Dear Donald Trump:
You are a great deal-maker. By your own account you’re the greatest dealmaker of the 20th century, and almost certainly the greatest dealmaker of the 21st century, even though it isn’t quite over yet. The Art of the Deal is your campaign playbook, as CBS News reported April 1. You have promised great trade deals with China, a great deal with Mexico to build a wall on the border, and other great deals on theSupreme Court, peace in the Middle East, healthcare and everything else that anyone has asked you about.
How would you like to the greatest dealmaker of all time?
You can go to Cleveland on July 18 and make the most stupendous deal in all of human history. Lots of people get to be president of the United States, but there can only be one all-time greatest dealmaker, and that could be you.
It’s clear that you won’t win the Republican nomination on the first ballot. Your delegates will have no obligation to vote for you on the second ballot, and a lot of them will vote for Sen. Ted Cruz on the second ballot. They probably will be joined by Marco Rubio’s 170 delegates and others.
There’s a digital outcome here.You can be the Greatest of Dealmakers, or G.o.D. — not the God, but a god, as Bill Murray said inGroundhog Day — or you can be the diametric opposite of the Greatest of Dealmakers, namely a Sore Loser, or to be precise, the Sorest Loser in the known universe. For Donald Trump to be a Loser would be tragic; for Donald Trump to be the Sorest Loser would introduce a disturbance into the space-time continuum. That can’t be allowed to happen.
No-one is saying you are a Sore Loser — yet. The risk is out there. Republican officials in a number of states complain that your organization has threatened them personally over delegate allocation. Your advisor Roger Stone warned earlier this month, “We will disclose the hotels and the room numbers of those [Republican convention] delegates who are directly involved in the steal [that is, not supporting Trump]. We’ll tell you who the culprits are. We urge you to visit their hotel and find them.”