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Muslim Federation Includes Members That Traffic Violent Anti-Semitism Umbrella group calls out ‘Islamophobia,’ but ‘Death to Jews’ is not a problem. Joe Kaufman


This past December, the President of the South Florida Muslim Federation, Samir Kakli, had an op-ed published by the Miami Herald, where he spoke out against hatred targeting the Muslim community, what has become known as ‘Islamophobia,’ a term often used to silence critics of Islamist terror. The Federation is promoting the piece on its website. Though hate aimed at Muslims certainly exists, it is beyond hypocritical for a group to call out one form of bigotry, while embracing those who traffic even worse bigotry, in this case violence against Jews. That is exactly what the Federation is doing, as it continues to ignore incitement from its member orgs.

The South Florida Muslim Federation or SoFlo Muslims is an umbrella group for South Florida’s many Muslim extremist organizations, including radical mosques. Two of these mosques are the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR) and Masjid Jamaat Al-Mu’mineen (MJAM). Both of these mosques have promoted horrific anti-Semitism.

ICBR’s terror links are well-documented. One of its founders, Bassem Alhalabi, was a former research assistant to Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) leader Sami al-Arian. In June 2003, the US Department of Commerce charged Alhalabi with illegally shipping a $13,000 thermal imaging device to Syria. Another founder, Syed Khawer Ahmad, was a website designer for Hamas. ICBR’s founding imam, Ibrahim Dremali, spent time on the federal ‘no fly’ list. In August 2002, Dremali was a character witness at a hearing for soon-to-be-convicted al-Qaeda operative Adham Hassoun, whose group, the Global Relief Foundation (GRF), gave the mosque $600K.

From October 1999 through September 2001, ICBR published a violently anti-Semitic essay on its website, titled ‘Why can’t the Jews and Muslims live together in peace?’ It described Jews as “people of treachery and betrayal” and “enemies.” It spoke of a “Day of Judgement” that would come when Muslims will “fight the Jews and kill them.” Imam Dremali claimed that the article was the result of hackers. It was a lie, as the ICBR website contained much material from the same source as the offending article, the website Islam Q&A. Then-mosque spokesman, Dan McBride, said they reluctantly took down the article, after receiving a number of complaints.

The Morning Briefing: President Puppet Finally Schedules a Press Conference By Stephen Kruiser


Full disclosure: I was one of those people who thought that the Democrats would have hit President Biden with a 25th Amendment coup by now. After a while, I realized that they prefer having him in place and pulling his puppet strings. They type up the executive orders, tell Ol’ Gropes to sign them, and the dismantling of the Republic proceeds apace.

I also wasn’t factoring in Kamala Harris’s soaring ambition. She’d like Biden to last at least two years so that she can have a ten-year run in office. If the Democrats succeed in their efforts to make the “anomalies” from last year a permanent part of our elections, we may never see another Republican president again. Madam Vice President has probably been redecorating the Oval Office in her head since Inauguration Day but she knows that patience is the best strategy now.

Back in December, though, I was telling everyone that Biden wouldn’t make it to March 1st in office.

Once it became apparent that the old boy would be hanging around for a while I began wondering how they would be able to employ the basement strategy that worked so well for them during the campaign. They can’t let Biden get too much time before the cameras. The potential for embarrassment is always just one short video away with this drooling fool.

I was asked in January how they could hide the president of the United States. Keeping the COVID panic ratcheted up gives them an ongoing excuse for the president’s lack of public availability.

One thing I didn’t consider at the time was that Team Biden would simply refuse to do press conferences. They’ve been blowing off their beloved advocacy press corps for a couple of months already.

That’s all finally changing now. A date has been put on the calendar for Biden’s first presser and I, for one, can’t wait to see the train wreck happen.

Rachel Levine Committed Cuomocide In PennsylvaniaOnly in government could someone as incompetent as she is continue to hold a job, let alone get promoted.


“UPDATE: We’ve been told Sen. Rand Paul placed a hold on the Levine nomination. We hope that prevents floor action until Pennsylvania taxpayers and the American people receive the answers they deserve.”

Pennsylvania’s state health director Rachel Levine is ticketed to be the assistant secretary of Health and Human Services for Policy. A Senate floor vote on her confirmation is expected next week. We generally believe that presidents deserve the advisers they choose, but Levine is about the last person in America you would want devising the nation’s health policies. 

On March 18, 2020, Levine issued a Cuomo-order that said:

“Nursing care facilities must continue to accept new admissions and receive readmissions for current residents who have been discharged from the hospital who are stable to alleviate the increasing burden in the acute care settings. This may include stable patients who have had the COVID-19 virus.”

While Levine defended this policy, “ABC27 learned the health secretary’s mother recently vacated a personal care home in the Midstate.”

Guess Who’ll Pay Biden’s Tax Hikes On The ‘Rich’? Hint: It’s You


If you’re an American of average income, listen up. You’re about to become a lot poorer. President Joe Biden’s proposed soon-to-be-unveiled multi-trillion dollar tax hike, the first major increase in taxes since 1993, will ensure that.

With a massive wave of new spending on the way, it was only a matter of time before Biden and his far-left economic team came up with massive new tax increases to match. You might be happy with your $1,400 “stimulus check,” but you won’t be happy with the higher taxes you’ll be paying from now until you die.

That’s right, because no matter what the Democrats said during last year’s presidential campaign about “taxing the rich” and “big corporations” it’s the middle class and the poor who will really take a hit.

Though still in the discussion phase, the White House says only those earning more than $400,000 a year will feel the pain. They’ll face higher taxes on their estates and so-called pass-through businesses, including limited-liability companies and partnerships. Millionaires might get a double-whammy, with both higher income and capital gains taxes.

A tax-fairness win for the little guy? Don’t believe it. Biden also wants to raise the corporate tax rate from the current 21% to 28%, a one-third increase. And that tax on “pass-through” businesses? That’s a tax-code euphemism for “small businesses.”

Mitch McConnell’s Grand Guignol performance in the Senate By Andrea Widburg


The Grand Guignol was a theater in Paris in the first half of the 20th-century that specialized in amoral horror entertainment. On Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) gave his own version of Grand Guignol when he rained fire and brimstone on the Senate, detailing the horrors Democrats would suffer if they were to do away with the 215-year-old filibuster. He knew, of course, that his speech was meaningless because he already gave the filibuster away in January. Once it’s gone, Republicans will never again have the power to take revenge on the Democrats.

Back in January, I wrote about how Mitch McConnell preemptively gave away the filibuster. He agreed to Chuck Schumer’s demand regarding Senate rules that, in the 50-50 Senate, there would be “power sharing” (hah!) in exchange for Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema promising not to ditch the filibuster, which has been part of the Senate rules of operation since 1806. While Sinema is something of a maverick and might be trustworthy, Joe Manchin, after pretending to stand strong, always sides with the Senate majority.

On Tuesday, McConnell was back again talking a big game on the filibuster. What triggered him was that Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) was caught on a hot mic telling Transportation Secretary Pete (he likes to play with toy trains) Buttigieg that Democrats were planning to pass an infrastructure bill and were going to do it without Republican votes. The presumption is that Cardin said this because he knew that the Democrats were going to move to end the filibuster – that is, he knew that Sinema and Manchin were reneging on their promise to McConnell.

As the New York Sun explains, McConnell got angry. In many ways, he delivered a stellar defense of the filibuster:

Mr. McConnell responded today with a prediction of the kind rarely heard in the upper chamber. “Let me say this very clearly, for all 99 of my colleagues,” the Kentuckian rasped. “Nobody serving in this chamber can even begin — can even begin — to imagine what a completely scorched earth Senate would look like. None of us has even served one minute in a Senate that was completely drained of comity and consent.”

‘Soft’ Science Has No Place in Government Policymaking Henry I. Miller and Andrew I. Fillat


‘Science, at its core, is a social phenomenon.” This observation, from Alondra Nelson, the newly appointed deputy director of President Joe Biden’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), certainly qualifies for a prominent place in the Pantheon of Inane Statements. The core of science is, in fact, the scientific method – posing and testing hypotheses; carefully gathering, examining, and generating experimental evidence; and finally, synthesizing all the available information into logical conclusions.

Nelson’s assertion is inauspicious, but perhaps we should not be too surprised by a “squishy” statement from someone whose undergraduate degree was in sociology, and her doctorate, in “American Studies.” What, we wonder, qualifies her to be deputy director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy? And how does it comport with Biden’s commitment always to rely on “science and truth.” We suspect it is an example of how lip-service to science has invaded the domain of real science.

“Hard” sciences are a framework for understanding physical, chemical, sub-atomic, biological, and other natural or even manmade phenomena. The disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology, and especially mathematics, have nothing to do with society as such, because the phenomena they characterize exist independently of humans. Mathematics is typically the language of this framework, whether it is arcane calculus, probability theory, combinatorics, topology, or some other branch well understood by only a very select group.

Democrats Are Forever Slaves To Wretched Ideas


A White House aide wants the president “to start acting now” on reparations without congressional approval. But not even the consent of the House and Senate would legitimize reparations. It’s a policy so divisive, and so impossible to implement, that the idea, which is an ugly societal wedge of its own, needs to be dropped and never brought up again.

While decent Americans have moved past racial politics and are starving for genuine unity, senior adviser Cedric Richmond “sees first-term progress on reparations,” reports Axios, which recently interviewed the director of the White House Office of Public Engagement.

“We have to start breaking down systemic racism and barriers that have held people of color back and especially African Americans,” Richmond said. “We have to do stuff now.”

The U.S. House is considering a bill with 169 cosponsors that “establishes the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans.” The panel would “examine slavery and discrimination in the colonies and the United States from 1619 to the present and recommend appropriate remedies.” A companion bill has also been introduced in the Senate.

Biden, according to his press secretary, “certainly would support a study of reparations,” and Vice President Kamala Harris has publicly endorsed a committee that would explore reparations. Neither of which is a surprise. Just as they can never let a crisis go to waste, Democrats are unable to resist virtue-signaling, and in some cases outright punitive measures against their countrymen, whether warranted or not.



I told you so. It’s become crystal clear I was right on the money. I’ve said for two years now on my national radio show that the best thing that could ever happen for the Mexican drug cartels would be a Democratic presidential victory.

Mexican drug kingpins have waited their entire lives for this fantasy. They must be singing, dancing and toasting champagne right now, because President Joe Biden is the greatest gift ever bestowed upon the Mexican cartels.

Experts estimated the money made on drug trafficking by the cartels at around $500 billion a year. That’s half a trillion dollars a year — “trillion” with a T.

Who quotes that figure? Republican senators. See what Georgia Sen. David Purdue said in 2019: “At half a trillion dollars — $500 billion — that makes the cartel business and the drug traffic just in Mexico alone coming across to the United States bigger than Walmart, to put it in perspective. So this is larger than our largest companies.”

But that figure is bipartisan. Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein quotes a figure in a similar range: “The illicit drug trade is a business, valued at anywhere between $426 and $652 billion.”

That was all before Joe Biden’s lax open-borders policies.

Paralyzed by Fear? Johns Hopkins Doctor Notices Something Peculiar About the COVID Vaccine Guidelines: Matt Vespa


Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine was bold in his projection that we’ll have herd immunity by April. This has been disputed by those who are nowhere near his level of expertise when it comes to public health, but I get the pushback since it shreds the Democratic Party’s COVID lockdown regime. In an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, Makary says that we’re underestimating natural immunity and with the pace of vaccinations, we’ll reach that critical benchmark towards reclaiming normality by tax season. 

“About 1 in 600 Americans has died of Covid-19, which translates to a population fatality rate of about 0.15%. The Covid-19 infection fatality rate is about 0.23%,” Dr. Makary wrote. With those figures, he estimates that two-thirds of the country has already had the infection. We’re rapidly approaching 100 million vaccinations. It’s not an insane projection, but one he says other health experts are afraid to push for fear of impacting the rate of vaccinations. That’s not their job, he argued. Good health news should be disseminated, not buried. There was pushback, and there will be more when he recently wrote about the vaccine protocols.

The good doctor cited an Israeli study that shows those given the Pfizer vaccine are virtually “bulletproof” four weeks after the first dose. That’s the keyword right there. So, we can be returning to normal if the CDC wasn’t so busy peddling exaggerated threats about the virus and being stricken with fear, which Makary noted with their latest guidelines. Is it ‘follow the science’ or ‘be afraid, be very afraid’?

Secretly taped Facebook executive said the company is too powerful and should be broken up by Nihal Krishan,


A senior executive at Facebook was secretly recorded saying that the social media giant harms the world, that it needs to be broken up, and that CEO Mark Zuckerberg should be removed.

A video released Monday of Benny Thomas, Facebook’s global planning lead, shows him candidly expressing his opinions about his employer to an undercover journalist from Project Veritas, a right-wing activist news outlet founded by James O’Keefe.

“I work for a company that is doing a lot of damage in the world,” Thomas said in the video.

“It’s doing a lot of good, but it’s doing a lot of damage,” he added.

Thomas said that other platforms that Facebook owns, such as Instagram, Oculus, and WhatsApp, “need to be separate companies” because it’s “too much power when they’re all one together.”

“I would break it up, and I would remove [Mark Zuckerberg] as the CEO,” Thomas said.

In a recent survey of 1500 tech industry employees, 77% said Big Tech companies like Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Google have too much power. Only 8% disagreed.