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Media Outrage Over Capitol Riot Isn’t About Defending Democracy, It’s About Wielding PowerBy John Daniel Davidson


For our political and media elites, the capitol riot on Wednesday is the perfect excuse to ‘cleanse’ the country of Trump supporters.

After the pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Twitter blue-checks, politicians, and elite corporate journalists wailed and rent their garments in outrage. But they weren’t really outraged.

Yes, the breach of the capitol was appalling and disturbing. Most people didn’t see it coming and were understandably shocked when images of MAGA bros fighting capitol police began popping up on social media (although the authorities should have been better prepared, most of all D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, who had earlier rejected offers of additional law enforcement.) There’s no question the protesters who decided to riot should be prosecuted, as all rioters everywhere should be.

But elite outrage is not really about what happened at the capitol—about the “sacred citadel of our democracy being defiled” and so on. The outrage, like almost all expressions of righteous indignation from our elites in the Trump era, is performative. It is in service of a larger purpose that has nothing to do with the peaceful transfer of power and everything to do with the wielding of power.

Specifically, it’s about punishing supporters of President Trump. If the pro-Trump mob can be depicted as “terrorists” and “traitors,” then there’s almost nothing we shouldn’t do to silence them. Right? Rick Klein, the political director at ABC News, said the quiet part out loud on Thursday when he mused (in a now-deleted tweet) that getting rid of Trump is “the easy part” and the more difficult task will be “cleansing the movement he commands.”

That’s not the kind of language you use when you’re in the business of reporting the news. It’s the kind of language you use when you’re in the business of social control.

Big Tech has become a tyranny Facebook’s banning of Donald Trump sets a terrifying precedent. Tom Slater


In a crowded field, those cheering the suspension of Donald Trump’s Facebook account might just be the most idiotic people in political life today.

The decision announced by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg yesterday to close down Trump’s page for the rest of his presidency, perhaps indefinitely, represents the most profound assertion yet of Big Tech’s right to police democratic politics.

At a stroke, unaccountable billionaire capitalists have decided to deprive a democratically elected president – the leader of the free world, no less – access to a large part of what now constitutes the public square.

A line has been crossed that can never be uncrossed.

And yet, among commentators and politicos, many of them liberals and left-wingers, this has been met not with shock and horror, but a boneheaded chorus of ‘what took you so long?’.

No one can plausibly defend what Donald Trump has said and done, online and off, in recent days.

His praise of the cosplaying loons who stormed the Capitol Building in Washington, DC yesterday, a violent attempt to thwart the process by which Joe Biden’s election victory was being affirmed by Congress, was despicable.

His claim that the presidential election was rigged is based on little more than bullshit conspiracy theories. He is sowing distrust in the democratic process purely to protect his own wounded ego.

But none of that justifies the action Facebook and other tech giants have now taken (YouTube also removed one of Trump’s videos; Twitter banned three of his tweets and handed him a temporary suspension, and it is now being egged on to make it permanent).


Mitch McConnell’s Finest Hour

By The Editors

The Senate majority leader’s statesmanlike actions were worthy of his long and distinguished career.

Who Says A Must Say B

By Richard Brookhiser

He should be impeached and removed from office.

End This Republican Nightmare

By Kyle Smith

The Constitution is clear about the remedy for a president who has become politically untenable: impeachment and removal.

James Lankford’s Abdication of Responsibility

By Mark Antonio Wright

James Lankford had a duty to tell the truth, the whole truth, to Oklahomans, not pander to them.

Ted Cruz Fails the Moment

By Isaac Schorr

This hour was made to be Cruz’s finest, but instead it was his most dishonorable.

Elaine Chao Resigns as Transportation Secretary over Trump’s Handling of Capitol Riots

By Mairead McArdle

Several other high-ranking officials have tendered their resignations in the 24 hours since chaos descended on Washington.

Remove, Impeach, Convict

By Michael R. Strain

This is another all-hands-on-deck moment.

Schumer Says Trump ‘Should Not Hold Office One Day Longer,’ Calls for 25th Amendment or Impeachment

By Tobias Hoonhout

He added that the Capitol breach on Wednesday, “was an insurrection against the United States, incited by the president.”


Trump’s Shameful Georgia Call

By Rich Lowry

If he were to succeed in his bid to remain in office, he’d provoke a disastrous constitutional crisis.
Blame Everything, but Especially Trump
By Michael Brendan Dougherty
Another ‘Perfect’ Phone Call

By Michael Brendan Dougherty

Trump’s attempt to bully the Georgia secretary of state into giving him a win in the state is beyond the pale.

Trump’s Final Insult

By Kevin D. Williamson

There simply is no defending the post-election shenanigans he is currently up to.

Trump Attacks Georgia Gov. for Abandoning Election Fight, Vows to Campaign against Him

By Brittany Bernstein

President Trump opened his remarks at the rally saying he had run in two elections and ‘won both of them.’
This Is Not a Coup — Just a Very Cynical Fraud

By Dan McLaughlin

Congressional Republicans are engaging in sheer political theater to flaunt their loyalty to Trump, and they know it.

It’s the pro-lockdown lobby that is spreading fake news Covid alarmism is giving rise to myths and misinformation. Brendan O’ Neill


The Kafkaesque quality of the lockdown was on full display at the weekend. We had the extraordinary sight of lockdown supporters accusing critics of the lockdown of spreading disinformation while they themselves were signal-boosting claims that were either categorically untrue or questionable in the extreme. This is the stage of lockdown authoritarianism we have now reached: anyone who questions the lockdown will be branded a liar and a hoodwinker who should be expelled from public life, while the cheerers of lockdown, those self-styled saviours of lives, can say whatever they want with very few repercussions.

The irony would have been delicious if it were not so serious and disturbing. Just as the lockdown fanatics were gunning for Karol Sikora, accusing the ‘positive professor’ of spreading disinformation, it became clear that they themselves have a somewhat difficult relationship with the truth. From both millennial leftists and tragic centrists, Sikora, a celebrated oncologist, has been getting it in the neck for quite a while, on the basis that he has committed the thoughtcrime of criticising harsh lockdowns and failing to predict there would be a second wave of the virus. Yet his accusers have some serious self-reflection to do, because their orgy of Sikora-bashing over the weekend coincided with an explosion of fibs from their own side.

First there was their vaccine disinformation (or, unlike them, let’s be generous: misinformation). Britain’s lockdown fanclub went wild over a New York Times piece which claimed that the UK is adopting a ‘mix and match’ approach to vaccination. This essentially means that this insane country some of us have the misfortune to live in will allow one vaccine to be given in a person’s first shot and an entirely different vaccine to be given for the second shot a few weeks later. The nutters! As the NYT’s haughty, startled headline put it: ‘Britain opts for mix-and-match vaccinations, confounding experts.’

People of the Lie Journalism dies in the darkness of collusion. Joseph Hippolito *****


Many Americans know about the New York Post’s exclusive reporting on Hunter Biden’s questionable foreign business deals that implicated his father: Joe Biden, the ostensible President-elect. Many Americans know Hunter Biden’s laptop provided the information. But most Americans have no idea what else that laptop contained:

— Joe Biden’s private e-mails and cellphone numbers.

— The names and contact information for the former vice president’s Secret Service agents.

— Cellphone numbers for such figures as Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Harry Reid, Sen. Mitch McConnell, members of President Barack Obama’s Cabinet, and Bill and Hillary Clinton.

— Information identifying Hunter Biden’s passport, driver’s license, Social Security card, credit cards and bank statements.

— Bills for thousands of dollars Hunter Biden spent on pornography and escorts.

No American outlet reported those facts. They came from Britain’s Daily Mail, in another exclusive published Oct. 30, two weeks after the Post’s articles.

“Strangely, the story got little traction in the US media,” the Mail’s Caroline Graham and Ian Gallagher wrote. “Stranger still, Twitter blocked the New York Post’s account while Facebook and Google censored any mention of the article. Under pressure, they relented.”

Stifling that news provides the most dramatic evidence of this disturbing fact: media corporations collude with foreign governments, federal agencies, big business and private foundations to mold public opinion and hide embarrassing facts, often to protect financial interests.

“We are in a scary place right now in the United States,” said Amber Lyon, who won two Emmy Awards for investigative journalism with CNN. “The American public — the poor, trusting American public — are being lied to.”

Lyon saw that collusion at CNN. In March 2011, she covered Bahrain’s brutal response to protesters demanding greater freedom as part of the Arab Spring. Lyon said she was “violently detained” by security.


The Folly of the Cruz Eleven

By The Editors

Eleven GOP senators propose to trample federal law and state sovereignty — and blow a hole in the hull of American democracy.

Trump’s Allies Become the Swamp: The ‘Electoral Commission’ Gambit

By Andrew C. McCarthy

Hawley and Cruz are engaged in a flagrant Washington power grab. If these are the Republicans, who needs Democrats?

Liz Cheney: Objecting to Electoral College Votes Sets ‘Exceptionally Dangerous Precedent’

By John McCormack

The Risky Wager of Betting on Trump

By Andrew C. McCarthy

It was always a dice-roll. But in this moment, the case for having supported the president’s reelection bid is harder to make.

The Trump-Hating Media Prepare For A Long Nap Under Biden


Nearly all would agree that 2020 has been a miserable year. A major reason for that misery, apart from the Chinese COVID-19 pandemic, was the utter failure of the American media. Our information purveyors no longer tell the truth or deal in facts, but rather trade in bankrupt far-left theories of wokeness, political correctness and cancel culture.

And now that Joe Biden could be our next president, the big media’s soft gloves will go back on. No more tough questions, according to The Atlantic.

“As the White House beat became the biggest story in the world, once-obscure correspondents were recast in the popular imagination as resistance heroes fighting for truth, justice, and the American way. They were showered with book deals, speaking gigs, and hundreds of thousands of Twitter followers,” wrote McKay Coppins in a piece titled: “The Resistance’s Breakup With the Media Is at Hand.” He goes on to wonder what those who “got famous fighting with (President Donald) Trump” will do next?

The answer appears to be “coast.”

“I don’t think the press should be trying to whip up the Biden presidency and turn it into must-see TV in a contrived way,” CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta told The Atlantic.

China: Paying US Media to Publish Propaganda ‘Borrowing a Boat to Go Out on the Ocean’ by Judith Bergman


In June, China Daily filed a disclosure with the Justice Department showing that, since November 2016, it had paid $19 million to U.S. media outlets, including $12 million to newspapers such as the Washington Post and New York Times.

China Daily’s ads — in a strategy known as “borrowing a boat to go out on the ocean” — come in the form of advertising supplements, inserts called China Watch… camouflaged to look like the other news content of the media outlets in which they appear.

The practice does not seem to have caused any sort of actual uproar in those media circles that engage in it… This reticence is odd… but because so many journalists and editors consider themselves as standing up against racism, ethnic and religious discrimination, and human rights abuses. Taking money from the Chinese Communist regime in exchange for spreading its propaganda would seem to indicate that this stance is simply empty posturing.

The Chinese government-controlled English language newspaper, China Daily, in 2020 paid a variety of US media outlets nearly $2 million for publishing propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), according to a disclosure that China Daily filed in late November with the US Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), according to Daily Caller.

China Daily has reportedly been registered as a foreign agent under FARA since 1983, which means it is required to report its activities and financial transactions to the Justice Department.

In June, China Daily filed a disclosure with the Justice Department showing that, since November 2016, it had paid $19 million to U.S. media outlets, including $12 million to newspapers such as the Washington Post and New York Times. Other newspapers included the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Seattle Times, Houston Chronicle and Foreign Policy.

China Daily’s ads come in the form of advertising supplements, inserts called “China Watch,” in a strategy known as “borrowing a boat to go out on the ocean.” According to Sarah Cook, Senior Research Analyst for East Asia, Freedom House, in 2017 testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission:

“This phrase refers to disseminating Chinese state-media content via the pages, frequencies, or screen-time of privately owned media outlets that have developed their own local audiences… In recent years, its robust expansion to English-language media has garnered much attention and public debate. One of the most prominent examples has been the emergence of China Watch — a paid insert sponsored by the state-run China Daily — that has appeared both in print and online in prominent U.S. papers like the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal.”

This form of advertising is sometimes also known as advertorials, or native advertising: the stories are camouflaged to look like the other news content of the media outlets in which they appear.

How a Vindictive Classmate and a Cowardly University Ruined a Girl’s Life By Isaac Schorr


And how the New York Times helped justify it.

ARacial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning”

That’s how the New York Times headlined its hit piece on a college freshman for something she had said as a high school freshman. Mimi Groves was still a child when she said, in a Snapchat recording, “I can drive” followed by the “n-word” — the racial slur.

Jimmy Galligan, a half-black student who graduated from Heritage High School in Virginia this past spring with Groves, obtained this video during their senior year. Per Galligan himself, he waited until Groves had been accepted to, and chose to enroll at, the University of Tennessee-Knoxville to release the video — which went viral.

The resulting firestorm led to a torrent of abuse, and to an ultimatum from the University of Tennessee to Groves: withdraw voluntarily or have your offer of admission rescinded. Groves, who is white, chose the former and is now taking courses at a local community college instead of at her dream school — the reckoning.

Should the former two have led to the third on the scale that Groves is now facing? Any reasonable person would say no. Even conceding the obvious — she shouldn’t have used that slur in any context — there’s little indication she used it out of hatred for black people. In fact, the context seems clear: Groves said it casually, as hundreds of hip-hop tracks do every year. That doesn’t excuse the behavior, which should be considered unacceptable. But it is an important distinction from using the slur with animus, which was obviously not her intention.

There are many to blame for what’s happened. If Groves can be held responsible for a poor decision rendered in her mid teens, surely Galligan can be as well for deliberately trying to ruin a classmate’s life four years later — a worse crime at a more mature age. But regardless of Galligan’s culpability, institutions such as the University of Tennessee and the New York Times are far more deserving of scorn than either of these Virginia teens.At the university, cowardice won the day. Facing calls on social media for Groves’s acceptance to be rescinded, administrators bowed to pressure from a vocal minority, forgoing what was right to do what was most convenient. It was easier for university officials to hang Groves out to dry than to withstand the intense but brief storm themselves. So that’s what they did.