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For NY Times, no news is fit to print about Rep. Swalwell and a spy By Joe Concha,


If you’re a New York Times subscriber who also watches the broadcast network evening news and considers that your news diet, there’s a very good chance you haven’t heard about Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) and his ties to an accused Chinese spy a few years ago. 

To review why this is absolutely worthy of coverage, Swalwell’s interaction with the alleged spy known as Fang Fang included, according to Axios, Fang placing an intern in Swalwell’s office and helping to fundraise for his 2014 reelection campaign. In 2015, the FBI provided Swalwell a “defensive briefing” to warn him of the threat she appeared to pose. 

So, the first obvious question is this: Given how easily Swalwell was duped, why did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) shortly thereafter place him on the House Intelligence Committee, which oversees the CIA and therefore has access to the highest level of sensitive, classified information? 

The New York Times doesn’t seem to care about getting an answer to that question. 

Of the biases we see in major media, the sin of omission is one that seems to occur only when the protagonist of a major story has a (D) next to his or her name. So, when the New York Times, which has a whopping 7 million subscribers and is considered the country’s most influential publication, doesn’t see the Swalwell story as a story at all, it tells you just as much about its moral compass as it does its editorial decisions. 

Is America’s Fourth Estate (Free Press) in Foreclosure? by Leni Friedman Valenta with Jiri Valenta


The modern meaning [of the fourth estate]… refers to the press as a fourth and free power — as even a “watchdog” — over the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government. Today, however, it is the watchdog that needs watching.

It was all right for the New York Times, as its editor-in-chief, Dean Baquet, admitted, to have “built our newsroom” around the fake Russia Hoax for two years, but substantiated facts concerning the Biden family’s influence peddling were apparently “not fit to print.”

So far, still to be answered, is the question: If elections can ignore legalities with impunity, how, going forward, can there be trustworthy elections?

The “fourth estate” refers to freedom of the press. The term may have first been used by the philosopher-statesman Edmund Burke, who in 1787 highlighted the press as free and apart from the other three British “estates” — clergy, royalty and commoners.

The modern meaning, however, refers to the press as a fourth and free power — as even a “watchdog” — over the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government. Today, however, it is the watchdog that needs watching.

The foundation on which the United States is built, freedom of speech and freedom of the press, is enshrined in the First Amendment to the US Constitution:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Before our eyes, however, this freedom is being distorted, strangled and withheld.

New York Times Attacks Election Skeptics How the fourth estate has turned into Biden’s fiefdom. Tue Dec 15, 2020 Joseph Klein


The New York Times editors reached a new low of hypocrisy with their December 11th editorial entitled “The Republicans Who Embraced Nihilism.” Failure to embrace Joe Biden as the legitimate president-elect is tantamount in their eyes to embracing a nihilist rejection of America’s democratic process itself. That’s not surprising given the editors’ hysterical warning before the election that Trump’s re-election campaign “poses the greatest threat to American democracy since the Second World War.” Forget about the real threats posed by nuclear-armed Communist nations and global Islamist terrorism. President Trump is the existential threat to the country, the editors exclaim. Fueled by their hatred of Trump, it’s not much of a leap for the Times’ editors to do what they can to help push Biden over the finish line by whatever means necessary.  

The Times editorial began by bemoaning widespread Republican support for Texas’s failed constitutional challenge to the results of the presidential election in four other states where Joe Biden was declared the winner. But most of the editorial was taken up with attacking Republican supporters of President Trump more generally for daring to question the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s purported election victory. The editors descended into lobbing false accusations that such Republicans are engaging in “election denialism,” “undermining the rule of law,” an “assault on truth,” and “anti-democratic tendencies.”.

The real nihilists and election deniers are the Democrats and their shills in the media, who refused to accept Donald Trump as the duly elected president of the United States in 2016 or to acknowledge the legitimacy of his presidency. Obsessed with their hatred of President Trump, these deniers wouldn’t recognize the truth if it slapped them in the face. They were complicit in undermining the rule of law and democracy by concocting and pursuing endless bogus charges against Trump, starting with the Russian collusion hoax. The New York Times has been a leading generator of fake news hit jobs against the president.

The Bombshell Story The New York Times Still Hasn’t Informed Its Readers About Leah Barkoukis


Axios published a yearlong investigation last week about an alleged Chinese spy who developed ties to politicians at both the local and national level between 2011 and 2015, including with Congressman Eric Swalwell, who sits on the House Intelligence Committee.

“Through campaign fundraising, extensive networking, personal charisma, and romantic or sexual relationships with at least two Midwestern mayors, [Christine] Fang was able to gain proximity to political power, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials and one former elected official,” Axios reported.

Federal investigators had to step in and give Swalwell a briefing about Fang, after which he “cut off all ties” to her. Nevertheless, she had helped him during his 2014 re-election campaign and placed an intern in his office. 

While Swalwell has not been accused of wrongdoing and Fang left the U.S. in 2015, many are calling into question his seat on the Intelligence Committee. 

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) filed a complaint with the House Ethics Committee on Friday, asking that an investigation be opened immediately into the allegations. And Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) said if Democrats keep him on the committee, the GOP “will have to conduct an investigation.”

Swalwell’s office declined to comment for the Axios report “to protect information that might be classified,” but the Democrat later floated the theory that President Trump was behind the story because he’s been critical of him over the years.

There are so many angles to cover about this bombshell story and yet at the time of this writing, The New York Times has still not reported a single one. Even CNN and The Washington Post have touched it. 

Domenech: John Brennan And Intel Officials Are Lying To Us And The Media Pays Them To Do It By Evita Duffy


On “Fox and Friends” Monday morning, The Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech said President Trump’s options are very limited in his fight to win the 2020 elections, but that doesn’t mean Trump has to pretend the election was entirely fair or conducted without interference from media and Big Tech.

There were substantial examples of worrisome election fraud that are going almost entirely unnoticed by the corporate media, Domenech argued.

“My real concern is that going forward we don’t have the mechanisms in place to look into this to find out what happened and to the degree that there was either fraud… [and how] we can prevent [it] in the future,” he said.

Domenech cited the “massive media and big tech conspiracy,” which flagged the infamous Hunter Biden scandal as “Russian disinformation.”

Biden’s son is suspected of money laundering in China and the Ukraine, with evidence that his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, was aware of it and may be compromised.

Domenech pointed out that when the New York Post broke the story, big tech was actively “banning people [and] suspending people for sharing this New York post story that has been if not fully verified, something that is clearly not Russian disinformation.” The scandal “certainly should have been something that the American people were allowed to know about and share in advance of this election,” but they were deceptively not.

Highlighting the dishonesty, Domenech explained how corporate media employs intelligence officials who “signed on to this ridiculous letter claiming that this was Russian misinformation without a scintilla of evidence.”

‘Nonpartisan’ Facebook Fact-Checking Arbiter Trashed Republicans On Russian Propaganda Outlet By Jonah Gottschalk


The ‘independent certifier’ who retweeted the claim that all Republican voters are racists approved as a Facebook fact-checker an organization funded by Chinese Communists and U.S. Democrats.

A professor Facebook has empowered to decide who can become a fact-checker is an open political leftist who has expressed animus against all Republican U.S. voters, according to recently uncovered documents exposing the official — and the process by which social media censors obtain their powers.

According to Jack Houghton of Sky News, the platform’s fact-checking certifier Margot Susca retweeted the claim that racism is “embraced by nearly half of the country’s electorate” in America, called herself a member of Hillary Clinton’s “team” in 2019, and on Russian propaganda network RT she insisted that the U.S. president’s speeches should not be broadcast. Susca is an American University journalism professor and has been a “certifier” for the International Fact-Checking Network since 2017.

ICFN is run by the leftist journalism nonprofit organization Poynter Institute, which claims to be nonpartisan but openly and far more frequently censors right-identified politicians, outlets, and ideas. Facebook uses ICFN to approve censors for its immense platform.

In her role, Susca has certified 19 fact-checking applications from organizations that include the obscure Chinese- and Democrat-funded Lead Stories. Lead Stories has been censoring stories from The Federalist and other non-leftist outlets despite making documented factual errors that boost Democrat-friendly narratives. Susca approved its application for Facebook fact-checker three times in a row.

The Russian Connection

Time’s Person Of The Year Reveals The West’s Stunning Weakness Under China’s Deadly Threat By Christopher Bedford


Xi Jinping took a disaster and, through calculated lies and dictatorial cruelty, accomplished what seemed nearly impossible just last year.

Time Magazine’s Person of the Year is an embarrassment. Designed to acknowledge and document men, women and groups who’ve changed the world, historically it never promised to fill readers with warm and fuzzy feelings: Impact didn’t require good intentions, and didn’t necessitate good results.

Over much of its 93-year history, world-changers like Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Soong Mei-ling, and Adolf Hitler held the title. Aside from being very different people with different codes and different legacies, these people didn’t win simply by virtue of not being the other guy; and for the lion’s share of their lives, for good or evil they interacted with the world outside the comforts of their own homes.

In modern years, however, winners have moved away from the sometimes uncomfortable toward feel-gooders, like Greta Thunberg, a child whose accomplishments peak at getting adults to applaud her tantrums.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, hardly world-shaping visionaries, fit comfortably into this trend. “Defeating the Minotaur was one thing; finding the way out of the labyrinth is another,” read the cringeworthy prose accompanying Time’s puff piece. “A dark winter has descended, and there will be no rest for the victors.”

So, who should have earned the title this year? Who changed the world in ways that just a short while ago we would have struggled to imagine? There’s only one person, and he isn’t included in runner-ups Donald Trump, Anthony Fauci, or “the movement for racial justice.” He is China’s brutal dictator, Xi Jinping.

Consider the evidence. At the dawn of 2020, Xi had a massive problem on his hands. For the third time in 23 years, China had lost control of a deadly disease, and this time evidence placed its origin in suspiciously close proximity to a secretive Chinese government bio laboratory.

Hunter Biden News Should Shame Dismissive Media Outlets By Mark Hemingway


Hunter Biden announced Wednesday he is under federal investigation for his financial dealings in foreign countries, including China. While the news sent shockwaves through Washington, D.C., it shouldn’t have been surprising. The announcement confirms many of the allegations of corruption that were leveled against Hunter Biden in the months leading up to the November elections – allegations the media steadfastly refused to cover.

The nation’s largest social media companies went further: They made the shocking decision to actively censor the New York Post’s eye-opening scoop revealing evidence of Joe Biden’s son’s influence peddling that was recovered from an abandoned laptop. Twitter locked the newspaper out of its own account for weeks. Facebook prevented the Post’s story from being widely distributed, even though neither Joe Biden nor his campaign disputed the authenticity of the documents published by the paper.

In retrospect, not only do the documents appear to be authentic, but a Daily Beast report Thursday notes evidence that the Hunter Biden investigation was hiding in plain sight. One of the FBI documents from the laptop published by the Post “included a case number that had the code associated with an ongoing federal money laundering investigation in Delaware, according to several law enforcement officials who reviewed the document. Another document — one with a grand jury subpoena number — appeared to show the initials of two assistant U.S. attorneys linked to the Wilmington, Delaware, office.” Hunter Biden claims he only learned of the  investigation this past week, but these documents suggest otherwise.

Media’s pre-election burial of Hunter Biden story proves dereliction of duty By Joe Concha,


There are two kinds of bias in the media. First there is the kind we regularly see from many – not all – outlets in broad daylight, which includes openly rooting for one political party while echoing rapid-response opposition research against another. And then there is the more invisible, insidious variety — the bias of omission.

If teaching a class in the latter, as it pertains to the bombshell admission that President-elect Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, has been under grand jury investigation for “tax affairs” by the U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware, then the bias of omission absolutely has been applied in the most blatant manner. 

To be clear, omission-bias is when an outlet or publication purposely suppresses or outright ignores a newsworthy story that is carried by others. In this case, the “others” initially was an exclusive in the New York Post, which was dismissed immediately by other media outlets and by Democrats as Russian disinformation or a smear campaign by the Trump administration.

And not just dismissed, either. The story was outright banned from public discourse by social media giant Twitter, which limited its members from sharing a New York Post report on Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine and China. This New York Post report wasn’t just the usual “he-said, she-said” hearsay that we once saw on a daily basis as it pertained to alleged Russian collusion and the Trump campaign. It contained actual emails from Hunter Biden’s own laptop.

The Disgraceful Hunter Biden Cover-Up By David Harsanyi


It was a ‘conspiracy’ theory shouted down and stifled by the media establishment. Until it wasn’t.

I t’s now clear that the Hunter Biden story was real, with Hunter himself acknowledging a federal probe into his taxes — one that reportedly began in 2018. Really, it was always clear. Yet, when the New York Post broke the details, virtually the entire journalistic establishment and left-wing punditsphere defamed the newspaper, claiming it was passing on Russian “disinformation” or partisan fabrications.

The political media quickly began pumping out process stories about the alleged discord in the Post’s newsroom and about the problems with the reporting. In so doing, of course, they did practically no reporting on the substantive allegations that Joe Biden’s family had spent years cashing in on his influence. Tech companies, spurred on by these censorious journalists, shut down the account of one of America’s most-read newspapers to inhibit users from reading the story. It was completely unprecedented.

At the time, I argued that the Post (where I contribute to the editorial page) used the same ethical and journalistic standards that the media have employed for decades. But, in truth, it exercised a higher standard of professionalism than most outlets reporting on the Russia collusion hysteria did for three-plus years. It certainly exhibited a higher ethical standard than Jeffrey Goldberg did in his Atlantic piece claiming that Donald Trump had besmirched the American military — which political journalists had no problem sharing as irrefutable and unimpeachable fact.

In October, the New York Times ran a piece headlined, “New York Post Published Hunter Biden Report Amid Newsroom Doubts.” Today, the same Times reports that, “Biden team has rejected some of the claims made in the Post articles, but has not disputed the authenticity of the files upon which they were based.”