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Kamalaflage: Dems race to expunge the evidence of Harris’ leftist history By James Bovard


Vice President Kamala Harris last year heartily condemned any effort “to erase and even rewrite the ugly parts of our history.”  

But she didn’t mention that the “ugly parts” of her own record would be exempt from such a rewrite ban.

Now a tidal wave of Kamalaflage has engulfed the presidential contest, as Harris’ entire career is being miraculously expunged — or at least purified — in a craven evidence-rigging stampede by media outlets and supposedly nonpartisan scorekeepers.

Democrats and the media are looking to to erase and rewrite Vice President Kamala Harris’ past hard-left policy positions.

Harris plainly ascended to the nomination thanks to a de facto coup of Democratic Party kingpins and donors.

Yet The Washington Post on Sunday hailed those machinations as “the most spectacular transformation in recent American political history, a flashbang midsummer swap at the top of the presidential ticket.”

Perhaps the paper should change its motto to “Democracy dies as a spectator sport,” given its effusive praise for the Democrats’ willingness to sideline their own primary voters.



ABC News recently hired a new reporter to write about politics, including U.S. policy toward Israel–a Harvard student journalist who has accused Israel of “atrocities” and who has praised the pro-Hamas protesters on his campus.

Tommy Barone, a junior at Harvard, was the lead author this week on a coauthored news feature for ABC News.com about what Kamala Harris’s policy agenda will look like. It included a section on what her policy will be towards Israel and Gaza.

But can Barone claim to be a neutral, objective reporter when writing about Israel?

On May 8, Barone authored a lengthy op-ed in the Harvard Crimson—where he is an “Editorial Chair”—attacking Israel and giving the pro-Hamas protesters helpful advice on how to improve their image.

“A significant proportion of faculty and students—myself included— believe Israel is committing atrocities in Gaza,” Barone wrote. He denounced what he called “the indiscriminate violence Israel is inflicting on the Palestinian people.”

Barone also wrote: “You would be hard-pressed to find an injustice more unambiguous, more immediately persuasive, than the live-time, live-streamed mass death of over 13,000 children [in Gaza].”

Media Mourns ‘Moderate,’ ‘Pragmatic’ Hamas Leader Who Wanted to Kill All the Jews By Daniel Greenfield


After attending the inauguration of Iran’s new president among the festive chants of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh found death waiting for him. 

“We always shout: ‘Death for the sake of Allah is our loftiest aspiration,’” Haniyeh had claimed. 

The Hamas billionaire who lived in luxury in Qatar hadn’t actually wanted to die, but he should have been careful what he wished for before the missile granted him the death he cheered for. 

After the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7, Haniyeh had declared that we need the “blood of the women, children, and elderly” to awaken the “revolutionary spirit”. But his his dreams of killing all the Jews and seizing Israel ended when he left the protection of U.S. terrorist “allies” like Qatar and Turkey, and visited Iran.   

Haniyeh never left Iran. 

Earlier, Israel had taken out Fuad Shukr, the number two figure in the Hezbollah Islamic terrorist group, still wanted by the United States for his role in the Marine Corps Barracks bombing in Beirut which killed 241 American military personnel. It followed that up by taking out Haniyeh even as he was staying under the terrorist regime’s military protection in the heart of Tehran. 

Allies from Doha, Moscow, Beijing and D.C. to CAIR to BLM to the BBC mourned his death. 

“Never say that those martyred in the cause of Allah are dead—in fact, they are alive!” CAIR San Francisco head Zahra Billoo tweeted. “Tonight, we mourn Ismail himself but know his martyrdom is not in vain.” 

The woke media’s grotesque gloating over the shooting of Trump The media elites’ Trump Derangement Syndrome has utterly shattered their morality.Brendan O’Neill


Imagine being taken off the airwaves because your bosses are worried you might gloat over an attempted murder. That, reportedly, has been the fate of pundits on MSNBC’s maddeningly woke talk show, Morning Joe. It’s been pulled from the air today, in the wake of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, allegedly out of fear that a guest might make an ‘inappropriate’ comment about the shooting. CNN has the lowdown. It reports that MSNBC benched its best-known show, despite the ‘seismic’ events of the past 48 hours, as a pre-emptive strike against the possibility that one of the ‘stable of two-dozen-plus guests’ would say something nuts about the violence visited on Trump.

If this is true – and we have no reason to doubt that it is, given the liberal media’s been full of ‘inappropriate’ chatter on the shooting of Trump – it is terrifyingly revealing. That one of America’s top liberal broadcasters seemingly cannot trust its own talking heads to be sombre and decent in the aftermath of the attempted slaying of a former president is extraordinary. It points to more than the problem of shock-jockery, where people who say outrageous things tend to get the most clicks and clout. It speaks to something worse than Trump Derangement Syndrome. No, it shines a light on the wholesale unanchoring of the woke elites from the norms of democratic politics, and their drift into an alternative world of invective and vengeance.

Heather Mac Donald The Times Turns on a Dime Determined to help force President Biden out of the race, the Paper of Record suddenly applies withering scrutiny to his every word.


To measure the terror now gripping the mainstream media in the wake of the Biden–Trump debate, consider this: the New York Times is now fact-checking Joe Biden in favor of Donald Trump.

Monday’s print edition of the Times contains an article titled “In ABC Interview, Exaggerations about Polling and Trump.” The article applies a level of scrutiny to Biden’s Friday interview with ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos that is nearly unprecedented toward a Democratic candidate.

The Times now quotes Biden verbatim, with the clear intention of putting his verbal shuffles on full display:

Biden: “After that debate, . . . I did events in—in—in Georgia, did events like this today, large crowds, overwhelming response, no—no—no slipping.”

So remorseless is the Times toward Biden’s speech stumbles that it even records a missing syllable:

“The New York Times had me behind before anything having to do with this race—had me hind—behind 10 points.”

Factual errors that before would have been allowed to pass unnoticed are now harvested and amplified:

Before the interview on Friday, Mr. Biden said of Mr. Trump at a rally in Wisconsin that he would “beat him again in 2020.” At a Fourth of July barbecue with military members and their families, Mr. Biden referred to Mr. Trump as “one of our former colleagues” before correcting himself. And at a fund-raising reception in East Hampton, New York, he confused Italy and France when referring to the location of a veterans’ cemetery he recently visited.

American Media’s Lethal, Self-Inflicted Wounds Roger Franklin


Perhaps it still does, but 40-odd years ago the US Information Agency would take reporters newly arrived from overseas on little junkets to show how America worked. The Wall had yet to fall, the Cold War continued and Washington wished to put the benefits of democracy and free enterprise on display. I went on only one such trip, in early 1980, which is some time ago, so if what I recall of our stop at the Los Angeles Times is fogged by the years, please forgive a memory perhaps a little blurred at the edges.

What I do recall is being herded, our troupe of international freeloaders — black faces, white and asian, the only genders then on offer, plus some colourful headgear and a robe or two — through a vast acreage of newsrooms until finally, having also inspected loading bays and presses, we were assembled before the vacant desk of the editor-in-chief. A tall, athletic man with a beaky countenance arrived, sat down, delivered some pro forma remarks on the First Amendment, Fourth Estate and the vital role his newspaper played in the lives of Los Angelos and, indeed, the nation and world. The chap with the kente cloth cap asked why Africa received so little attention, and there were questions about November’s presidential election, Carter vs Reagan, and how it would be covered. This is the bit that remains crystal sharp.

“Without fear or favour and in pursuit of the facts,” said the LA Times/Mirror group’s supreme editor, Otis Chandler, the fourth generation of the family that had owned and run the LA Times for more than a century. Like Katherine Graham at the Washington Post, his was a hands-on clan. After the rote boilerplate about the sacred duty of the press, the force of Chandler’s conviction in pledging a thorough, unbiased eye on the looming presidential contest was, well, memorable. The details escape me, except that he went on at some length about the dollar investment that would go into the election coverage, a sum I remember as being in the astonishing multi-millions. The LA Times‘ reputation and that of the Chandlers were as one and worth protecting. Indeed, it was also matter of redemption. Before Otis, the LA Times had been a nakedly biased, right-wing denouncer of all things Democrat, especially unions, which made it the target of a 1910 bombing that left almost two dozen dead.

Amazing New Feats in Shameless Hackery Noah Rothman


We’ve reached the point in the electoral calendar when the “experts” join forces to provide Joe Biden with a dubious talking point timed for maximum political effect.

Last time around, the “experts” were some of the nation’s most distinguished intelligence officials who assured the voting public that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a fabrication cooked up as part of an unusually sophisticated Russian disinformation operation. Today, the “experts” are economists — indeed, Nobel Prize winners — all of whom insist that Donald Trump’s proposed economic policies risk exacerbating inflation. That wouldn’t be such a galling assertion if this brain trust hadn’t also assured Americans that Joe Biden’s economic-policy preferences are entirely unimpeachable.

An open letter signed by 16 accomplished economists begins with the authors confessing how “deeply concerned” they are by Trump’s economic prescriptions and the “vagaries of his actions” on the world stage. In particular, the letter’s signatories expressed their fear that Trump’s “irresponsible budgets” will “reignite” inflation.

It’s unclear what “irresponsible budgets” the authors are describing. If they’re referring to the statements of principle that presidents send to Congress under the guise that they are budgetary proposals, these economic mavens need not worry so much. Presidential budgets are political documents, not economic blueprints, and Congress tends to regard them as such.

If, however, these economists were referring implicitly to Trump’s reliance on tariffs as the answer to any and every economic challenge, these economists would be on surer footing. Some forecasters have gamed out the effect of Trump’s sweeping tariff proposals, and they anticipate that the higher cost of imports and the prospect of Chinese retaliation would boost consumer prices.

Jewish Plot To Participate In An Election And Oust Pro-Hamas Marxist Gasbag Succeeds By: David Harsanyi


Jamaal Bowman lost his congressional primary race yesterday by 17 points, and all his allies in D.C. and the media decided to blame the Jews.

Now, it’s true that a large contingent of Jews who reside in Westchester County got together and, using their free will, decided to vote against a rape-denying Hamas apologist. But let’s not underplay the fact that Bowman was also a truther, a racist, and a fire-alarm-pulling clown.

Bowman, it seems, didn’t even know where his district was located. “We are gonna show f—king AIPAC the power of the motherf—ing South Bronx,” the former middle-school principal yelled to a small crowd at one of the most cringe-worthy political rallies I can ever remember watching. Red-diaper baby Bernie Sanders, one of the most popular politicians in the Democratic party, was on hand to tell the small crowd that the Democratic primary was “one of the most important” in American history.

Bowman’s district isn’t in the South Bronx, by the way. His rally was five miles outside his district.

In any event, most leftists blamed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee for Bowman’s fortunes. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who put on some kind of wild pogo dance at the Bowman rally, has accused AIPAC of being “a right-wing insurrectionist-supporting, pro-Netanyahu lobbying organization.” MSNBC’s Chris Hayes claimed that Bowman’s race was in a “dead heat” without AIPAC’s involvement, which is a ludicrous conjecture considering Bowman was down 17 points before AIPAC ever ran an ad.

Douglas Murray :All eyes should be on Al Jazeera for being founded, funded — and directed — by terrorists All eyes should be on Al Jazeera for being founded, funded — and directed — by terrorists


Considering how much attention the American media get, it’s amazing that one piece of actual, unbelievable subversion keeps going on.That is the Al Jazeera network — founded, funded and directed by the terrorist-supporting state of Qatar.

Last month, The Washington Post reported darkly that the Israeli government had shut down the Al Jazeera network’s operations in Israel because of its coverage from Gaza. WaPo portrayed this as a “dark day” for press freedom.

In fact, there were a lot of good reasons for the Israelis to stop the network from operating inside Israel.

Just one being that a number of Al Jazeera journalists reporting on Israel’s war against terrorists in Gaza were — er — terrorists.

Take Muhammad Washah, whom Al Jazeera presented as a stellar part of the press corps merely reporting the truth.Unfortunately for them, their man is also a senior commander in Hamas.

He used to be in Hamas’ anti-tank missile unit, but since 2022 he has been in charge of research and development for aerial weapons.Known to you and me as “rockets.”

The Media’s Gaslighting on Biden’s Decline Is This Election’s Laptop Cover-Up By Becket Adams


Don’t believe the evidence right in front of you, they say. Sound familiar?

Major media are aiming to repeat their performance from the 2020 presidential election, back when they endeavored to deny, dismiss, and denounce a story that could have damaged the Democratic presidential nominee.

In that election cycle, the press reflexively rallied behind a theory that the contents of the infamous Hunter Biden laptop were “Russian disinformation,” a Kremlin plot to throw the election in the GOP’s favor. Some went as far as to suggest that the laptop itself was fake (or stolen or didn’t belong to Hunter). Under the flimsy pretense of combating Russian interference, major media engaged in an industry-wide conspiracy to censor and reject the story.

The laptop is real. It appeared as evidence against Hunter Biden in his gun-felony case.

There was never a legitimate reason for members of the press to have dismissed the laptop story out of hand, especially considering the fact that those who pushed the “Russian disinformation” theory never bothered to provide evidence beyond “Trust me, bro.” Major newsrooms merely insisted that you, the voter, disregard the story as well as what the laptop’s contents suggested regarding a possible globe-spanning influence-peddling operation involving Ukrainian business interests, Chinese nationals, and the Biden family.