Saturday marks Independence Day 2020, and as we always should on this commemoration of the American founding, we ought to take a look at where the country stands 244 years after the announcement that Americans would fight to live as free men and women, rather than remain the subjects of a despotic government.
The American Declaration of Independence is one of the most profound documents of western civilization. Yet its measured case for humankind’s inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness might be as little known as the science of the Aztecs were it not for the feats of arms and sacrifices of America’s first veterans – the few thousand patriots who made-up the Continental Army.
For constitutional conservatives like us, the words of the Framers of the Constitution are so very important because they define the limits on government power. However, we here at CHQ have a special admiration for those daring patriots who declared our independence and risked all to establish the first and only nation dedicated to preserving the sovereignty of the individual human spirit.
And it is important to remember that the patriots who fought our Revolution didn’t fight for the Constitution; they fought for the Declaration of Independence and a unique “pre-Constitution” revolutionary vision of individual liberty.