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For Peggy Noonan and her elitist pals…here’s a little plainspeak for you Eric Georgatos


So many of us with conservative leanings have long respected the prose and insight of Peggy Noonan, now a prominent Wall Street Journal columnist, but initially admired for her work as a Reagan speechwriter.  But her recent columns show she’s come to exemplify the ruling class elitism that simply doesn’t grasp the groundswell in the American heart that elected Donald Trump president.

I consider myself to be right in the heart of that American heart.  Raised in a lower middle-class home in small town America; father with a high school diploma, and mother with a junior college degree earned in middle age.  Taught and embrace the Christian faith, work ethic, and ‘marinated’ in an atmosphere of love for America.  Made it through college and law school; experienced a version of the American dream in terms of achieving a standard of living for my wife and three kids being substantially higher than that of my sister and me growing up.

Well, Peggy, let me help you understand where that background—shared in various forms with millions of Americans—positions my worldview.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama claiming authority to fundamentally transform America.  He didn’t admit to this mission until very late in his first campaign; there is no way in hell the majority of the American people who voted for him supported a fundamental transformation of this country.

I resented the hell out of the Eric Holder DOJ deliberately running guns to Mexican cartels so that ensuing violence could be traced to American gun manufacturers and morphed into an anti-2nd Amendment media narrative in America.  I resented the hell out of the fact that no one was held accountable for this government-initiated, subvert-the-Constitution deceit.

I resented the hell out of Barack Obama brazenly lying to the American people 27 times about ‘keep your doctor’ and ‘keep your plan’ when he knew he was lying about the facts, intent and design of Obamacare.  I resented the hell out of Nancy Pelosi making a mockery of the legislative process by telling Democrats they needed to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it.

CNN Staffer: Our Obsessive Anti-Trump Coverage Won’t Stop Until Trump Dies Debra Heine


A new video released by Project Veritas Thursday shows CNN employees admitting on tape that the network peddles “a bunch of bullsh-t” and that it will not stop hammering the president “until he dies—hopefully soon.”

Part III of O’Keefe’s expose on CNN focuses on the network’s movement away from objective news-gathering towards partisan advocacy.

Once upon a time, CNN was respected as a serious, straight news outlet, but those days are long over, several CNN employees lamented on camera.

CNN insider Cary Poarch told O’Keefe, “I want to chase the facts, like the motto that CNN put out earlier this year, ‘the facts first,’ that’s what I want the news to be. That’s what it should be. That’s what it used to be.”

Multiple CNN staffers were secretly recorded voicing similar concerns.

CNN’s Manager of Field Operations Patrick Davis has been with the network for 25 years and has seen first-hand how its journalistic standards have slid.

“…I hate seeing what we were and what we could be and what we’ve become. It’s just awful…I mean, we could be so much better than what we are…And the buck stops with him (Zucker),” he said.




NR was the first national platform to publish my work, and now — thousands of posts and more than a million words later — I say goodbye. On Monday, I’ll join my good friends Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes at The Dispatch, their new media venture. In true writerly fashion, I sign off even as I’m behind on a print deadline.

Police Do Nothing as Antifa Thugs Violently Attack Trump Supporters After Minneapolis Rally By Megan Fox


It seems the entire 24/7 news business is still going on about a “violent meme” that depicts Trump in a movie scene from The Kingsman. No one is upset about the original movie, where Colin Firth’s character kills a bunch of conservative Christians in a church, because violence against conservatives and Christians is A-OK with just about everyone except Christians and conservatives. They’re upset that some meme-maker put Trump’s head on the assassin and a bunch of media logos on the victims. For shame. How dare he.

Anyhoo, while they are blathering their outrage about fictional violence, actual violence is taking place against those Christian conservatives no one cares about on the streets of Minneapolis. There is a resurgence of Antifa violence against Trump rally-goers again as the 2020 election nears. At the president’s last rally, the streets were awash in patchouli and other foul things as Antifa rioted and attacked innocent people for wearing Trump gear or attending the rally. The police didn’t appear to be doing much about it.

In this video, a woman is slapped in the face while trying to get through the crowd.

False ‘combat video’ raises many questions, cautions for media By Sharyl Attkisson


I feel pretty safe in saying that most Americans can’t tell you off the top of their head who the Kurds are or what the U.S. relationship with them is — let alone how that factors into Iran, Russia, China, Turkey and Syria.

Without explaining as much, the topic of President Trump’s “abandonment” of the Kurds and how it will surely put a resurgence of the Islamic extremist terrorist group ISIS on Trump’s shoulders, has dominated news coverage for much of the past week.

Now comes word from ABC News that it has pulled down video that aired on its flagship broadcasts, which claimed to show a “slaughter” by Turkey on the Syrian border after President Trump’s announced withdrawal of U.S. troops.

ABC correspondent Ian Panell reported on Sunday that the video “obtained by ABC News, appears to show the fury of the Turkish attack on the border town of Tal Abyad two nights ago.”

The pictures show massive explosions lighting up the night sky. But it turns out ABC may have been hoodwinked, according to its own account.

A tweet issued by ABC News on Monday morning reads: “CORRECTION: We’ve taken down video that aired on ‘World News Tonight’ Sunday and ‘Good Morning America’ this morning that appeared to be from the Syrian border immediately after questions were raised about its accuracy. ABC News regrets the error.”

ABC News Issues Correction after Airing Kentucky Gun Range Footage During ‘Slaughter In Syria’ Segment By Zachary Evans


ABC News issued a correction Monday after it aired footage from a 2017 Kentucky military demonstration in the middle of a segment on the war in Syria.

“This video, obtained by ABC News, appears to show the fury of the Turkish attack on the border town of Tal Abyad two nights ago,” said foreign correspondent Ian Panell during the Sunday “World News” segment.

The clip was also featured on “Good Morning America” on Monday morning. It depicts explosions that occurred at the Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point, Kentucky during an event called “Military Gun Shoot and Military Gun Show.”

“CORRECTION: We’ve taken down video that aired on “World News Tonight” Sunday and “Good Morning America” this morning that appeared to be from the Syrian border immediately after questions were raised about its accuracy,” ABC wrote in a Monday tweet. “ABC News regrets the error.”

Trump’s Latest Move Against the Press: Get to Da Choppa! Julie Kelly


Originally published at New York Post.

Since abandoning the daily press briefing, which had sunk into an embarrassing spectacle where journalists would bully former press secretary Sarah Sanders, the White House now favors “chopper-pressers” where the boss interacts with the media while his helicopter idles nearby.

In his latest battle with the American news media, President Trump is bringing out the heavy artillery: Marine One.

Since abandoning the daily press briefing, which had sunk into an embarrassing spectacle where journalists would bully former press secretary Sarah Sanders, the White House now favors “chopper-pressers” where the boss interacts with the media while his helicopter idles nearby.

Like his use of Twitter, Trump’s impromptu gaggles frustrate the media and enable him to control the message for the day.

There is no camera on the press, only Trump. You usually can’t hear the questions on television, only the answers. It takes away the media’s ability to grandstand. There are no Jim Acosta moments.

It also requires journalists to yell over each other and outshout the deafening blades of the president’s waiting ride, conduct that undoubtedly amuses the commander-in-chief.

Trump has held three chopper-pressers in the past 10 days. Thursday’s briefing lasted 11 minutes — the president fielded a number of questions related to Ukraine, Turkey, Joe Biden and his rally in Minneapolis that evening. In one exchange, Trump forced a reporter to ask about the so-called “whistleblower” three times before he answered:

Reporter: Do you know the whistleblower’s name?
Trump: What?

About that Fox Poll By Steve McCann


Journalism and those claiming to be journalists in the America have not only been increasingly and overtly partisan over the past 25 years but also increasingly indolent.  Far too many rely on the lunacy, vitriol, and rumormongering on social media as the primary source of many of their stories and to make assumptions as to what American society thinks on any particular issue.  Another source of so-called “news” is generated by their ideological cohorts in the polling industry. 

Polling in modern America has degenerated into a vehicle to create news, headlines and to shape public opinion on an issue or an individual.

 Over the past few days the lead on every cable news channel and the headline in virtually all newspapers is Fox News claiming in their exclusive poll that 51% of Americans now favor impeachment and removal of President Trump. 

How did the Fox polling unit come up with this number?

The Fox news polling companies interviewed 1,003 registered voters ostensibly throughout the length and breadth of the United States.  Many polling companies use either all adult Americans (254 million) or registered voters (158 million in 2016) as their universe for polling.  Obviously the greater the number of potential people to contact and question the easier a poll is to complete and to skew a result.  In reality, what matters is who votes in an election.  In 2016 86% (or 136.6 million) of registered voters cast a vote.  A poll of likely voters would inherently be more reliable but more difficult to achieve.  Currently only Rasmussen among national polls uses exclusively likely voters and they are among the most reliable.

The Media Bend Over Backward to Protect Elizabeth Warren from the Washington Free Beacon’s Damaging Scoop By Jim Geraghty


Caught in another apparent lie about her personal history, Warren offered another vague response — and her allies in the press dutifully bought it.

About a week ago, David Byler of the Washington Post  irritated Elizabeth Warren fans and some members of the media by arguing that “many journalists either match the demographic profile of her base or live around people who do. . . . Warren’s view of politics closely matches the prevailing media view of what politics ‘should’ be.”

As if to prove Byler’s point, days later the Washington Free Beacon published a damaging scoop about the end of Warren’s early 1970s tenure as a grade-school teacher in Riverdale, N.J., and the mainstream media circled their wagons.

On the campaign trail and social media, Warren has claimed that her employment in Riverdale was effectively ended by her pregnancy, using the anecdote as a way of connecting with female voters:

It’s a neat story — as it turns out, a little too neat. The Free Beacon went back and found the minutes of the Riverdale Board of Education’s 1971 meetings, which make clear that in April of that year, the board unanimously offered her a second-year contract, and that in June, her resignation was “accepted with regret.”

When Beacon reporter Collin Anderson reached out to the Warren campaign for a response, it didn’t offer one. Instead, it talked to CBS News, which published a piece the next day with the headline, “Elizabeth Warren stands by account of being pushed out of her first teaching job because of pregnancy.”

The Washington Post doesn’t let facts get in its way The Post gives inordinate space to the tiny fraction of Jews who are against the right of Jewish self-determination, consistently omits context, and casts Israeli concerns as overblown and the Arabs as victims.Sean Durns


The overwhelming majority of American Jewry has a positive view of Israel. Yet, the overwhelming majority of opinion pieces and reporting from major US news outlets doesn’t reflect this reality. Instead, the media promotes a small and unrepresentative minority. The Washington Post offers a case in point.

Ninety-five percent of American Jews have a “strongly positive” view of Israel, according to an August 2019 Gallup poll. The pollster noted that this was “significantly more pro-Israel than the overall national averages of 71% favorable views of Israel and 21% favorable views of the Palestinian Authority.”

Similarly, a 2013 Pew survey observed: “76% of Jews (identified by religion) said they were at least somewhat emotionally attached to Israel. In addition, almost half said that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish (with most of the rest saying it is important although not essential) and nearly half reported that they had personally traveled to Israel.”

In short: American Jewry is, except for a minuscule minority, pro-Israel. Yet, the American media often chooses to give a megaphone to Jews that actively oppose, or are hypercritical of, the Jewish state.

The Washington Post, for example, gives inordinate column space to the tiny fraction of Jews, American and otherwise, who are against the right of Jewish self-determination. In a Sept. 20, 2019 tweet, Mairav Zonszein of +972 magazine cheered that her publication was “all up in The Washington Post opinion pages today,” with two pieces from the same organization appearing on the same day. Zonszein proudly noted that editors of “mainstream outlets” were no longer editing out or tweaking her use of the term “apartheid.”