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The coming cable news crisis What will the networks talk about if they’re not melting down over Trump? Amber Athey


TV pundits and reporters may personally be cheering that President Trump appears likely to be booted from office come January, but the transfer of power is bad news for the networks that employ them. CNN and MSNBC saw record-high ratings over the past four years thanks to President Trump, who supplied just the right kind of drama for their wine-sipping audiences.

What will the networks talk about if they’re not melting down over Trump tossing a roll of paper towels during a hurricane relief effort or serving a personally purchased fast-food spread to championship-winning college athletes? Can anything capture the attention of college-educated whites like Rachel Maddow’s bizarre Trump tax return conspiracies or Jake Tapper keeping tally of how many cabinet officials have resigned or been fired (and then interviewing them once they release the requisite Trump-bashing memoir)?

CNN president Jeff Zucker, who recognized Trump’s TV prowess during the 2016 campaign and offered him a weekly show on his network, admitted to Vanity Fair that cable news loses its audience when anchors cut away from constant Trump coverage.

‘We’ve seen that anytime you break away from the Trump story and cover other events in this era, the audience goes away,’ he said in 2018. ‘So we know that, right now, Donald Trump dominates.’

The biggest challenge for cable news, then, is finding something else for viewers to obsess over.

Media Treat Trump’s Team Like Dogs, Biden’s Like Puppies The largely celebratory coverage unwittingly emphasizes the triumph of the press’s own class. By Gerard Baker


When Joe Biden gets to the White House, he will, it seems, be bringing with him a menagerie of domesticated animals, eager to roll over and have their tummies tickled by a solicitous first couple.

There will be Champ and Major, the two German shepherds, one of whom, like his master, is a veteran of the Obama administration. There will be the as-yet-unnamed cat who, we learned last week, will prowl the echoing halls of the executive mansion, no doubt mischievous and imperious by turns, like all felines.

Above all there will be a whole pack of cuddly, playful, yelping puppies, eager for attention and desperate to please, gently nuzzling their master and members of his administration whenever they stoop to stroke them or issue a kind word or a stern command.

These fully house-trained pets will sport White House press passes and carry laptops and microphones. They will project a vulpine self-regard and profess a houndlike commitment to hunting down the truth. But it’s clear already that when brought to heel they will have all the independence of mind of one of those nodding toy dogs that used to adorn the dashboards of motorcars.


Not a single mention of Dominion or lawsuits or skepticism….


Trump’s Disgraceful Endgame By The Editors


There are legitimate issues to consider after the 2020 vote about the security of mail-in ballots and the process of counting votes (some jurisdictions, bizarrely, take weeks to complete their initial count), but make no mistake: The chief driver of the post-election contention of the past several weeks is the petulant refusal of one man to accept the verdict of the American people. The Trump team (and much of the GOP) is working backwards, desperately trying to find something, anything to support the president’s aggrieved feelings, rather than objectively considering the evidence and reacting as warranted.

Almost nothing that the Trump team has alleged has withstood the slightest scrutiny. In particular, it’s hard to find much that is remotely true in the president’s Twitter feed these days. It is full of already-debunked claims and crackpot conspiracy theories about Dominion voting systems. Over the weekend, he repeated the charge that 1.8 million mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania were mailed out, yet 2.6 million were ultimately tallied. In a rather elementary error, this compares the number of mail-ballots requested in the primary to the number of ballots counted in the general. A straight apples-to-apples comparison finds that 1.8 million mail-in ballots were requested in the primary and 1.5 million returned, while 3.1 million ballots were requested in the general and 2.6 million returned.

Flawed and dishonest assertions like this pollute the public discourse and mislead good people who make the mistake of believing things said by the president of the United States.

President-as-Leader or President-as-Partisan?

By Richard Brookhiser

Arizona Certifies Election Results for Biden as Giuliani Pushes Unfounded Fraud Claims

By Brittany Bernstein 
Trump’s team is calling on Republican state legislators to appoint pro-Trump electors in defiance of the popular vote.

How Trump Could Have Reacted to the Election

By Dan McLaughlin
Trump Campaign Election Litigation Appears to End in Pennsylvania While Proceeding in Georgia

By Andrew C. McCarthy

Wisconsin Recount Adds 87 Votes to Biden’s Margin of Victory

By John McCormack

Dr. Fauci, Andrew Cuomo, AOC nominated for Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ By Bernadette Hogan and Carl Campanile


Dr. Anthony Fauci and the essential workers who have labored throughout the coronavirus pandemic are tied neck-and-neck as key nominees for Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year” award, a list on which New York’s  Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have also landed.

The annual poll opened on Wednesday and pulls from reader vote submissions, as individuals are required to vote “yes” or “no” when asked whether or not a specific nominee should be chosen as the overall award winner.

Readers may cast votes of “yes” or “no” to all 80 of the magazine’s nominated candidates.

Final results will be revealed in early December, with Time’s editors selecting an overall winner by Dec. 10.

Fauci, the U.S.’s top epidemiologist who became a national fixture over the last year during the COVID-19 pandemic response, as well as essential employees doctors, nurses, delivery workers, public transit and grocery store employees are leading the publication’s list — as of Wednesday both are tied, after individually receiving a yes by 81 percent of respondents, and no by 19 percent of voters.

Thirty five percent of readers gave Cuomo a thumbs up for the award compared to 65 percent who voted no.

The third-term Democratic governor celebrated winning the 2020 International Emmys’ “Founders Award” last week as well as being a New York Times bestseller with his latest novel, “American Crisis.”

But he’s slightly trailing liberal darling, Bronx Democratic Socialist AOC — who has thus far secured 38 percent yes votes in her favor.

The Social Media Fact-Check Farce A study says Twitter’s anti-Trump ‘corrections’ make some people more likely to believe Trump.


In recent years liberals have successfully lobbied social-media companies to police conservative content more and more aggressively. But there’s little evidence that this political interference has reduced the prevalence of misinformation online—and a new study shows how it could make the problem worse.

In the study—by Dino Christenson of Boston University and Sarah Kreps and Douglas Kriner of Cornell—volunteers were shown a May 26 tweet by President Trump attacking mail-in voting and claiming that “Mail boxes will be robbed, ballots will be forged & even illegally printed out & fraudulently signed.”

Groups of participants were also shown “corrections” to Mr. Trump’s tweet, including Twitter’s “explanatory text labeling the claims ‘unsubstantiated’ according to major media outlets, including CNN and the Washington Post.”

Conservatives did not find mainstream-media assurances convincing. For Republicans who were shown Twitter’s effort to debunk the President, “belief that mail voter fraud occurs was more than 13% higher than in the control.” Or as the authors put it, “corrections increased misperceptions among those predisposed to believe President Trump.”

Cuomo stands up for President Trump on media bias The Democratic governor sympathizes with the president on one challenge he faces By Brittany De Lea ??!!


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo defended President Trump this week as the three-term Democratic governor indicated the media did not treat the president with the respect that the office commands.

Cuomo said during an interview with WAMC radio Monday that the press has taken on a “nastier tone,” which he has noticed at his press conferences and all across the nation, describing a “disrespect that never existed.”

“The way they question President Trump at some of these press conferences is just – I’ve never heard that tone with the president,” Cuomo said.

When asked by WAMC’s Alan Chartock whether the president “deserved it,” Cuomo said there is supposed to be a “decorum” to the institution – indicating that even if you do not like a person, you still respect the institution he or she represents.

“There are reporters who just are unprofessional, don’t know the facts and ask really biased questions,” Cuomo explained. “You want to say ‘well I don’t like the president and I disrespect him,’ I know but it’s still the office of the president.”

While Trump has been known for his contentious relationship with the media – routinely calling out different networks for their coverage of his presidency and campaigns – Cuomo has also had his fair share of tense run-ins with reporters.

Last week, for example, the governor drew attention for his hostile responses to reporters who were confused about New York City’s school closure plan.

When a reporter said he was “still very confused,” Cuomo snapped back “then you’re confused!”

“No, [parents are] not confused. You’re confused,” Cuomo told the reporter. “Read the law and you won’t be confused.”

Beijing-Controlled News Outlet Paid US Newspapers Millions To Publish Propaganda This Year


An English-language newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda department paid U.S. media companies nearly $2 million for printing and advertising expenses over the past six months, even amid heightened scrutiny over Beijing’s disinformation efforts in the West.

China Daily paid The Wall Street Journal more than $85,000 and the Los Angeles Times $340,000 for advertising campaigns between May and October 2020, according to a disclosure that the propaganda mill filed this week with the Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

China Daily also paid Foreign Policy magazine $100,000, The Financial Times, a U.K.-based newspaper, $223,710, and $132,046 to the Canadian outlet Globe & Mail for advertising campaigns, according to the filing.

The Beijing-based outlet paid several newspaper companies a total of $1,154,666 for printing costs, including $110,000 to the Los Angeles Times, $92,000 to The Houston Chronicle and $76,000 to The Boston Globe.

Overall, China Daily spent more than $4.4 million on printing, distribution, advertising and administration expenses over the past six months, according to the FARA filing.

Tucker Goes Megyn By Joan Swirsky 


But my money is on––and has always been on––the Smartest Guy in the Room, President Donald J. Trump

What is it about good-looking, brainy, articulate, even charismatic people––particularly if they’re in the public eye––that makes them so vulnerable to the self-destroying over-confidence and arrogance known as hubris?

Who can forget when the beauteous, brash and brilliant Megyn Kelly blazed like a shooting star on Fox News, used her background as a former practicing attorney to conduct piercing and revelatory interviews; showcased enough magnetism to, as my mother used to say, charm a bird off a tree; and entranced the show-business and tabloid worlds with her romance and marriage to a rich and handsome businessman-cum-author and then gave birth to three adorable children? 

In the feminist-invented world of “having it all,” Kelly certainly fit the profile.


And so did Kelly! As soon as the business mogul and TV star Donald Trump descended on the escalator in the eponymously-named Trump Tower with his gorgeous wife Melania in June of 2015 and announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America, every media person in every outlet in the world salivated at the chance of interviewing the billionaire builder.

But nothing would reveal the Real Donald Trump as much as the TV debates in which no less than 16 Republican candidates participated––all of them with the formidable political credentials that the businessman-candidate lacked. 

They included Governors Scott Walker (WI), John Kasich (OH); former Governors Rick Perry (TX), Bobby Jindal (LA), George Pataki (NY), Mike Huckabee (AK), Jim Gilmore (VA), Jeb Bush (FL), Chris Christie (NJ); Senators Lindsey Graham (SC), Marco Rubio (FL), Ted Cruz (TX); as well as former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

And who got the plum assignment to host the first Republican debate? None other than Fox’s “it girl” Megyn Kelly. I remember vividly how Kelly tantalized her audience with explosive things to come––rolling her hands, her eyes glistening––as she invited people to see what they had never ever seen before.

EXPLOSIVE Study: Media Suppression of 8 Key Stories ‘Stole This Election’ for Joe Biden By Tyler O’Neil


According to an explosive new study the Media Research Center (MRC) released on Tuesday, the legacy media’s suppression of eight key election-related news stories effectively handed the presidential election to Democrat Joe Biden. According to a poll conducted by The Polling Company on behalf of MRC, a whopping 17 percent of Americans who voted for Joe Biden would not have done so had they been aware of just one of these stories.

Had the legacy media not buried these stories, Trump would have won 311 electoral votes, the study claims.

“The national news media stole this election, as far as I’m concerned, they deliberately stole it from President Trump,” MRC President Brent Bozell said in a call with reporters. “It is absolutely unequivocal” that the biased media coverage “cost Donald Trump the election.”

FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon called the 2020 campaign an “issueless conversation,” noting that “without talking about issues, it basically ended up being a referendum on the president’s personality.”

Brandon said America is a center-right country, but the legacy media suppressed the key issues, subverting the substantive issues that should have decided the 2020 election.

The Polling Company surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Six of these states (all except North Carolina) have been called for Biden. The poll found that a whopping 82 percent of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news stories, while only five percent said they did not know about all eight.

The New Woke Times By Sharyl Attkisson


An excerpt from “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism” by Sharyl Attkisson (Harper, 320 pages, $28.99)

There’s no more exemplary sign of the death-of-the-news-as-we-once-knew-it than the public unraveling of the New York Times, once perhaps of the most well-respected news organizations on the planet. The newspaper’s series of unfortunate, self-inflicted events, highlighted in a disastrous summer of 2019, led one insider to refer to the publication as “The New Woke Times.” A leaked transcript of a staff meeting following a string of public embarrassments punctuated the point.

I can’t help but think that the angst-filled newsroom at the New York Times might not have to expend so much effort dodging flak if management had allowed the paper’s public editor to do her job. The public editor was the internal ombudsman assigned “to help keep the Times and its coverage honest in an increasingly commercialized and politicized news environment.” This was the person assigned to address major public criticism and, to some degree, inoculate the newsroom from having to get mired so deeply in controversies over its coverage.

The position of public editor at the Times was first created after the Jayson Blair scandal. Blair was the Times reporter who resigned in disgrace in 2003 after it was discovered that his stories—some of them published on the front page—were fabricated and plagiarized. The controversy led to the resignation of Times executive editor Howell Raines and managing editor Gerald Boyd. The new public editor would serve as a check and balance to help uncover and remedy journalistic misdeeds sooner.

In May 2016, Elizabeth Spayd became the Times’ last public editor. During her relatively short tenure, she fielded criticism about controversies such as the Times’ increase in “native advertising,” meaning ads seamlessly worked into the fabric of the publication as if they were a news story. Spayd called the uncomfortable mix of commercials and journalism a proven winner in terms of revenue. She noted that “The vast majority of readers apparently find it un-objectionable.” She drew that conclusion in part, she said, because she had received few complaints about it. Actually, the lack of complaints might have been because most readers don’t recognize native advertising when they are reading it. That’s the whole point: it is advertising disguised as news.