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WATCH: CBS News Posts Fraudulent Video Of ICU Nurse Crying Over Poor Working Conditions By Chrissy Clark (!!!???)


CBS News posted a video of a nurse who claimed she quit her job after being asked to work in a coronavirus ICU without a face mask.

“America is not prepared, and nurses are not being protected,” said the ICU nurse in the video. “I quit my job today. I went into work and I was assigned to a COVID patient on an ICU unit that has been converted to a designated COVID unit. None of the nurses are wearing masks.”

The video now appears to be inaccurate. Instead of verifying the legitimacy of the video, CBS added background music and captions to highlight a woman who lied about her workplace situation. The woman, who goes by Imaris on social media, has a prominent following on Instagram.

Prior to CBS picking up this video, Imaris posted on her public Facebook page that she has anxiety and bi-polar depression and had not been an employee at the hospital for over a year. She mentioned in her post that she was unsure if she was ready to return to her job.

Imaris also said the growing volume of information on coronavirus “triggers” her.

Professors, journalists call out Fox News’ coronavirus misinformation in scathing letter US LEE MORAN


Dozens of professors and teachers of journalism and communications have signed a scathing open letter calling out Fox News’ coverage of the coronavirus crisis, describing it as “a danger to public health.”

Some 77 academics and journalists had signed the letter as of Thursday morning, accusing the widely watched conservative network of contributing “to the spread of a grave pandemic.” 

Oliver Darcy


74 journalism / comms professors + journalists have written an open letter to Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch about the network’s coronavirus coverage.”Viewers of Fox News, including the president of the United States, have been regularly subjected to misinformation…”

The signatories, led by Columbia Journalism School Professor Todd Gitlin, call on Fox Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch and his son, company CEO Lachlan Murdoch, “to help protect the lives of all Americans” by ensuring the network airs information “based on scientific facts.”

The letter notes that Fox News’ viewers — including President Donald Trump — have “been regularly subjected to misinformation,” such as:

False statements downplaying the prevalence of COVID-19 and its harms; misleading recommendations of activities that people should undertake to protect themselves and others, including casual recommendations of untested drugs; false assessments of the value of measures urged upon the public by their elected political leadership and public health authorities.

Sean Ono Lennon says media ‘lost their legitimacy’ over coronavirus coverage by Zachary Halaschak


Musician Sean Ono Lennon has an issue with the media’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Lennon, the 44-year-old son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, vented on Twitter Wednesday about the way that some in the media have covered the virus and its spread from China to the entire world. He implied that the Communist Party of China has lied about the number of those who died there.

“Been listening to ‘respectable’ journalists quoting CCP official numbers for months without doubt or hesitation. Calling it the Wuhan Virus but only days later telling ppl who say it’s from China they’re racist. The official media have lost their legitimacy,” he said. The new virus was first reported in late 2019 in Wuhan, China, and quickly spread throughout the country, particularly ravaging the Hubei province, where Wuhan is located. In recent days, residents in Wuhan have begun to emerge from their homes and have claimed that evidence suggests the actual death toll tallies in the tens of thousands.



Media, blue check mark mafia want networks to blackout China virus task force briefings Why on earth would the media not want the public to watch the daily China virus briefings with key personnel involved in our fight against the pandemic? If you intend to brainwash the public and don’t want them to see and hear the information themselves, that’s certainly something the media would do. And of course, they don’t want viewers to see Trump appearing to “handle” the crisis because it makes him look competent and like a leader. And the “journalists” who ask questions during the press conference aren’t taking the health crisis seriously. The celebrity journalists don’t ask questions about medical, health or epidemiology, they ask questions designed to “get” Trump. CNN clown Don Lemon is a big advocate for keeping the public in the dark and amenable to CNN gaslighting. When are people going to get it through their heads that the corporate media is trying to indoctrinate their viewers rather than transmitting information to the public.

Fox News reports, “CNN raised eyebrows Tuesday after it chose not to air President Trump’s initial prepared remarks at the daily White House coronavirus briefing.”

Media darling, Dr. Tony Fauci, called Jim Acosta on his schtick in yesterday’s conference. Acosta wanted someone, preferably Trump to admit there would be less death and illness if social distancing had been forced upon us sooner. In other words he wanted an admissions they had delayed saving Americans by not cracking down. Fauci responded, “If there was no virus in the background, there was nothing to mitigate. If there was a virus there that we didn’t know about, then the answer to your question is probably yes,” he said. Fauci added, “The only trouble with that is that whenever you come out and say something like that, it always becomes almost a soundbite that gets taken out of context.” He also said, “In a perfect world, it would have been nice to know what was going on there, and we didn’t,” he said. “But I believe, Jim, that we acted very, very early in that.” BOOM.

Armchair Quarterbacks Try to Rewrite History on Coronavirus By David Harsanyi


COVID-19 caught lots of people in America by surprise. We shouldn’t pretend otherwise for cynical political gain.

This morning, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough claimed that, unlike the Trump administration, “Everybody saw this coming in early January.”

If Scarborough knew that a deadly, once-in-a-century pandemic was about to descend on the nation in early January — I assume he considers himself part of “everyone” — why on God’s earth didn’t he warn his susceptible viewers that they should begin social distancing? Why didn’t his producers book a single expert who could beseech his viewers to start wearing masks, to shutter their non-essential businesses, and to avoid church and sporting events? Why didn’t he mention coronavirus at all? Even in late January, nearly a full month after “everyone knew,” Scarborough’s show was dominated by the Donald Trump impeachment trial.

As far as I can tell, in the entire month of January, Morning Joe didn’t reference the coronavirus once to his 2.6 million followers on Twitter. Imagine the thousands of lives Scarborough could have saved if he had only shared his insight.

Mike Lindell, Not Yamiche Alcindor, Is the Hero By David Harsanyi


Why is a grandstanding journalist seen as more virtuous than a self-sacrificing business owner?

MyPillow CEO Michael Lindell, a self-made former crack addict, is going to transform 75 percent of his manufacturing capacity to make 10,000 cotton face masks per day by the end of the week, ramping up production to 50,000 a day in a month. That sounds like a patriotic act to me, especially given that Lindell is undertaking the effort without being forced to do so by a federal agency. I hope the guy becomes a billionaire after this is all over.

NBC? Not so much. The headline on its “analysis” of Lindell’s remarks was “Trump fluffs MyPillow in Rose Garden.” This matched the basic tone taken by a large faction within the political press. Why? Presumably because, at the end of his remarks, Lindell claimed that the Lord Almighty had helped elect Donald Trump president to save our once-beleaguered nation from its alleged depravations. Listen, if there is a God, I hope He refrains from tipping the scales of presidential contests. But it’s not surprising to hear an evangelical Christian talking about the world this way — unless, that is, you’ve never met one.

Of course, anyone who shows anything less than hostility toward the president is immediately cast as a reactionary, and their actions dismissed as questionable and self-serving. Many of the CEOs who have stood with Trump at his press conferences — this week, or in weeks prior — hold varying religious and partisan beliefs. The press didn’t have similar qualms about the CEOs of CVS or Walgreens, because they kept their views to themselves.

The Media’s Top Lies and Spins About COVID-19 . By Cora Mandy


The world as we know it has changed dramatically over the last few weeks in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Countries are on lockdown, there are shelter-in-place orders, nonessential businesses have been ordered to close, and people have been mandated to quarantine.

Here at home, the coronavirus has been a testament to American resilience. People everywhere are working to flatten the curve together (by keeping their distance and staying inside) and to ensure those who are most vulnerable are taken care of.    

In such uncertain times, Americans can only hope that the media would follow suit and put aside partisan politics in the face of a global pandemic. Sadly, some journalists and fake news outlets can’t help themselves.

The media distorts and misleads, takes statements out of context, treats assumptions as facts, and in general, seems to want to sow as much rancor and fear as possible. This is irresponsible journalism in a time when the nation needs just the opposite.

President Trump is their favorite target, as these examples show.

Once again, Trump was right and the media were wrong By Andrea Widburg


The moment Trump touted his optimism about chloroquine, the media turned it into a poison – but new data say that Trump was right again.

In February, China reported that chloroquine could fight coronavirus, which led to a burst of media optimism. However, when President Trump said he hoped that chloroquine might cure coronavirus, the media instantly turned on the drug. Unsurprisingly, the media were wrong. The lead doctor of the latest study on the drug says chloroquine is so helpful it would be unethical to deny it to control groups.

We first learned about chloroquine in mid-February, when Sun Yanrong, the deputy head of the China National Center for Biotechnology Development, announced that it was one of three drugs that the Chinese had successfully used to treat coronavirus. For a month, the media thought chloroquine could be the answer.

For example, in early March, UPI reported favorably that South Korean experts recommended anti-malarial drugs to treat coronavirus. On March 17, NBC News reported that chloroquine was one “of the options being explored” because it was “useful in blunting the effects of coronavirus.”

Everything changed, though, on March 20 when, in a press conference, President Trump said he was optimistic that chloroquine would be a magic bullet against coronavirus:

But I will say that I am a man that comes from a very positive school when it comes to, in particular, one of these drugs. And we’ll see how it works out, Peter. I’m not saying it will, but I think that people may be surprised.


Coronavirus and climate change: The pandemic is a fire drill for our planet’s future

By Adam Frank, professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester
Climate change will mean one emergency after another, year after year, as heat waves, floods, fire and storms blow cascades of failures through our systems.

Suffering from existential despair, the NYT found itself a new scapegoat By Andrea Widburg


One can feel the existential anguish oozing off of every page and pixel at The New York Times. That’s not because coronavirus is approaching apocalyptic proportions, with mass die-offs comparable to the year 1348 when the Black Death was at its apex. Instead, the Times is confronting a different problem: President Donald Trump’s poll numbers are doing very well. His recent town hall was the most-watched town hall in cable history. His daily press conferences enthrall so many people that the media are desperate to stop televising them.

Clearly, the Times had to bring out the big guns to ensure that Americans understand that, not only is Trump the ultimate “Orange Man Bad,” but also that his supporters must continue to be recognized as the “Deplorables” they are. To that end, the Times published one of the most vicious opinion pieces ever seen in its pages, and that’s saying a lot.

Katherine Stewart has a bee in her bonnet, and that bee is her hatred for Christianity. She’s written a book with the give-away title, The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism. That makes her the perfect person to write an opinion piece stating that “The Religious  Right’s Hostility to Science Is Crippling Our Coronavirus Response: Trump’s response to the pandemic has been haunted by the science denialism of  his ultraconservative religious allies.”