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Code Red: Downplaying Academic Excellence in Med School Admissions Charles Lipson


America’s top medical schools, worried they have too few minority students, are doing something about it. They are lowering academic standards for admission and trying to hide the evidence. Columbia, Harvard, the University of Chicago, Stanford, Mount Sinai, and the University of Pennsylvania have already done so. The list already tops forty, and more are sure to follow.

Of course, the universities won’t admit what they are doing – and certainly not why. All they will say is that their new standards add “equity” and “lived experience.” Unfortunately, adding those factors inevitably lessens the weight given to others.

The harsh reality is medical schools are downplaying academic achievement and MCAT scores, which give the best evidence of how well students are prepared for medical school. The MCAT is specifically tailored for that purpose. In addition to a section on critical reasoning (similar to the SATs), it examines students on biology and biochemistry, organic chemistry, the physics of living systems, and the biological and psychological foundations of behavior. It’s easy to see how those relate directly to higher education in medical science. Yet med schools want to downplay them and add inherently subjective criteria like “lived experience.”

Med schools are especially eager to get rid of the MCATs. After years of evaluating admissions folders, they know they cannot meet their goals for minority enrollment if they retain their near-total emphasis on academic qualifications. They know, too, that standardized tests and grades leave a statistical trail. They want to kick dust over that trail before the Supreme Court’s expected ruling against affirmative action. They fear the statistics will show marked differences in admission rates for individuals from different groups who have similar scores and GPAs. That’s not a wild guess. Admission teams know the evidence from years of experience.

The ‘Not a Consensus’ Wuhan Covid Dodge The White House tries to downplay the news of ‘new’ virus information.


White House spokespersons played the press corps like a Stradivarius on Monday as they ducked questions about Sunday’s report that the Energy Department has concluded the Covid virus probably originated in a Chinese laboratory.

“There is not a consensus right now in the U.S. government about exactly how Covid started,” said John Kirby, the White House national-security spokesman. “There is just not an intelligence community consensus.”

So what? When was the last time there was an intelligence community consensus on anything? No reporter asked Mr. Kirby that question, but we don’t mind doing so.

By its very nature, intelligence is usually murky and open to different interpretations. That’s why agencies attach terms like “low confidence” or “moderate confidence” to their judgments. A difference in agency views can be useful because it means there is less chance of groupthink influencing policy choices.

Three Years Late, the Lancet Recognizes Natural Immunity The public-health clerisy rediscovers a principle of immunology it derided throughout the pandemic.


The Lancet medical journal this month published a review of 65 studies that concluded prior infection with Covid—i.e., natural immunity—is at least as protective as two doses of mRNA vaccines. The most surprising news was that the study made the mainstream press.

“Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds,” NBC reported on Feb. 16. The study found that prior infection offered 78.6% protection against reinfection from the original Wuhan, Alpha or Delta variants at 40 weeks, which slipped to 36.1% against Omicron. Protection against severe illness remained around 90% across all variants after 40 weeks. These results exceed what other studies have found for two and even three mRNA doses.

This comes after nearly three years of public-health officials’ dismissing the same hypothesis. But now that experts at the University of Washington have confirmed it in a leading—and left-leaning—journal, it’s fit to print.

The Lancet study’s vindication of natural immunity fits a pandemic pattern: The public-health clerisy rejects an argument that ostensibly threatens its authority; eventually it’s forced to soften its position in the face of incontrovertible evidence; and yet not once does it acknowledge its opponents were right.

Transgender Hormones Increase Heart Attacks and Strokes, but the Left Still Pushes Them on Kids By Kevin Downey Jr.


What happens when men hoover up estrogen and women scarf testosterone? Aww, you know!

Specialists at Pennsylvania’s Mercy Catholic Medical Center are reporting that transgendered people taking hormones face serious risks of heart attack, stroke, and myocarditis.

The study compared transgender people who do and do not take hormones, hormone blockers, or any other medication associated with those looking to “change their gender.”

Those transgendered people — many of them teens — who take the drugs are facing a handful of bad news, including:

They are seven times more likely to have a stroke.
They are six times more likely to have a myocardial infarction.
They have a five-times higher risk of pulmonary embolism, which blocks the arteries in the lungs.

“It’s all about risks and benefits,” Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed, lead author of the study, reported. “Starting transitioning is a big part of a person’s life and helping them feel more themselves, but hormone replacement therapy also has a lot of side effects.”

Congress To Probe COVID Vaccines — And It’s About Time


One of the key functions of Congress is to oversee how our government’s many branches do their jobs. It’s a central part of holding those in power accountable. That’s why it’s good news that the new Republican House has decided to investigate the COVID-19 vaccines, which turned out to be deadlier, and far less effective, than promised.

This is not one of the “gotcha” committees, such as the ones run by the Democrats during the last session of Congress that amounted to little more than political sideshows with no real serious intent of reform or improving government.

Instead, as reported by The Epoch Times, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic will investigate possible side effects of the vaccines, how and why they were approved by government regulators, and why they were forced on the public. The previous Democratic Congress was too busy investigating President Donald Trump and spending trillions on “stimulus” to do the job.

Iowa Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Weeks said the investigation’s goal is to prepare for future similar pandemics, “and that includes perfecting our vaccine development. In order to do so, we must have complete transparency in vaccine research, clinical trials and adverse reactions, and manufacturing.”

She added, “I expect our oversight hearings will shed light on the FDA approval process, the potential for side effects, and ultimately the success rate and safety of the vaccine — each of which will help us to navigate future global health emergencies.”

To which we say, it’s about time.

As others, we’ve been shocked by recent revelations from peer-reviewed studies that show the mRNA vaccines were less effective and possibly even harmful for large groups of people, while the almost-fetishized forced-wearing of masks had basically zero effect on the spread of the disease.

The Covid Lockdown Disaster: Three Years Later Beginning in March 2020, many bad decisions were made that will impact untold numbers of young people for the rest of their lives. by Larry Sand


There has been nothing but awful news about the unnecessary Covid-related shutdown of American schools. Study after study and a mass of anecdotal evidence show the harm done by the forced lockdowns.

Yet more research, released in January, extends the grim scenario. A meta-analysis of 42 studies across 15 countries assessed the magnitude of learning deficits during the pandemic, and finds “a substantial overall learning deficit…which arose early in the pandemic and persists over time. Learning deficits are particularly large among children from low socio-economic backgrounds.”

The analysis finds the losses are larger in math than in reading and in middle-income countries relative to high-income countries. The learning progress of school-aged children slowed substantially during the pandemic and overall, students lost about 35%, of a school year’s worth of learning. One of the studies included in the analysis found that the average public school student in third grade through eighth grade lost half a year of math learning and a quarter of a year in reading.

Two countries, Sweden and Denmark, managed to avoid the upheaval. Swedish children experienced no learning loss because they were not subjected to mass school closures during the pandemic. While Denmark did have closures, it is theorized that the lack of learning loss could be attributed to the country’s “reliable digital infrastructure with Denmark being one of the absolute top-scorers in digital skills, broadband connectivity, and digital public services in Europe.”

The CDC’s Long-Covid Deception A recent study exaggerates the incidence of postviral symptoms among young adults and deflects attention from misconceived pandemic policies By Allysia Finley


Many liberals label themselves “pro-science” as if that’s a political position. Then again, so many putatively scientific studies seem intended to promote progressive policies rather than advance scientific knowledge. Such studies then get amplified by the media and self-appointed experts on social media.

Consider a recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that claims to find that nearly 36% of Covid cases among students, faculty and staff at George Washington University resulted in “long Covid.” The study suggests that young, healthy people face a high risk of chronic debilitating symptoms after infection despite being at low risk of getting severely ill with the virus.

The study also finds that the unvaccinated were at more than twice as high a risk of developing long Covid as those fully vaccinated who had gotten boosters. This sounds plausible. But drill down, and it becomes clear that the evidence is too thin to draw any conclusions.

Like many colleges, George Washington University held classes online during the first year of the pandemic even as some students returned to campus. Those on campus were required to undergo weekly Covid testing. During the 2021-22 school year, classrooms reopened but students were required to be vaccinated and later boosted.

The college recorded 4,800 Covid cases between August 2020‒and February 2022. Those who tested positive were later asked to complete 15- to 20-minute surveys about their health and behavioral changes. Only one-third completed the surveys, and those who did might have been more likely to report lingering health problems—a phenomenon known as nonresponse bias.

The study suffers from two other major methodological problems. First, it doesn’t include a control group of students and faculty that weren’t infected. The finding that nearly 36% reported long Covid symptoms is meaningless without such a sample to determine how common such symptoms were among people who never had Covid.

1 in 45,000 That was the (pre-vaccine) Covid death risk for people under 50 – not 30, 50, and including people with severe comorbidities. Aren’t you glad we shut down the world! Alex Berenson


We have known almost since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic that young people face much lower risks from Covid than the elderly.

But Dutch researchers now have offered what should be the last word on the issue, using data from a national registry to show that even people in their thirties and forties have a risk from Covid almost too low to measure.

The researchers compared the results from a nationwide sample of Covid infections in the Netherlands at several points in 2020 and 2021 to nationwide excess death totals. To determine the Covid death rate, they assumed all the excess deaths resulted from Covid infections.

This method likely overstates Covid deaths. Some extra deaths were likely drug overdoses, suicides, or untreated heart attacks and other lockdown-related health problems. In addition, the sampling technique they used may have understated infections.

Put those issues aside, since they don’t change the most important finding. The researchers determined the death rate from Covid infections was about 1 percent overall in the Netherlands during 2020. (Again, that figure almost certainly is high.)

The researchers then did what governments and Covid hysterics have tried not to do for three years. They explicitly stratified deaths by age, from under 10 to over 80.

The results are… enlightening.

The chart below measures infections, hospitalizations, and deaths from the second Covid wave in the Netherlands, in fall 2020. That stretch probably marks the truest measure of Covid’s lethality. It occurred after the ventilator and nursing home catastrophes of the first wave but before the short-lived happy vaccine valley of spring 2021, when the mRNAs sharply reduced infections.

Medical Tyranny! The Feds Are Tracking the Unvaccinated, and You Won’t Believe ‘WHO’ Is Telling Them to Do It By Kevin Downey Jr.


Some of you may recall that I previously referred to the COVID-19 lockdowns — and various other responses to the bat stew flu — as a “dress rehearsal for communism.”

I was wrong; it’s showtime!

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) — at the behest of the World Health Organization (WHO) — is now tracking Americans who have chosen to dodge the ineffective vaccine and those who are partially vaccinated.

FACT-O-RAMA! The WHO is an unelected, gloabalist commie-dominated group supposedly dedicated to tackling worldwide health situations. It has ties to the United Nations and is completely beset by the Chinese commies.

How do we know the Chi-comms have infiltrated the WHO?

The WHO echoed China’s nonsense that COVID can’t be transferred from person to person.
It also snubbed Taiwan’s request to join the WHO as an observer.

World-renowned Dr. Robert Malone, who was “canceled” for sounding the alarm about all things COVID, reported that the no-longer-secret surveillance program that the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) — which is a part of the CDC — originated has begun not only tracking those who have been partially or completely unvaccinated. But why?

Doctors working at hospitals and clinics are now expected to ask patients if they’ve been vaccinated — and if not, why not — and report the answers to the NCHS. The only doctors who aren’t expected to comply are the ones who are in private practice and do not accept insurance.

The Morning Briefing: The Physician of the Future — Dumber, Woker, and More Likely to Kill You By Stephen Kruiser


A couple of stories have popped up recently that don’t inspire hope for the competency of the next generation of American physicians. As if we already didn’t have enough about the future to make us worry.

The first that caught my eye was a video that Ben shared at the beginning of the month in a post titled: Medical Schools Sacrifice Entry Standards at Altar of Racial Equity.

Prominent law and medical schools are throwing standardized entrance exams and merit out of the window to keep affirmative action alive long past its expiration date.

Leftists will no doubt say I object to this because I’m a knuckle-dragging conservative racist. While it’s true that I’ve never bought into the whole “standardized tests are culturally and racially biased” canard, it’s because I think is actually more racist than the racism it purports to be highlighting.

I’m just saying that an across-the-board lowering of entrance standards for medical school MIGHT be fraught with unpleasant consequences. Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I think it should be more difficult to become a physician, not easier.

Yeah, I have trust issues when it comes to the medical profession. Ben has some interesting comments on the overall state of healthcare in the United States at the end of his post. I highly recommend reading them.