A paradigm shift occurs when there is a radical change in thinking from an accepted point of view to a new one. Changes in social consciousness are not easy. Institutions defend orthodoxy with all their assorted powers, while new ideas receive support only from iconoclasts who are often dismissed as kooks or disparaged as domestic enemies.
Prevailing opinion is like a heavy boulder sitting in the valley between several steep hills. For a novel idea to succeed, its proponents must push that boulder up the slope until it reaches the top of a neighboring peak. Two observations follow from this analogy: (1) when moving the heavy boulder of conventional wisdom in a new direction, the gravity of traditional consensus works to roll it right back into the valley where it originally rested, and (2) once the boulder is finally pushed up a hill with the force of sufficient evidence and popular support, it will quickly roll down the other side and rest in a new valley of conventional wisdom. Changing human minds, in other words, is a punishing exercise until you reach a tipping point, when social change occurs rapidly.
We are right now in the midst of one of these phenomenal paradigm shifts. Americans are “awakening” to the idea that the federal government does not have their best interests at heart. They are pushing back against mass illegal immigration. They are resisting government surveillance and censorship. They are questioning economic regulations that have weakened private property rights while giving a small number of corporations and financial elites almost total control over commerce, the food supply, and the monetary system.