Israeli actress Gal Gadot has been vocal in her support of the remaining hostages held by Hamas. Her activism stands out among the sea of her progressive peers in Hollywood, who, for the most part, are either anti-Israel, apathetic to the war, or quiet supporters of Israel. But Gadot, along with a small group of Hollywood stars, has not wavered in her defense of Israel despite political, social, and professional pressure.
Gadot was allegedly banned from wearing a yellow pin honoring the hostages at the Golden Globes, the Jerusalem Post reported:
Ynet and N12 reported that Gadot was forbidden to wear the pin, which is considered a political statement by the awards organizers, even though it does not express support for any political party or for the war itself but is only a reminder that approximately 100 hostages are still held . . .
Ynet quoted a source close to Gadot as saying, “As a presenter, she was bound by specific rules and could not wear the pin. Gal struggled with this decision, which is why she posted her call to free the hostages before the event. Working with her team, she found a creative solution by wearing a yellow ring to symbolize the cause. It was important to her to honor the guidelines while still drawing attention to the hostages.”