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Chris Hayes, Jeff Goldberg Smear Madison Cawthorn Using Fake Quote By Tobias Hoonhout



Soon-to-be the youngest member of Congress, North Carolina Republican Madison Cawthorn has already faced a media onslaught that dishonestly cast a 2017 Instagram post, which showed his visit to Adolf Hitler’s World War II retreat, as neo-Nazi propaganda. Members of the elite press rekindled their misguided outrage on Monday in response to a quote that was falsely attributed to Cawthorn.

In a wide-ranging interview with Jewish Insider, Cawthorn admitted that “it does not look like Donald Trump is going to be the president,” described sharing common ground with Joe Biden on “infrastructure reform,” and expressed an interest in reforming America’s “terrible” foreign policy. He also said he was “looking forward” to meeting Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) — whom he described as someone “of conviction.”

For the mainstream press, however, the major takeaway was Cawthorn’s comment about his religious convictions.

“Newly Elected GOP Congressman Madison Cawthorn Has Tried to Convert Jews to Christianity” reads a fear-mongering headline in the Daily Beast.

Social Media Censorship Sows the Wind, and We All Reap the Whirlwind By Daniel Gelernter


Google, Facebook, and Twitter wanted to make a happier world in which we weren’t troubled by wrong information or misleading ideas. Instead they have led America to the brink of genuine catastrophe.

My first encounter with social media fact-checking was over a year ago, when Facebook appended a “false information” tag to a meme I had posted about World War II, of all things. An article by PolitiFact, to which Facebook directed everyone who saw this meme, informed us that careful research had proved that gun control did not, in fact, help advance the Holocaust, and so it was not fair to use the Holocaust as an argument against gun control in America.

One problem with this article is the touchingly naïve idea that a complex question, over which historians continue to argue, could be stamped true or false as though it were a fact you’d simply been too lazy to look up. 

A second problem is that this fact-checking article is full of factual errors. But that’s not surprising when such articles are generally written by a twentysomething journalism school graduate who became an “expert” in World War II that afternoon after her supervisor told her to research a meme on the Internet.

The biggest problem, however, was that Facebook had decided that this question—remote and unimportant as it might be in our daily lives—was not something you should be allowed to think about. If you thought about it yourself, unguided, as though you were, say, an adult and not a schoolchild, you might come to the wrong conclusion. And lest you be misled into thinking there was a connection between gun control and tyranny, Facebook had looked into the matter for you. And don’t worry, they found there wasn’t any connection, so you can rest easy and move on to the fluffy kitten pictures.

Christiane Amanpour is no journalist By Rabbi Aryeh Spero


CNN international anchor Christiane Amanpour used the Nazi Holocaust against Jews to once again misportray and besmirch the reputation of President Donald Trump and the 72 million people who voted for him.

Amanpour stated: “This week 82 years ago, Kristallnacht happened.  It was the Nazis’ warning shot across the bow of our human civilization that led to genocide against a whole identity and, in that tower of burning books, it led to an attack on fact, knowledge, history and proof. After four years of a modern-day assault on those same values by Donald Trump, the Biden-Harris team pledges a return to normal.”

Like many on the left, Amanpour is blatantly insensitive to the brutality against and extermination of Europe’s Jews and exploits this historical genocide as a means to vilify conservatives and Trump-supporters.  It is an evil tactic reflecting a cruel and fraudulent personality.

The very fact that she has been able for four years to freely level obscene lies against the president without any retaliation against her from President Trump indicates that Trump is in no way stifling her freedom of speech.  What she should be concerned about is the censorship, cancel culture, political correctness, and destruction of people’s reputations and livelihoods coming from the left-wing precincts and much of the Biden-Clinton-Obama-Squad Democrat apparatus she extols.  Amanpour speaks of Kristallnacht and yet remains silent while Antifa physically beats up regular Americans.  She praises Black Lives Matter, which, similar to what occurred on Kristallnacht, breaks the glass windows of stores owned by Americans and torches the streets of American commercial and residential neighborhoods.

Christopher Bedford: The Media Are Covering Up Left-Wing Violence Because They Agree With The Mission  


Federalist Senior Editor Christopher Bedford condemned the media’s deliberate attempts to either ignore or justify the left’s explosion of violence in the nation’s capital over the weekend as a symptom of press bias fomenting the chaos.

“The media absolutely ought to be covering it more, but they’re covering up more in a lot of cases because they agree with the mission and they think that they’re part of the Resistance as well,” Bedford said on Fox News Monday. “They think that Republicans or conservatives or people who are marching in the street are bad, basically right-arm-bearing Nazis, and at that point you can really justify a huge amount of action.”

Black Lives Matter and Antifa, Bedford added, imagine themselves as righteous activists operating under the curtain of historic struggles from fighting Nazism to the mid-20th century civil rights movement.

“What level wouldn’t you go to to try to stop Hitler,” Bedford said. “If you call your opponents Hitler, it can justify a lot of action … both of them are just setting up camps in Washington D.C. Downtown’s an absolute mess.”

Biden’s Media Campaign By Charles C. W. Cooke


In which the media were the campaign.

It is often said that a free press is necessary to the maintenance of a free republic. It is less frequently said that, in order for this to be true, that press must be both virtuous and useful. The American press is certainly free — freer than any press has ever been in the history of the human race, in fact — but it is not virtuous and it is not useful. Until it changes, it will continue to invite the mistrust and opprobrium to which it has of late become accustomed. As for the free republic . . . well, we’ll see.

It is no great overstatement to say that, in the 2020 presidential election, the media did not so much cover the Biden campaign as they were the Biden campaign. What, had they been officially charged with that task, would they have done differently? During the last year, major outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, The Atlantic, and NPR got into the habit of prominently featuring any news that could plausibly hurt President Trump while assiduously refusing to run stories that might have hurt Joe Biden. Thus it was that the story about Hunter Biden’s exploits in China was smothered without any good explanation other than that it might serve as a “distraction” (well, yes) and that it could possibly be a plot, while a relatively inexplosive New York Times story about President Trump’s taxes was blasted out with abandon. Thus it was that the coronavirus was deemed to be simultaneously so lethal as to warrant the shutting down of Trump’s campaign rallies and so benign as to have no effect through mass protests. Thus it was that a fairly dull Tom Cotton piece arguing for the deployment of the military to help quell riots was deemed too radical for a New York Times opinion page that had recently invited contributions from Vladimir Putin and the Taliban, and would later run a submission from an anti-democracy apparatchik of the Chinese Communist Party, and that had run a piece by Charles Blow arguing that “white women” liked to “use themselves as instruments of terror,” there being “too many noosed necks, charred bodies and drowned souls for them to deny knowing precisely what they are doing.”

CNN Compares The Trump Administration To Genocidal Nazi Germany By Evita Duffy


CNN British journalist Christiane Amanpour this week compared the Trump administration to Kristallnacht, an attack on German Jews during the Third Reich that, as Amanpour said, “led to genocide against a whole identity.”

Amanpour, CNN’s Chief International Anchor and host of CNN International’s nightly interview program, told viewers that President Donald Trump has waged a similar assault on “fact, knowledge, history, and truth,” as the Nazis did during Kristallnacht and the rest of the Third Reich’s existence.

“After four years of a modern-day assault on those same values by Donald Trump, the Biden-Harris team pledges a return to norms,” said Amanpour.

Kristallnacht occurred November 9-10, 1938, when German Nazis burned synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools, and businesses, and killed close to 100 Jewish people. It is often referred to as the “Night of Broken Glass.”

About Atlanta’s Election Day Pipe Dream David Catron


Election Day 2020 was unusual for several predictable reasons involving high in-person turnout and veritable avalanches of mail-in ballots. One exceptionally odd event, however, took everyone by surprise — vote counting suddenly stopped for hours in several key swing states late Tuesday night. One of these mysterious halts occurred in Fulton County, Georgia, where election officials insisted that a broken water pipe necessitated a four-hour delay before counting of absentee ballots could resume. Yet evidence for what would have been quite a serious plumbing issue has been strangely elusive. There doesn’t appear to be any paperwork involving this leak.

Atlanta lawyer Paul Dzikowski, like many of us who vote in Georgia, was interested in the details of an incident serious enough to stop the vote-counting process for hours yet had been covered only in passing by the news media. As he expressed it in one email to me, “I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that News Corp. from Australia picked up this story from halfway around the world but CNN hasn’t bothered … even though CNN’s headquarters are literally in the same building.” Dzikowski invoked the Georgia Open Records Act last Monday in a written request for copies of all records involving the burst pipe, including memoranda, notes, work orders, requisitions, invoices, and other related repair records.

Big Media Revealed As Corrupt, Venal And Biased — So What Else Is New?


We hate to admit it, but we thought it would be hard for our colleagues in the already-disgraced big media to shame themselves further during this election cycle. After all, they had done such a great job of it over the past four years. But, in the last two months, they outdid themselves.

Free republics, such as our own, depend on a healthy, vibrant, independent press to survive. The free flow of information, facts and opinion is the oxygen that our republic breathes. Right now, we’re gasping for breath.

Just in recent days, the examples of the media’s (including social media) stunning irresponsibility, outright mendacity and pro-Joe Biden bias are legion:

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto cut off live remarks by White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany as she outlined credible evidence of widespread voter fraud.
MSNBC talking head and “historian” Jon Meacham, a supposed “expert” on the presidency, commented favorably and at length on Biden’s Saturday night speech, without telling its audience that he, Meacham, wrote the speech.
Both the New York Times (“All The News That’s Fit To Print”) and Washington Post (“Democracy Dies In Darkness”) outright lied about Pfizer and its participation in President Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” project to accelerate development of a coronavirus vaccine. Pfizer itself denied receiving any funding, obviously eager to distance itself from Trump and ingratiate itself with the vengeful leftists that now control the Democratic Party. Only problem is, a Pfizer press release from July shows it accepted an order of 100 million doses of its vaccine at a cost of $1.95 billion.

Report: Big Tech, Media ‘Stole the Election’ by Burying Biden-China Scandal By Tyler O’Neil


In the critical weeks before Election Day, Big Tech and the legacy media took extreme measures to bury the unfolding story of Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s personal ties to his son Hunter’s notorious business deals in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere. Facebook and Twitter suppressed a New York Post story even before a fact-check, and legacy media outlets refused to cover the story even as evidence mounted. According to a blockbuster new poll, this unprecedented suppression of a bombshell story arguably cost President Donald Trump his reelection.

A Media Research Center (MRC) poll conducted by McLaughlin & Associates found that 36 percent of Biden voters were not aware of the evidence behind claims that Joe Biden was personally involved in his son Hunter’s business deals with China. Thirteen percent of those voters (4.6 percent of Biden’s total vote) said that if they had known the facts, they would not have voted for Biden.

Such a shift away from Biden would have given Trump the election, according to MRC’s analysis of the preliminary — and contested — election results predicting a Biden win. Had the Biden-China story seen the light of day, Trump would have won the election with 289 electoral votes.

“It is an indisputable fact that the media stole the election,” MRC President Brent Bozell argued. “The American electorate was intentionally kept in the dark. During the height of the scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings, the media and the big tech companies did everything in their power to cover it up.”

Bozell noted that Twitter and Facebook limited sharing of The New York Post‘s bombshell report, while legacy media outlets largely ignored it. After the Post story failed to get the kind of traction many expected it would, Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, came forward with firsthand knowledge — and evidence — tying Joe Biden to the notorious deals.

Obsession: How the Media Keep Us Ignorant By Jeff Minick


Many people of all political persuasions, including myself, find much of the mainstream news opinionated and biased. Negative media coverage of President Trump, for example, ran as high as 99 percent in May.

This slanted news does serious damage to our republic. It’s divisive, but it also causes ignorance. Two days ago, I met a man in his mid-30s who gave me a blank look when I mentioned the scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s hard drive. When I asked another woman, a Democrat, what she thought about the possibility of Joe Biden having dementia, she had no idea what I meant.

But there is a threat to an informed citizenry as great as prejudicial reporting: negligence. The MSM not only keeps us in the dark by their bigotry and their deliberate omission of certain stories, but also by their inability to broaden their reporting.

Since January, the media has focused continually on the pandemic sweeping the globe. They’ve battered us with statistics, with terrible stories of nursing home deaths, and with arrests made when a church or business opened, news seasoned with the opinions of “experts.”

The Black Lives Matter Movement with its protests and riots occasionally nudged aside the pandemic as worthy of reporting, but generally coronavirus remained front and center in the headlines. The nomination and confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court dominated the news for a few days, and with the election season, those who watch televised news find themselves now in a storm of opinions, polls, and speculations.

Meanwhile, this hurricane of headlines has swept away events taking place around the world.