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A Rant against the Media By David Harsanyi


Why is the first inclination of Donald Trump’s supporters to lash out at the press when he says something ridiculous? Part of it is political expediency, of course. Most of it, though, is completely understandable.

Even when Trump badly mangles science, journalists, who spend vast amounts of their time chasing gotchas, offer a misleading and histrionic rendering of his comments. Trump doesn’t want Americans to inject themselves with disinfectants or ingest bleach and die. Journalists know this.

The media are a collection of well-funded outlets that set the agenda, narrative, tone, and focus of coverage while conspiring with a major political party. Reporters don’t openly collude with Democrats (well, most of the time they don’t), they merely share the same objectives and set of values. This wasn’t a problem created by Trump’s emergence. It’s problem that’s been festering for decades.

Now, I wish conservatives would build their own journalistic outfits to proactively chase down big stories and, in part, dictate the conversation. I’ve never understood why more big donors, and there are plenty of them, haven’t diverted dollars from political candidates, think tanks, and PACs to help build a reliable and serious conservative news infrastructure.

The Times Inflates Trump’s Foolishness into Monstrousness By Andrew C. McCarthy


President Trump should not spit-ball on live television, especially on topics that are outside his ken.

How depressing is the erosion of the principle that when the president of the United States speaks, it means something, that it’s not just stream-of-consciousness that willy-nilly gets revised or reversed or treated like he never really said it. Just as depressing, though, is the media’s abandonment of straightforward fact reporting, in favor of unabashed alliance with Trump’s political opposition.

Why do blind partisans and demagogues have such sway these days? Because no one can trust the reporting of institutions we used to expect would give us an accurate rendition of the facts being debated.

The president’s meanderings about imaginary coronavirus treatments at Thursday’s press conference, and the press’s reporting on them, are case in point.

While it is good for the president to project engaged leadership, that should never take the form of free-flowing dialogue with his advisers. Those conversations should happen behind closed doors. When the president speaks publicly, he should stick to what he is in a position to convey factually, not hypothetically. Especially when it comes to scientific and medical information, as to which he is quickly out of his depth.

At the same time, no matter how much the press abhors Trump, no matter how sincerely believed its conviction that he is a dangerous man who will induce people to do dangerous things, reporters worthy of the name do not have license to portray Trump as living down to their worst fears when he has not.

Fake News: Trump Didn’t Tell People to Inject Bleach or Lysol Into Their Veins to Fight Coronavirus By Tyler O’Neil



On Thursday, liberals thought they finally had the smoking gun, the excuse to oust President Donald Trump as mentally unfit for office. Some called him “President bleach,” claiming he had suggested people should inject bleach or Lysol into their veins to fight the coronavirus.

First came the headlines: “Experts Warn Against Inhaling Bleach After Trump Comments” (Time), “Quack-in-Chief Sees Injected Bleach, Tanning as COVID Cures” (The Intercept), “Trump comments prompt doctors, and Lysol, to warn against injecting disinfectants” (The Washington Post), “Donald Trump’s prescription for coronavirus: quite literally toxic” (The Guardian), “‘It’s irresponsible and it’s dangerous’: Experts rip Trump’s idea of injecting disinfectant to treat COVID-19” (NBC News).

Then the commentary.Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden tweeted, “UV light? Injecting disinfectant?”House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said, “The president is asking people to inject Lysol into their lungs.”

You be the judge. here are the remarks in question:

[Trump] So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it.  And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too.  It sounds interesting.

How the media made the crisis even worse Covid-19 has brought the conformism, apocalypticism and self-importance of the media to the fore. Mike Hume


The news media in the UK and worldwide has rarely seemed more important or influential than during the coronavirus crisis. Web searches for ‘news’ have hit record highs, with Covid-19 dominating more than any issue on record.

The British government lists journalists as ‘key workers’; media sources praise them as the ‘unsung heroes’ of the crisis. Top news correspondents have become the main public interface with the authorities, questioning government ministers and experts in front of millions at daily briefings. When The Sunday Times published a lengthy attack on the UK government response to coronavirus, headlined ‘The 38 days when Britain sleepwalked into disaster’, the UK government felt obliged to issue an unprecedented rebuttal of the allegations that was almost as long.

The coronavirus crisis has clearly demonstrated the value of good journalism. Yet the response of too much of the media has also shown how bad journalism can help to make a terrible situation even worse.

Here are a few quick notes on some problems with the media response to Covid-19. Most of these issues are not new. The crisis has acted as a catalyst and accelerated some dangerous trends that were already becoming evident in the media BC – Before Coronavirus.

Apocalypse News

The coronavirus crisis is quite real and bad enough. It surely does not need any sensationalism or exaggeration. Yet too often it has seemed that the worst-case scenario makes the best and biggest headlines. When a senior war correspondent from a top British newspaper can write that, in corona-hit London, ‘popping out to buy milk might prove as deadly as driving on Kabul’s most suicide-bombed road’, you know that journalism has taken a wrong turn towards apocalypticism.

Fake News and Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” Today’s ‘progressive’ journalists perpetually reveal their true calling. Michael Cutler


President Trump is credited with coining the term “Fake News.”  Fake News reports are not only irritating but have become so pervasive and impactful that it threatens our very democracy.

Fake News has two elements – the use of Politically Correct language and blatant lies.

Americans are among the most compassionate and considerate people in the world.  Today, by turning that virtue into a vulnerability, Americans have been conditioned to use “Politically Correct” language to ostensibly be kind and compassionate.  Under the guise of political correctness, Americans have permitted themselves to accept Orwellian Newspeak that alters their understanding of critical issues.  Humans think with words, consequently language control results in thought control.  

The very term Politically Correct is Orwellian for Newspeak!

I focused on this threat in my article, Language Wars: The Road to Tyranny Is Paved with Language Censorship.

George Orwell understood the power of words and, in his novel 1984, devised Newspeak which exploited manipulation of language that enabled the mythical totalitarian government in his novel to maintain iron-fisted control over the masses.  It was the contradictorily named “Ministry of Truth” that administered Newspeak.

The Old Confederate-Flag Canard By Rich Lowry


The Michigan anti-lockdown protest was a sea of American flags.

It feels like 2009 redux, with spontaneous anti-government protests, once again, getting smeared.

Of course, the proximate cause of the protests this time is the coronavirus lockdowns rather than Obamacare, although the feel of the demonstrations — expressing populist anger at government overreach — is the same, and so is the reaction of the critics.

The line of attack is the familiar one of using a few isolated idiots or kooks to tar the entire enterprise. To this end, if there’s one thing Democrats (and the media) want you to know about the anti-lockdown protest at the Michigan state capitol in Lansing last week, it’s that people were flying Confederate flags.

“What happened yesterday was inexcusable,” Representative Debbie Dingell (D., Mich.) said. “People did not have masks. They didn’t have gloves. They did not distance themselves. They had Confederate flags, swastikas.”

Governor Gretchen Whitmer scolded, “When people are flying the Confederate flag and untold numbers who gassed up on the way here or grabbed a bite on the way home — we know that this rally endangered people.”

The idea that they “had swastikas,” as Dingell said, is meant to mislead. A few protesters, in particular a widely photographed woman with a “Heil Witmer” (sic) sign, used swastikas to depict the governor as a fascist (obviously, a ridiculously over-the-top charge), not to identify themselves as Nazis.

Washington Post Opinion Writer: ‘Trump Restricts Immigration Because His Base Is Racist’ By Tristan Justice


Jennifer Rubin, a left-wing Washington Post opinion writer who masquerades as a “conservative” in her Twitter bio, charged Monday that President Donald Trump only signed new restrictions on immigration because the president’s base is racist.

“In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States” Trump announced on Twitter.

Rubin took the opportunity to repeat the exhausting leftist line of attack that everything the president does is racially motivated, just like the China travel ban implemented earlier this year that dramatically slowed the spread of the Wuhan virus.

“No doubt Trump’s base is primarily motivated by racism. This is why Trump does this. Every. Damn. Time,” Rubin wrote back to Trump’s declaration on Twitter.

As the conservative columnist at the Washington Post, Rubin is a lot like Elizabeth Warren as a Native American at Harvard. She sincerely believes she’s the minority within the institution but is actually just like everyone else.

Tampa Terror Convict’s Coronavirus Makeover News stations shill for Palestinian Islamic Jihad member Hatem Fariz and PIJ mosque. Joe Kaufman


This month, Tampa, Florida’s local news affiliates headed over to the al-Qassam Mosque, a.k.a. Islamic Community of Tampa (ICT), to get footage of the mosque and its director, Hatem Fariz, distributing food, in what ICT and these networks are claiming is an effort to help the neighborhood during the coronavirus crisis. Yet what these news outlets are ignoring, in the process, is the extensive terrorist history of ICT and Fariz. Any perceived goodwill coming from the two is nothing more than a cynical effort to whitewash their radical past and distract from their extremist present by exploiting the crisis for a ‘feel good’ photo op.

Fox, ABC and CBS were all on hand to take film footage of ICT’s community food distribution project, as titled by the mosque, ‘ICT Relief Program For All.’ The results were news puff pieces making ICT and its director appear as saints. Fox 13’s reporter Mark Wilson began his segment with the following: “We continue to see people all across the Tampa Bay area, who are really stepping up, to see people struggling and help them… We certainly found that today at the Tampa Bay Islamic Center. Fox anchor Kelly Ring ended the segment with, “What a blessing!”

ICT or al-Qassam was the brainchild of then-University of South Florida (USF) professor Sami al-Arian. The mosque was named after Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, the man who was the inspiration for the founding of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Al-Arian, a co-founder of PIJ, had succeeded in creating a PIJ network throughout the Tampa-area. In April 2006, al-Arian pled guilty to conspiring to provide services to PIJ and later was deported from the US. He now makes his home in Turkey, where he is a professor at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University and the head of the school’s Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA).

New York Times Quietly Changes Article Blaming Sean Hannity for Coronavirus Death By Eric Lendrum


The New York Times was forced to make a quiet change to one of its articles over the weekend blaming Fox News host Sean Hannity for a man’s death by the coronavirus, according to Breitbart.

The article was first published on April 18th, under the title “A Beloved Bar Owner Was Skeptical About the Virus. Then He Took a Cruise.” The article focuses on Brooklyn bar owner Joe Joyce, who embarked on a cruise on March 1st, in defiance of lockdown orders and travel bans, and subsequently died of the coronavirus on April 9th.

The Times interviewed one of his adult children, daughter Kristen, who said that her father “watched Fox, and believed it was under control.” Subsequently, the Times zeroed in on a monologue given by Fox News host Sean Hannity, who said that the measures taken against the coronavirus were “unnecessary,” and a weapon being used by the mainstream media to “bludgeon Trump with this new hoax.” Thus, the Times claimed, blame was to placed on Hannity for encouraging men like Joyce to travel anyway.

However, Hannity’s comments were from the March 9th edition of his show, eight days after Joyce embarked on the cruise. Once this was discovered, the Times added in a disclaimer noting that “his comment about the public being scared by the coverage happened after the Joyces had left on their cruise.” The changes were made the day after the article was first published.

It has since been noted that the author of the Times article, Ginia Bellefante, had previously tweeted in February that she “didn’t understand the panic” about the coronavirus, and claimed that “incidence of the disease is declining in China.”

Don’t Let The Washington Post Get Away With Memory-Holing Its Anti-Kavanaugh Campaign By Mollie Hemingway


Ruth Marcus and others at the Washington Post who led the effort to destroy Brett Kavanaugh’s life based on unsubstantiated allegations know that what they did was evil.

The Washington Post has a problem. The newspaper led the massive effort against the nomination of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by publishing and relentlessly hyping a completely unsubstantiated allegation of sexual assault against him.

Now, the paper is leading Democrats’ efforts to bury a similar, if stronger, allegation of sexual assault against Joe Biden. To accomplish this dramatic turnabout, the paper is collectively trying to rewrite history, pretending the allegation against Kavanaugh had more basis than it did while also pretending that the allegation against Biden has less basis than it does.

The Post’s anti-Kavanaugh operation had powerful divisions in both the news and opinion departments. It’s worth looking at both.