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The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved by Evangelicals

Trump’s response to the pandemic has been haunted by the science denialism of his ultraconservative religious allies.


Katherine Stewart

Ms. Stewart is the author of “The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism.”

The Political Media Are Failing America By David Harsanyi


Their ineptitude, bias, childishness, and outright stupidity have become a genuine danger to the health of the republic.

Here are some of the public figures and institutions that Americans hold in higher esteem than the media according to Gallup:

Hospitals,Their child’s school and daycare centers,State governments,Their employer, CDC and NIH, Mike Pence,Donald Trump ,Congress.

Only one institution that Gallup asked about, the media, had negative approval rating — sitting 19 points behind its archenemy Donald Trump. And there are likely many other people and places that the public has more trust in than journalists.

This reality is a disaster for a liberal democracy, and much of it is brought on by the press’s own blinkered, sanctimonious, and transparently partisan temperament. On this topic, I could provide a book-length list of grievances. Every day brings an exasperating number of misleading and bad-faith takes by political journalists and “fact-checkers.”

But for now, I’ll just note that it’s not merely a problem of traditional bias among reporters and cable news networks, which preach exclusively to their choirs (no one is innocent on that count.) I’ve long read major newspapers, whose nonpolitical product is often amazing, through a filter. The institutional bias at the Washington Post and the New York Times certainly isn’t new. But there used to be a corresponding level of professional gravitas that engendered reader trust.

Teen Vogue Goes Full Marxist, Wants Destruction of Capitalism in Response to COVID-19 By Jeff Reynolds


Ok, I know, you don’t go to Teen Vogue for scholarly economic or political analysis, and nobody there has heard of Milton Friedman or Thomas Sowell. Nor do I expect it to have much in-depth coverage of how to fight back against COVID-19. In fact, I’d expect little more than an analysis of the cutest congressman or how to participate in politics even if you can’t legally vote for three more years. As a father, it no longer sneaks up on me when Marxist indoctrination is woven into the societal fabric of being a teen in America. After all, this is the same rag that ran the series a few years ago teaching teens how to have anal sex. And yet, when the writers interrupt their drivel to run articles openly calling for the destruction of capitalism in response to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, even I sit up and take notice.

The following articles appeared this week in Teen Vogue in its continuing coverage of COVID-19:

The Coronavirus Pandemic Demonstrates the Failures of Capitalism

The Coronavirus Makes Me Wish We Already Had a President Bernie Sanders

With the Coronavirus Crisis, We Must Cancel Student Debt Immediately

Rent Strike 2020 Is Calling for a Rent Freeze Because of the Coronavirus

The media are engaged in a shameful sustained attack against Trump By Andrea Widburg


On Tuesday, President Trump, Vice President Pence, Deborah Birx, and Surgeon General Vice Admiral Jerome Adams sat down for a Fox News virtual town hall. It was the most-watched town hall in cable news history, with around 4.4 million viewers. Americans are obviously hungry to hear information directly from those people who will make decisions about how our country approaches the coronavirus situation.

In addition to the town hall, President Trump has been making himself and his team available every day for press conferences. While the President is always going to be Trump-esque, he’s learned the virtue of gracefully stepping aside so that the experts can speak directly to the public.

These same press conferences have given Americans an unfiltered view of the mainstream media’s so-called journalists. The people get to see, without editing, how reporters treat the president with profound disrespect, argue with him constantly, and obsess, not about things that concern Americans, but about whether it’s racist to call the current virus by its geographic place of origin.

Fauci to Media: Stop Trying to Pit Me Against Trump Larry O’Connor


Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the Trump Administration’s point players on the Coronavirus Task Force, is sick and tired of media jackals trying to pit him against the president and create division, discord, and distrust within the president’s team and the American people.

Fauci appeared on “Mornings on the Mall” on WMAL radio in Washington, D.C., Tuesday morning and he spoke passionately about how the media has mischaracterized his relationship with the president and has tried to drive a wedge between them.

“It seems like increasingly a bunch of the questions from the media are designed to create a rift between you and the president of the United States,” asked co-host Vince Coglianese, “are you sensing that as the media continually asks you questions about the differences you have with him?”

“That is really unfortunate. I would wish that that would stop because we have a much bigger problem here than trying to point out differences,” Fauci said. “There really, fundamentally at the core when you look at things, there are not differences. The president has listened to what I have said and what the other people on the task force have said. When I’ve made recommendations, he has taken them. He has never countered or overridden me. The idea of pitting one against the other is just not helpful. I wish that would stop and we’d look ahead at the challenge we have to pull together to get over this thing.”

Nolte: Increasingly Unstable Media Demand Blackout of Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings John Nolte


America’s increasingly unstable and dangerous establishment media are calling for a full blackout of President Trump’s daily coronavirus press conferences.

Think about that for a moment…

For the first time since World War II, for the first time in nearly 80 years, Americans have no idea what their country will look like a year from now, and the corporate media want to impose a full blackout on the daily briefings the American president is making to the American people.

There’s a lot of jokes out there about the hypocrisy of how this demand is coming from the same media that had a tantrum over the White House canceling the daily press briefings. But this time we’re talking about something so much more than hypocrisy.

We are currently in the middle of global pandemic, a state of siege that, in just two weeks, has shut down our economy and locked many of us up in our homes, either by government decree of just plain old fear, and…

In a time of national crisis, the left-wing fascists in the media want to use their corporate monopoly to put a stop to the president of the United States communicating directly with the American people who elected him.

Is The Media Ignoring Good News On Coronavirus? John Merline.


There has been some tantalizingly good news about the coronavirus in the past few days, not that you’d know it from the end-of-the-world treatment it gets in the press.

Of the 10 countries with the most COVID-19 cases, six showed declines in new reported cases over the past few days, including the United States. In France, the number has been flat for three days.

There hasn’t been a new case reported in China since early March, according to data from Worldometers.info. In South Korea, the number of new cases has stabilized at around 100 a day.

Meanwhile, data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that – when measured by date of onset rather than the day officially reported — the number of new COVID-19 cases peaked on March 9 at 194, then dropped to 172 on March 10. It was 174 on March 11. It plunged to 122 on March 12, although the CDC cautions that there may be people whose onsets haven’t been reported yet. In any case, all this was before the most draconian restrictions were put in place.

It’s far too early to draw any conclusions, but it certainly doesn’t look like an out-of-control plague, as commonly depicted by the press.

COVID-19 and it’s initial deadly spread are 100% due to the policies & dishonesty of China


 ‘The media has acted disgracefully throughout this entire episode. They continue to reveal themselves as partisan activists and have little use for honest reporting. Some of their stories defy logic if not basic math.’

COVID-19 and it’s initial deadly spread are 100% due to the policies & dishonesty of China

China’s actions & cover-ups expose the risks of economic dependence the US and many countries have with that country

The WHO and other corrupt international organizations are run by the same criminals that these organizations were intended to protect us from. Any future appeals to their authority will fall on deaf or highly skeptical ears.

No country is or ever was ready to handle a pandemic. Some are better equipped to respond & mitigate due to immigration policies, healthcare infrastructure, demographics and other factors.

Saying that the US should have been ready with test kits before the outbreak is a give away that you don’t know what you’re talking about

The main US responding organization is the CDC, they made mistakes and have been transparent about that.

Neither President Trump or a President Hillary would have had any direct impact in preventing the CDC’s mistakes. And, I think we can all agree that the President shouldn’t be overriding the CDC’s decisions, regardless of party.

The New York Times Downplays Promising COVID-19 Development By Alexandra DeSanctis


In an article published on Thursday and updated on Friday, New York Times reporters downplayed the possibility of using hydroxycholoroquine (HCQ), an anti-malaria drug, to treat COVID-19.

“With Minimal Evidence, Trump Asks F.D.A. to Study Malaria Drugs for Coronavirus,” the headline reads. And the subtitle: “The use of the existing drugs against the new virus is unproven, and some shortages have already been reported.”

The article went on to claim that the president had “exaggerated the potential of drugs available to treat the new coronavirus, including an experimental antiviral treatment and decades-old malaria remedies that hint of promise but so far show limited evidence of healing the sick.”

Another Times article on the topic bore the headline “Trump’s Embrace of Unproven Drugs to Treat Coronavirus Defies Science.”

No one should suggest, based on the available evidence, that HCQ is some sort of silver bullet that will cure COVID-19 and get us out of this global crisis. But neither should reporters cover a possible positive development from the angle of how best they can disparage the president. And Trump’s comments about the drug, though perhaps more optimistic than warranted, were not unreasonable.

Trump unloads on an NBC reporter who attacks, interrupts, and fights with him By Andrea Widburg


Having failed with the Russia hoax and the Ukraine hoax, the Democrat establishment slipped seamlessly into blaming President Trump for the coronavirus’s entry into and affect on America. During his now-daily press briefings, Trump is fighting back against the reporters and shining a light on their efforts to frighten, not inform Americans.

On Friday, NBC’s Peter Alexander decided to pick a fight with President Trump regarding repurposing existing drugs to see if they can speedily be put into place to fight the coronavirus. It began when the President said that he was very pleased about the way in which Chloroquine was getting fast-tracked through the FDA to be used for a reason other than its approved usage as a malaria treatment.

Trump pointed out the advantage of knowing all about the drug and its safety record. He did not say that the drug was a magic pill. Instead, he said that it should certainly be tried and that he felt optimistic that something good would come of the trial.

Alexander was having none of that. Rather, he accused Trump of being too positive, an attribute that, in Alexander’s twisted media mind, was frightening. After repeatedly interrupting and talking over the President, Alexander finally said that people are sick, dying and afraid, and asked Trump what he was actually doing about it.