per cent of Americans trust the media’s reporting on COVID.[1]

The normal focus is on mastheads like the New York Times and Washington Post – and here The Australian, Age and Sydney Morning Herald (SMH). But such a narrow focus detracts from the less obvious role of news wholesalers AFP, AP, Reuters and Bloomberg. Without them your morning paper or online bulletin would be half empty.

In days gone by the wire services’ watchword was political and ideological neutrality. Playing such a straight bat made them unremarkable. But now AFP, Reuters and Bloomberg have literally signed the climate pledge and partnered with 460 other media groups at Covering Climate Now (CCN). That “partnership” involves hyping warming and cancelling whatever doesn’t fit the narrative. And AP, in a jaw-dropping breach of journalistic ethics, this month began hiring 20 climate-crazed reporters using an $US8 million gift from five green/Left billionaire philanthropies. From now on we’ll be reading the best AP climate news that can be bought with activists’ money. Here’s a snapshot of the agencies’ reach:

AFP: This world’s oldest news wholesaler (186 years) has 1700 journalists operating in 150 countries. It’s independent but gets about 40% of its funding from French government subsidies.

Adam Andrzejewski : Forbes Bows to Pressure from NIH and cancels a column critical of Dr. Fauci!

In case you missed it – earlier this week I broke the news on Tucker Carlson Tonight that my Forbes column was terminated after the National Institutes of Health pressured the Forbes c-suite because of my oversight pieces on Fauci’s finances.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is the most highly paid federal employee and the most visible. Therefore, we have an obligation to give him oversight.

And Forbes canceled my column.

Forbes was a key platform for nearly eight years. I published 206 oversight pieces and a quarter million words of investigation.

Watch our Tucker Carlson Tonight segment and read the Fox News digital story here:

Forbes Contributor Fired Over Investigative Stories On Fauci Tyler Durden’s Photo by Tyler Durden


Adam Andrzejewski, founder of OpenTheBooks.com and a frequent guest contributor to Zero Hedge (who most certainly does not get his talking points from the KGB), and who was also – until very recently – a contributor to Forbes, told Tucker Carlson on Monday that he was terminated from the magazine over his coverage of NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Andrzejewski, who recently made headlines with his investigative reporting that Fauci was the highest paid employee in the entire US Federal government, described how he was targeted for being critical of Dr. Anthony Fauci and exposing his yearly earnings.

“The National Institutes of Health’s six top executives wrote an e-mail to myself and Randall Lane, the top content officer at Forbes. It was couched as a corrections e-mail, but there were no substantial corrections and they quibbled about small things in my column. But that was the excuse Forbes used to cancel it,” Andrzejewski said.

He explained that within 24 hours of the email, he received a call that told him he was barred from publishing any additional material regarding Fauci.

Andrzejewski originally filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Jan. 28, 2021 regarding Fauci’s annual pay. After receiving only redacted documents, his group OpenTheBooks.com filed suit on Oct. 25. This led to the National Institute of Health agreeing to release its extensive documents but only incrementally over the next 14 months due to backed-up requests.



What exactly has happened to the formerly must-read Drudge Report?

It may seem like yesterday to old Washington hands, but it was actually more than a quarter-century ago that a manager of a gift shop in a television network building in greater Hollywood, a 20-something with a thirst for movie star gossip, signaled the end of the establishment media’s chokehold on the American public. He started an amateurishly formatted website featuring links to important but under-the-radar online articles, to go along with his own mysteriously obtained scoops.

It was, let us never forget, Matt Drudge who broke the Monica Lewinsky story that led to Bill Clinton’s presidential impeachment and Senate trial, only the second in American history. Shortly before Drudge dropped his bomb, in an exquisite self-indictment of media bias and protectiveness of Democrats in power, Newsweek, then a half-century-old journalistic institution whose huge Washington bureau was near the top of a high rise on Pennsylvania Avenue a half block from the White House, killed its exclusive story revealing the sex scandal. It had been the work of Michael Isikoff, a famously aggressive – and left-leaning – veteran Washington reporter.

Yet today, it is the Drudge Report that is Newsweek.

The Drudge Report might quaintly sport the same typeface it used in the early days of the Internet, but on Sunday and then all day and all evening Monday, a story of Lewinskyesque scale rocked the nation’s capital.

In a court submission last week, Special Counsel John Durham alleged, as Fox News put it, “that lawyers from Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign … paid to access servers belonging to Trump Tower and later the White House in order to establish an ‘inference’ and ‘narrative’ to bring to federal government agencies linking then-President Trump to Russia.”

Durham, probably the most straight-shooting, apolitical lawyer in the federal government, now years into an exhaustive probe, revealed that Hillary Clinton’s campaign sought out both the FBI and the CIA in peddling lies that Trump was colluding with Russia, so as to get every news outlet it could to keep that false story at the top of the news during the 2016 campaign, and then, when that failed, to use it to cripple the Trump presidency.