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The Media-Induced Coronavirus Panic Is Worse Than The Disease Douglas MacKinnon


The deliberate panic created over the coronavirus is not victimless. Far from it.

When the radioactive dust settles from this orchestrated panic-strategy, potentially hundreds of billions will have been lost, thousands of businesses closed, and millions of employees fired. On Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged by more than 1,000 points.

When the coronavirus first reared its ugly head, many in the media instantly saw it as a cheap and easy way to increase clicks, newspaper sales, viewers, listeners, and most especially ad revenue.

In the guise of “informing the public,” they intended to run scare headlines and stories to spike attention to their sites. And run them, they did.

One of the oldest axioms in the news business being: “If it bleeds, it leads.” The coronavirus was tailor-made for that requirement.

Except, now even the media executives pushing the scare tactics for hoped-for increased ad revenue have realized they went way too far and opened a Pandora’s Box they are unable to close.

Math is hard, even for an MSNBC panic-spreading virology expert By Andrea Widburg


MSNBC and math haven’t had a good week. A few days ago, talking heads made a third-grade mistake when hypothetically divvying up Bloomberg’s advertising budget among Americans. And on Monday, a guest virologist announced that 20% of Americans are going to die from the coronavirus, which is an embarrassing miscalculation.

It was just a few days ago that Brian Williams and Mara Gay mindlessly repeated a meme saying that, instead of spending $500 million on advertising, Bloomberg should just have given all 327 million Americans a million dollars each. The correct answer, of course, is that Bloomberg spent $1.52 per American.

On Monday, a guest again went stupid about math, this time while trying to explain how many Americans will die from coronavirus. According to Dr. Joseph Fair, only 80% of the population will survive:

“We’re honestly behind the curve,” Fair claimed, adding that “getting testing up and running is the most essential step.”

“Getting testing up and running in every place we can, in every city, in every public health laboratory around the country is key for us to understand how widespread this epidemic is. This is not to fear monger. It would be irresponsible for us to create panic when it’s undue,” Fair said. “That being said, we know 80 percent of the population is going to survive and a typically 15 to 20 percent rate of mortality for those individuals that are both elderly or have underlying conditions.”

Mediaite, from which the above quotation comes, doesn’t question Fair’s math. Instead, it takes the numbers at face value and then attacks Trump:

The Real New York Times, Or A Parody? Francis Menton

DPS Note: 

Given that so many of you neither live in New York, nor even in America, I am nevertheless circulating this about the NY Times because it is widely read worldwide and because, even if you don’t read it, the news you do read and hear or see on television is quite often driven by the political agenda of what is considered the premier newspaper around. So do read this through. It may not pertain to any subject which interests you, but it is a widow into how the far left has captured our newsrooms and the distorted picture of reality which is then foisted on all of us.

You could find yourself asking that question about the pile of newsprint that resembles the New York Times more or less any day; but the rag with the New York Times banner on top that got delivered to me yesterday really leaves me scratching my head. Is this real, or did someone swipe the actual paper out of my mail slot early in the morning and substitute the parody edition? Judging from the physical item before me, I would go with parody. But then I discover that all of the dubious articles can be found on the nytimes.com website. Could the devious parodists have hacked the website as well?

Let’s consider first the section of the paper headed “New York.” A lot can go on in a city of almost 9 million people, and there are many pressing issues here in our City with important developments happening every day. A few examples of developing local issues include: recent criminal law reforms, including reforms of the bail system, and an associated spike in crime; exploding Medicaid spending; the results of recent tightening of the rent regulation system; the success (or failure) of government “affordable housing” initiatives; the City and State government budgets; and many, many more. Perhaps we can educate ourselves a little on some of these issues?

Conan: Political Pilgrim of Our Time Romancing tyranny and terror. Bruce Bawer


It all started with Jon Stewart, whose sixteen-year hosting stint on the Daily Show (1999-2015) marked a sea change from the Johnny Carson era, when late-night entertainment was pretty much free of drastic political slant (at least on the part of the hosts). Stewart’s show, sold as a comic take on the news, was in reality a nightly dose of blatant left-wing propaganda – and was, alarmingly, many young people’s main source of news. Taped interviews with conservatives and libertarians were routinely edited to make them look stupid. Alas, Stewart’s show, not Carson’s, became the template for every one of the current late-night talk shows on American broadcast TV.

One talk-show host who likes to think that he’s different from the rest of the herd is Conan O’Brien. In a recent Oxford Union appearance, he faulted other talk shows for being “all about politics” and for constantly attacking Trump, and declared that he, by contrast, tries to do “silly” and “crazy” comedy that won’t date after a day or two. Well, that sounded refreshing, so I decided to catch up on Conan’s work, which I hadn’t checked out in years. From the Oxford Union gig – which demonstrated that, twenty-seven years into his career as a talk-show host, Conan is still big with young people – I learned that in addition to his nightly TBS show and tons of show clips on YouTube, he has a podcast, plus Conan without Borders, a Netflix series (originally aired in prime time on TBS) on which he travels to various countries around the world.

Admittedly, Conan’s YouTube channel proved to contain some genuinely amusing bits – for example, take-offs on Northern Ireland’s first same-sex marriage and on the Scandinavian “hygge” craze. But the political bias is unmistakable. In a monologue posted on February 28, Conan mocked the fact that Mike Pence had been put in charge of combating the Coronavirus. When Conan does spoof Democrats, it’s for innocuous stuff, such as the presidential candidates talking on top of one another at the February 25 Charleston debate. A recent bit about Bernie Sanders zinged him not for his radical policy positions (au contraire) but because he’s a “grumpy old white guy.”

Donna Brazile Tells RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to ‘Go to Hell!’ in Unhinged Rant on Fox Debra Heine


Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile exploded on Fox News Tuesday morning, accusing RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel of repeating Russian talking points and telling her to “go to hell!”

Brazile, a regular Fox News contributor, was on “America’s Newsroom” with Ed Henry and Sandra Smith to discuss the Super Tuesday elections, and was asked about comments McDaniel had made earlier in the day about the potential for a brokered convention on the Democrat side.

A brokered convention happens when no candidate has a majority of the delegates’ votes and the nomination is decided through a sketchy process of political horse trading.

Pundits of of all political persuasions have been speculating for weeks that Democrats may end up choosing their nominee out of a brokered convention.

McDaniel said that such a process would be “rigged against Bernie if those Super Delegates get their way on that second vote.”

Brazile was incensed.

“First of all, I want to talk to my Republican friends,” she said. “First of all, stay the hell out of our race. Stay the HELL out of our race!”

Brazile added heatedly that she gets “sick and tired” of listening to Republicans talking about the Democrats’ process, and then went on the offensive.

“First of all, they don’t have a process,” she charged, meaning the RNC. “They’re cancelling primaries. They have winner-take all. They don’t have the kind of Democracy that we see on the Democratic side.”

The longtime political strategist then dusted off the Democrats’ dog-eared RussiaGate playbook.

“And for people to use Russian talking points to sew division among Americans …. That is stupid!” she exclaimed. “So, Ronna, go to hell!”

#MeToo Gets Chris Matthews The cheerleader of the Avenatti-Stormy Daniels circus meets poetic justice. Lloyd Billingsley


“I’m retiring,” said Chris Matthews at the top of his show on Monday night. “This will be my last ‘Hardball.’” A younger generation was “ready to take the reins,” Matthews said, but it turned out there was more to it. The longtime MSNBC host, 74, had made some inappropriate comments on a woman’s appearance, and had come to realize that such things are “never okay.” That settled an issue that had been brewing for several days.

Last Saturday, MSNBC stars Rachel Maddow, Brian Williams, and Nicolle Wallace assembled to cover the South Carolina Democrat primary. Viewers wondered why Chris Matthews was not among them.

The night before, the Washington Examiner explained, GQ columnist Laura Bassett accused Matthews of “inappropriately flirting” with her four years ago. In the makeup chair, Matthews reportedly asked Bassett “why haven’t I fallen in love with you yet?” And another time he made comments about her red dress.

Bassett was uncertain if any of it amounted to illegal sexual misconduct but Matthews’ tiff with Elizabeth Warren over Michael Bloomberg’s conduct prompted Bassett to speak out. MSNBC duly yanked Matthews, who had been in hot water before.

“A female staffer was paid severance by NBC after accusing Chris Matthews of sexual harassment,” Erin Nyren noted in Variety back in 2017. Matthews had reportedly “made inappropriate comments and jokes about her in front of other people.” The unnamed woman departed the show, reportedly with a payment of $40,000. According to the story Matthews received a “formal reprimand,” but remained on the show. One of his favorite guests was Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti.

If you think Democrats and the media are politicizing coronavirus, you’re right By Andrea Widburg


The media routinely call Trump divisive and controversial, forgetting that they are the ones stirring up the divisions and the controversy. Looked at objectively, Trump’s presidency is consistent with the American mainstream through Reagan. Indeed, even though some values have changed since Reagan’s time, Trump is still well within American norms. It’s the media that’s advocating for divisive and controversial policies, both at home and abroad.

Mostly, the media’s name-calling has been merely irritating. After all, people who wish to do so have been able to separate the wheat from the chaff. The habit, however, went from irritating to dangerous with coronavirus’s appearance on the scene. From the first day, the media decided to use coronavirus as a way to destroy Trump’s reelection chances.

To that end, the media has consistently lied about how Trump has handled the disease. American Thinker detailed some of those lies on Sunday. That post, however, pales in the face of an epic Twitter thread that Steve Guest, the GOP’s Rapid Response Director wrote on the same day. It’s a long thread because there are so many instances of the left’s rank dishonesty in politicizing the coronavirus, so this post will only repeat some of it. However, you really should read the entire thread if you want to understand how badly the Democrats and the media are gaslighting the American people:

You can find the entire Twitter thread here.

The Democrats and their media handmaidens are lying to you because they can. There are no consequences for what they’re doing. Democrat politicians keep collecting votes from hardcore supporters or from credulous members of the public and media figures keep their jobs. Indeed, the only thing that will make a leftist lose his or her job is daring to oppose leftist convention wisdom.

There’s a very good reason the media is silent about the Milwaukee mass shooting By Andrea Widburg


It’s not just because of coronavirus that the media is staying mum. The shooter doesn’t fit the Left’s preferred shooter narrative.

On Wednesday, an angry ex-employee got a gun, put a silencer on it, went to the MillersCoors facility where he had once worked, and shot five people to death before shooting himself. One would expect to have a barrage of news stories about America’s gun violence problem and the need to ban guns. After all, on Tuesday, before the shooting happened, the Democrat candidates were all over each other trying to explain why each would be more effective at destroying the Second Amendment. Instead, though, we got crickets.

The reason for the media’s silence became apparent when the media identified the shooter: 51-year-old Anthony Ferrill was black. This meant that the media couldn’t use its white supremacist narrative to justify grabbing guns.

The narrative broke down even further when social media posts revealed that Ferrill may well have been an Elizabeth Warren supporter, an assumption arising from the fact that his wife proudly posted a selfie of herself last year at an Elizabeth Warren rally:

On her various social media pages, which have now been deleted, Ferrill’s wife posted photos of her family and expressing liberal political views. In July 2019, Ferrill’s wife attended a speech by U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren at South Division High School Gym in Milwaukee. Following the speech, Ferrill’s wife took a photo with the Massachusetts senator.

ABC Suspends Correspondent David Wright – After Project Veritas Sting Caught on video trashing Trump and hailing socialism. Lloyd Billingsley


ABC News has suspended correspondent David Wright, Valerie Richardson of the Washington Times reports, after a Project Veritas video caught him referring to President Trump as “this f–king president” and declaring himself a socialist.

The video, to be released today, was taken at a New Hampshire event on February 11. When asked if he is a socialist, Wright said, “Oh, yeah. More than that, I consider myself a socialist.” Wright added that “there should be national health insurance,” and “I’m totally fine with reining in corporations. I think there are too many billionaires, and I think there’s a wealth gap. That’s a problem.”

According to CNN, Wright had been suspended “to avoid possible appearance of bias,” and would be “reassigned away from political coverage when he returns.” ABC did not indicate when that would be, or how long Wright has been suspended.

“David Wright is an Emmy Award-winning ABC News correspondent who has traveled the world, covering major news events in the U.S. and overseas,” ABC explains. “His work can be seen on ‘World News Tonight, ‘Nightline,’ ‘Good Morning America’ and other ABC News platforms. Although based in New York, Wright travels frequently to Washington, D.C., to help out with the network’s coverage of the Trump White House.”

Media Serves Up Comedy in Effort to Get Trump Roger Kimball


I don’t believe that President Donald Trump has ever deployed the Twitteresque acronym “ROFLMAO” (rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off). But I know that he appreciates the sentiment because of something he said in February 2018.

At that time, at the apex of Robert Mueller’s Excellent Adventure, Trump observed that people were “laughing their asses off in Moscow” at the malevolent Keystone Cops antics of the Get Trump Brigade.

“If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption, and chaos within the U.S.,” the president observed, “then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.”

That was—and is—exactly right, as was his follow-on observation: “I never said Russia did not meddle in the election, I said ‘it may be Russia, or China or another country or group, or it may be a 400-pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer.’ The Russian ‘hoax’ was that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia—it never did!”

Period. Full stop. End of story.

But not, of course, the end of the comedy.