So many of us with conservative leanings have long respected the prose and insight of Peggy Noonan, now a prominent Wall Street Journal columnist, but initially admired for her work as a Reagan speechwriter. But her recent columns show she’s come to exemplify the ruling class elitism that simply doesn’t grasp the groundswell in the American heart that elected Donald Trump president.
I consider myself to be right in the heart of that American heart. Raised in a lower middle-class home in small town America; father with a high school diploma, and mother with a junior college degree earned in middle age. Taught and embrace the Christian faith, work ethic, and ‘marinated’ in an atmosphere of love for America. Made it through college and law school; experienced a version of the American dream in terms of achieving a standard of living for my wife and three kids being substantially higher than that of my sister and me growing up.
Well, Peggy, let me help you understand where that background—shared in various forms with millions of Americans—positions my worldview.
I resented the hell out of Barack Obama claiming authority to fundamentally transform America. He didn’t admit to this mission until very late in his first campaign; there is no way in hell the majority of the American people who voted for him supported a fundamental transformation of this country.
I resented the hell out of the Eric Holder DOJ deliberately running guns to Mexican cartels so that ensuing violence could be traced to American gun manufacturers and morphed into an anti-2nd Amendment media narrative in America. I resented the hell out of the fact that no one was held accountable for this government-initiated, subvert-the-Constitution deceit.
I resented the hell out of Barack Obama brazenly lying to the American people 27 times about ‘keep your doctor’ and ‘keep your plan’ when he knew he was lying about the facts, intent and design of Obamacare. I resented the hell out of Nancy Pelosi making a mockery of the legislative process by telling Democrats they needed to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it.