Jordan Peterson resigns from University of Toronto, calls academia a ‘stunningly corrupt enterprise’ ‘I am academic persona non grata, because of my unacceptable philosophical positions,’ Peterson said.

Popular Canadian clinical psychologist and cultural commentator Dr. Jordan Peterson on Wednesday announced his resignation as a tenured professor at the University of Toronto.

In a column for the National Post, Peterson explained that his decision to give up his teaching position was in large part over an avalanche of “Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity mandates,” which he called the “radical leftist Trinity” and acronymized as “DIE,” lamenting that they have been imposed “universally in academia.”

Peterson said he had “envisioned teaching and researching at the U of T [University of Toronto], full time, until they had to haul my skeleton out of my office. I loved my job. And my students, undergraduates and graduates alike, were positively predisposed toward me.”

But after encountering the relentless push of DIE protocols, he reluctantly concluded “that career path was not meant to be.”

The mandates “have been imposed universally in academia,” he stated, adding that “university hiring committees had already done everything reasonable for all the years of my career, and then some, to ensure that no qualified ‘minority’ candidates were ever overlooked.”

As a result of expanding diversity quotas, Peterson complained that his “qualified and supremely trained heterosexual white male graduate students (and I’ve had many others, by the way) face a negligible chance of being offered university research positions, despite stellar scientific dossiers.”

Erdoğan’s Neo-Ottoman Ambitions Turning Eastward by Burak Bekdil

Obsessed with reviving Turks’ imperial days of glory, Erdoğan is turning to Turkey’s east to create a pan-Turkic/Islamist strategic alliance consisting of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Pakistan, with part-time, tactical alliances with Iran, Qatar and Bangladesh.

The idea is to bring together three Muslim nations: NATO member Turkey; Azerbaijan with its rich hydrocarbon resources and growing military capabilities; and Pakistan with its nuclear weapons.

It is not a coincidence that Erdoğan has visited Azerbaijan more than 20 times during his presidency.

Ankara appears to hope that the U.S. exit from Afghanistan has created space for the leadership role of Turkey and Pakistan.

It all looks promising. Except it is not.

The Turkey-led move to upgrade Turkic-speaking states’ cooperation into a political unit that could weaken Beijing’s and Moscow’s influence in Central Asia will no doubt come under close Chinese and Russian scrutiny.

In theory, Iran is Turkey’s “Muslim brother.” In reality, it is (Sunni) Turkey’s (Shia) sectarian adversary, historical rival and cross-border contender in Shia-majority Iraq and Shia-ruled Syria.

And, finally, Russia. Azerbaijan is still more of a Russian turf, than a Turkish one. More Azeris speak Russian than those who love to roar the Turkic slogan “one nation, two states.” Pakistan remains China’s strongest ally and appears happy to consider itself Chinese territory.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s ambitious neo-Ottoman policy calculus has earned Turkey unprecedented international isolation. Turkey won the title of being the world’s only country that was sanctioned by all of the United States, Russia and the European Union in the past five years. Turkey’s negotiations for full membership in the EU have come to a halt and the European Council has started infringement procedures against NATO’s only Muslim member state. Obsessed with reviving Turks’ imperial days of glory, Erdoğan is turning to Turkey’s east to create a pan-Turkic/Islamist strategic alliance consisting of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Pakistan, with part-time, tactical alliances with Iran, Qatar and Bangladesh.

America Appears To Be Edging Toward Recognition of Taliban Regime in Afghanistan

America and its European allies, in what would be a final humiliation, appear to be moving toward recognition of — in effect, a surrender to — the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Following meetings with the Kabul regime at Oslo, the Western powers released a statement falling short of “official recognition or legitimization of the interim government.” Yet it outlines conditions for the Taliban to resume a role on the world stage.

The Western powers emphasized “the importance of respect for human rights” in Afghanistan as well as “the strong need for an inclusive and representative political system” in the war-torn nation. The Taliban was also encouraged “to do more to stop the alarming increase of human rights violations.” There were no promises of renewed funding in the statement, but it suggests aid could flow again if the Taliban reforms its ways.

Afghan opponents of the Taliban are calling it a mistake to hold the meetings at all. “We believe this conference was a form of appeasement by Western governments to a terrorist group,” a spokesman for Afghanistan’s National Resistance Front, Ali Nazary, tells the Sun. The Resistance Front — led by Ahmad Massoud, a son of the anti-Soviet fighter, Ahmad Shah Massoud — bills itself as “the last force fighting for the restoration of democracy in Afghanistan.”

The Western powers may be attempting to move toward recognition of the Taliban, Mr. Nazary says, but he predicts the effort will fail. “The Taliban will never be able to meet those conditions,” Mr. Nazary said. The Taliban is a “fractured group fighting among themselves” and is not able to present any coherent message to foreign powers. Under these circumstances, “their promises are worthless,” Mr. Nazary contended.

The Houthis Belong on the Terrorist List: The ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ Manipulation by Pete Hoekstra

The humanitarian situation in Yemen is indeed unbearable, but it is the Houthis who are causing and compounding it.

If the international community wants, it can pay a ransom to the people causing the suffering. It is a form of manipulation…. What the Houthis and similar groups see is: Extortion works, let’s keep doing it!

The Houthis are backed by Iran, just like its designated terror proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas. All three terror groups are disruptive forces in the Middle East, and used by Iran in its efforts to undercut U.S. influence in the region and threaten Israel and the Gulf states.

The government of the internationally recognized Republic of Yemen also has presented intelligence showing that the Houthis work with al-Qaeda and ISIS to spread terror and conflict in the country.

The problem, therefore, is not just the Houthis, it is also Iran. When the Houthis are not listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO), Iran is effectively invited to advance its nuclear weapons program and “export its revolution” — with no obstruction.

Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaeda and ISIS are not groups that have earned the trust of the international community to help alleviate humanitarian crises anywhere in the world, ever.

Delay or failure to re-list the Houthis will only allow the problem to metastasize and further spread across the Middle East — exactly the objective of Iran’s regime. The Houthis’ attacks on the UAE has shown the Iranian-backed terror proxy’s reach expanding to build fear; they have already threatened more attacks.

How the U.S. addresses the threat posed by the Houthis will be closely watched by Iran’s friends, the Russians and the Chinese. It will be watched by Iran’s other proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas. It also will be watched closely by the friends of the U.S., including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Australia, the Philippines, Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan.

Allowing the Houthis — and Iran — unchecked freedom to terrorize the Middle East will only make the humanitarian crisis expand in scope and severity. Iran, Russia and China are saber rattling. The Biden Administration needs to show it will protect our allies, immediately redesignate the Houthis as an FTO, and make aggression unthinkable to our adversaries – not reward them.

The U.S. and the international community can no longer ignore or reward the malign behavior of Iran or the Houthis.

The Dishonest Cancellation Campaign against Ilya Shapiro By Dan McLaughlin

Ilya Shapiro has been writing and speaking on the Supreme Court for the Cato Institute (where he ran the Cato Supreme Court Review), the Federalist Society, various conservative publications, and mainstream outlets such as guest blogging at SCOTUSBlog for years. His recent book, Supreme Disorder: Judicial Nominations and the Politics of America’s Highest Court, is an excellent overview of the issue. The son of Russian-Jewish immigrants, he has, over time, developed an essentially universal reputation for scholarly rigor and good humor, even when he lost his recent campaign for the school board in Falls Church, Va. It seems almost protesting too much to observe that neither I nor anybody else who knows Ilya has ever seen or heard him be anything but fair and decent towards people of all races and genders.

He has, however, done two things the Left will not easily forgive. One, consistent with his distaste for the anti-Jewish quotas his parents faced in the Soviet Union, he was an early supporter of the lawsuit against Harvard’s race discrimination against Asian Americans, a suit that has now reached the Supreme Court and has defenders of race discrimination scrambling for any weapon to hand to defend their practices. Two, just a week ago, Georgetown Law announced that it was hiring him to be executive director and senior lecturer at the Georgetown Center for the Constitution. Academic perches of that nature are seen by left-wingers as their exclusive province, and whenever a conservative or even a right-leaning libertarian gets hired into one, they immediately set out to get them fired by any means necessary.

Meet the Capitol Police’s New Spy Chief Capitol police, acting as the Stasi of the Democratic Party, will collect dirt on Republicans under the pretense of national security then leak gossipy details to an always-compliant news media.  By Julie Kelly

When most Americans hear the term “Capitol Police,” they likely conjure visions of uniformed officers manning metal detectors at the numerous congressional buildings or helping tourists navigate the sprawling Capitol grounds: a D.C. version of a mall cop.

That imagery, however, is in stark contrast to reality as Democrats have weaponized yet another federal agency to target their political enemies on the Right. 

After January 6, 2021, Capitol Police officials announced plans to expand beyond the legislatively authorized purview of the agency and open offices in Florida and California, as well as in other states. Congress overwhelmingly supported a bill last year to fork over $2.1 billion in new funding to the Capitol Police. Now flush with cash and immune from any serious public oversight, the agency is returning the favor by spying on dissidents of the Biden regime.

According to Politico, Capitol Police investigators are preparing secret dossiers on lawmakers, congressional staff, donors, and even constituents who visit their representatives in public or in private. 

“After the Jan. 6 insurrection (sic), the Capitol Police’s intelligence unit quietly started scrutinizing the backgrounds of people who meet with lawmakers,” reporters Betsy Woodruff Swan and Daniel Lippman wrote. “Several Capitol Police intelligence analysts have already raised concerns about the practice to the department’s inspector general,” one source told Politico.

Investigators are asked to scour social media accounts and even examine “tax and real estate records to find out who owned the properties that lawmakers visited.” In one example, Capitol Police analyzed a fundraiser held in a private home for Senator Rick Scott (R-Fla.). Donors to House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), who was shot by a Bernie Sanders supporter in 2017, also are under Capitol police scrutiny.

Far from ensuring the safety of legislators and their staffs, the underlying political motive is obvious to anyone who’s been paying attention the past several years: the Capitol Police, acting as the Stasi of the Democratic Party, will collect dirt on Republicans under the pretense of national security then leak gossipy details to an always-compliant news media.

Journalists will then source the leaks to anonymous “intelligence officials” to legitimize any incriminating disclosures, which in turn will prompt Democrats to call for immediate investigations and criminal referrals—see the January 6 select committee for how this successful formula works.

In fact, an official from the Obama Administration, the birthplace of Russiagate and other political espionage efforts, is heading up the new endeavor. 

Amid ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ rhetoric, some GOP minorities thrive Kate Ackley

Wesley Hunt, who is running for the GOP nomination in Texas’ 38th District, hauled in more than $1 million in the most recent fundraising quarter and holds $1.5 million in the bank.   

That seven-figure sum, which Hunt and his campaign shared first with CQ Roll Call ahead of a Monday filing deadline, puts the Army veteran, who is Black, in the top tier of congressional fundraisers. He’s part of a growing Republican roster of House or Senate candidates or incumbents who are people of color raising eye-popping sums. 

Even as some Democrats, including President Joe Biden, have attacked the GOP as the party of Jim Crow 2.0 for opposition to bills to strengthen voting rights and overhaul elections nationwide, some of the Republican Party’s rising fundraising stars are people of color, many of whom, like Hunt, take issue with Democrats’ messaging.

Sen. Tim Scott, a Republican from South Carolina who is Black, raised nearly $7 million in last year’s fourth quarter and had more than $21.5 million cash on hand, according to a campaign adviser. He previously endorsed Hunt. 

California GOP Rep. Young Kim, who was born in South Korea, plans to report raising $1.2 million in the fourth quarter with about $2.6 million in the bank. Georgia GOP Senate contender Herschel Walker, a former professional football player who is Black, hauled in $5.4 million in the fourth quarter, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Freshman Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, who is Black, had raised $2.3 million as of Sept. 30. 

Harvard’s diversity disgrace Why should Asians take one for the team?Kenny Xu

In 2014, the non-profit Students for Fair Admissions filed a lawsuit against Harvard University, alleging discrimination against Asian Americans in its admissions process — discrimination resulting from Harvard’s stated commitment to “a diverse class.” After defeats at the District and Court of Appeals level, the suit has arrived at the foot of the United States Supreme Court. The case will be argued in the 2022 term. Harvard’s reputation is not all that’s at stake. The case threatens to bring down the entire system of race-based affirmative action that dominates college admissions.

Looking at the numbers, it’s easy to see why Students for Fair Admissions believe they have a case. According to 90,000 pages of Harvard admissions data, an Asian-American student must score 450 points higher on the SAT to have the same chance of admission as a black student with the same qualifications. Harvard, despite being an academic institution, also scores for “personality,” and consistently gives Asian Americans the lowest ratings. Without discrimination, Asian Americans would make up 43 percent of the Harvard student body, according to Harvard’s own Office of Institutional Research. In the years before the filing of the 2014 suit, Asians were between 15 and 20 percent of the student body.

A Virginia delegate’s speech shows Republicans are learning courage By Andrea Widburg

Barack Obama broke most Republican politicians. It wasn’t anything he did. It was his skin color. No matter what Obama did, and no matter the substantive objections conservatives had to his policies and actions, the Democrat response was always the same: Racist. Ordinary people began to treat that mindless insult with the disdain it deserved. Politicians, however, grew cowed. That seems to be changing, perhaps because Democrat policies are proving so disastrous that calling critics is inadequate. Be that as it may, politicians are refusing to be silenced. Nick Freitas, a Virginia GOP member of the Virginia House of Delegates exemplifies this trend.

On Wednesday, Freitas, a former Green Beret, stood before the House of Delegates and, using a friendly tone and remarkably polite language, announced that he was no longer going to tolerate being called a bigot simply because he espoused different policies from Democrats. He tweeted a video of his statement which has been viewed over 553,000 times, which is pretty good if you’re not a Kardashian:

Freitas opens by noting that he has never personally attacked a member of the opposing party for policy differences. It’s quite different, though, when you’re on the Democrat side of the aisle:

I’m keeping a running tally so far of this session. We’re not very far into and almost every day, almost every day, someone on the other side of the aisle either gets up and either subtly, or comes right out and suggests, that if you don’t agree with them on policy, then you’re not a Christian, you’re a sexist, you’re a bigot, you’re a racist.

Indeed, right before Freitas stood up, Don Scott, a Democrat, gave a perfect example of that kind of personal attack over policy beliefs:

Freitas wrapped up his statement by making his position very clear:

Will I be nice this session? I’d certainly like to be. But I’m not about to sit here and listen to that [personal insults], Mr. Speaker, and then go home to my constituents and have them ask me, “Why didn’t you stand up and defend us?” So let’s have a robust policy discussion but, if you’re going to question the faith or the intentions of anybody that happens to disagree with you on policy, then you don’t get to lecture us on compassion, tolerance, or an open debate.

The Supreme Court Should Reject Racial Preference in College Admissions By Abraham H. Miller

The Supreme Court is going to hear two cases about racial preference in college admissions that allegedly discriminates against Asian students.

In the 1978 Bakke decision, the Supreme Court said race could be a factor in admissions, but as anyone who is sat through an academic committee meeting knows, when race is a factor, it is the only factor.

Even though the Supreme Court in Bakke said that a set-aside for admissions, or quota, was impermissible, colleges and universities routinely use racial quotas masquerading as goals.

The consequence has been that highly qualified Asian students are rejected on trivial and subjective data, such as leadership skills and self-confidence, to increase the proportion of less qualified blacks and Latinos.

How do Asian students achieve high academic status and participate in a range of extracurricular activities while lacking in leadership, self-confidence, and other personality traits? The answer is that when it comes to Asians, the subjective evaluation process is a farce designed to discriminate against them.

Race-based admissions are not the exception but the rule. And no one but diversity, inclusion, and equity experts conducting so-called cultural audits has profited from this policy.

Colleges and universities are run by a professional class of bureaucrats. And if anything, members of bureaucracy know that the very essence of their work is their own survival.