The Biden administration’s bizarre response to the Texas hostage crisis By Andrea Widburg

On Saturday afternoon, a man claiming to be the brother of the Pakistani terrorist Aafia Siddiqui (aka “Lady al Qaeda”) stormed a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, and took four people hostage. The resulting standoff lasted for several hours before all four hostages escaped or were freed and the hostage-taker killed. During the event, the Biden administration once again showed itself to be completely tone-deaf, issuing a bizarre, clinical tweet that didn’t even mention that the entire event revolved around al Qaeda-related genocidal antisemitism.

Congregation Beth Israel was almost empty on Saturday because it was live-streaming its Sabbath services. Because of that live-streaming, everyone heard an Islamist enter the synagogue shortly after 10:00 a.m. and take hostage the four people who were there, including the rabbi. He insisted that the government release Siddiqui, a fanatic al Qaeda supporter who was imprisoned in Texas for 86 years after she shot at U.S. service members and was found to have actively plotted mass-casualty al Qaeda attacks.

In the early evening, one hostage was released. Then, shortly before 10 p.m., the 12-hour-long nightmare ended with a frightening denouement. Cameras caught two of the hostages racing out of the building as the terrorist followed them out, aiming his gun at them before he retreated into the building. Soon after, a SWAT team stormed the building, killing the Islamist and freeing the remaining hostage:

Exposed: The Selective Bigotry of the Campus Diversity Industry By Henry Kopel

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – or “DEI” – is now big business across American campuses.  A 2021 Heritage Foundation study found that the average American college employs 45 full-time DEI administrators.  With a reported average salary of $79,400 per DEI staffer, the average college DEI budget exceeds $3.57 million.  Hence across more than 4,000 colleges nationally, America’s total college DEI bill tops $14 billion.

One would hope that such massive investments yield tangible gains in the DEI bureaucracies’ self-described mission, namely, assuring an inclusive campus environment for all students.  Unfortunately, a new study shows that the campus DEI industry not only fails this test, but also – at least towards one minority group – actively subverts its stated goal.

The study, released by Heritage just a month ago, examined the public social media statements of over 700 diversity administrators from 65 colleges.  It revealed a tsunami of extreme and false denunciations of Israel and its supporters.  Of the DEI staffers’ frequent mentions of Israel, 96 percent consisted of libelous indictments, “[f]requently accusing Israel of engaging in genocide, apartheid, settler colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and other extreme crimes.”

One diversity administrator “liked” and re-tweeted this message: “Wtf is a liberal Zionist? What’s next? Liberal Nazi? Liberal colonizer? Liberal murderer?”  Another tweeted, in an echo of the medieval blood libels that incited bloody violence against Jews, “israel has a particular loathing for children. they target them with violence specifically and intentionally every single day.”

Many DEI staffers’ tweets called for Israel’s outright elimination, “from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea.”  Apparently, those falsely charged with genocide must themselves be targeted for genocide.  Other DEI tweets denounced U.S. supporters of Israel, including a conspiratorial indictment of a “vast philanthropic-lobbying complex in the US that works tirelessly to present Israelis as benevolent [and] peace-loving . . . [while] in actual Israel no one bothers with the pretense.”

Why Joe Biden Should Leverage The Abraham Accords To Bring Stability To The Middle East By Lawrence J. Haas

This week’s announcement that a bipartisan group of House and Senate members have created an Abraham Accords Caucus to encourage more Arab-Israeli normalization agreements reminds us that the accords have the potential to reshape the region’s politics, economics, diplomacy, and military relationships.

The question is whether, in the months to come, the Biden administration will view the accords as an opportunity to promote America’s regional interests or as a distraction from its other challenges.

The accords – the U.S.-brokered normalization agreements that Israel signed with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in late 2020 and subsequently with Morocco – are having a noticeable positive impact on the nations involved and, as a result, are raising prospects for wider Israeli-Arab peace.

Airlines are flying back and forth from Israel to those Arab states, tourism and people-to-people exchanges are flourishing, and trade between Israel and the UAE, in particular, is soaring. In recent months, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid attended the opening of Israel’s new embassy in Manama; Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett visited UAE Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Abu Dhabi; Israel and Morocco signed an agreement to nourish security cooperation; and the UAE and Bahrain joined the United States and Israel in a naval exercise in the Red Sea.

Calculating The Full Costs Of Electrifying Everything Using Only Wind, Solar And Batteries Francis Menton

For several years now, advocates of “decarbonizing” our energy system, along with promoters of wind and solar energy, have claimed that the cost of electricity from the wind and sun was dropping rapidly and either already was, or soon would be, less than the cost of generating the same electricity from fossil fuels. These claims are generally based on a metric called the “Levelized Cost of Energy,” which is designed to seem sophisticated to the uninitiated, but in the real world is completely misleading because it omits the largest costs of a system where most generation comes from intermittent sources. The large omitted costs are those for storage (batteries) and transmission. But as we now careen recklessly down the road to zero emissions, how much will these omitted costs really amount to?

A guy named Ken Gregory has recently (December 20, 2021, updated January 10, 2022) come out with a Report at a Canadian website called Friends of Science with the title “The Cost of Net Zero Electrification of the U.S.A.” A somewhat abbreviated version of Gregory’s Report has also appeared at Watts Up With That here. Gregory provides a tentative number for the additional storage costs that could be necessary for full electrification of the United States system, with all current fossil fuel generation replaced by wind and solar. That number is $433 trillion. Since the current U.S. annual GDP is about $21 trillion, you will recognize that the $433 trillion represents more than 20 times full U.S. annual GDP. In the post I will give some reasons why Gregory may even be underestimating what the cost would ultimately prove to be.

First, some background. A huge and, I would submit, obvious engineering issue that permeates the question of powering an electrical grid with only intermittent sources is how to assure that there is always sufficient electricity available to meet demand at every minute throughout the year. Somebody needs to carefully study actual generation from wind and sun hour by hour (maybe even minute by minute) throughout a year, and then calculate exactly how much storage it’s going to take to get through all the sun and wind droughts that occur during what could be long periods of calm, overcast, hot, cold and nights. This kind of work does not involve sophisticated mathematics, but it does involve detailed effort to create an appropriate spreadsheet and find and carefully input reams of publicly available data. To their incredible shame, none of the genius planet saviors who are imposing decarbonization on us ever undertake this task, and for that matter they have never even admitted it is an issue, as far as I have been able to determine. Take a look, for example, at New York’s Climate Action Scoping Plan, or California’s AB32 Climate Change Scoping Plan, or for that matter any of the regulations and Executive Orders coming out of the federal government, and you just never find any mention of this subject.

Kachelman: Those Crying Out “Conspiracy” Are the Ones Who Need to be Arrested, Adjudicated, and Punished. By Jim Hoft

I’m speaking to the Ruling Elite…YOU scornfully claim I wear a tinfoil hat and idle the time away in delusional dreaming of imagined political catastrophes. YOU scoff at my concerns and dismiss my patriotism with comic memes. YOU casually prance from day to day as if everyone and everything in this world is at your “beck and call.” YOU utter illegal and absurd mandates and heartedly condemn non-compliance but then you hold yourself aloof from the compliance you demand from others. YOU claim I am obsessed with conspiracies that are unfounded and serve as fodder for insurrectionist protests when in reality it is YOU fomenting the conspiracies. YOUR childish antics are deserving of the playground retaliatory quip: “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on YOU!” The true conspiratorial insurrectionist is YOU!

The most brutal political practice ever weaponized is the planting, nurturing and then oppression of “conspiracies.” Even though this word “conspiracy” has been publicized by today’s political Elite, it is not novel. From the Beginning of time conspiratorial thoughts have attacked the Rule of Law. In the Garden, the Devil suggested the Forbidden Tree was off-limits because God Almighty wanted to keep mankind different from Deity.

From the Beginning of time conspiracy has been used as leverage to further the agenda of the Elite to assure more power and greater riches. This evil ambition is not confined to any geographical borders, language, ethnic race, or political inclination. Power is possessed and ambition wants more and more; seeking gain through fear, intimidation and false accusations.

Hillary Clinton Slams “White Moderates” with MLK Quote After Sinema, Manchin Blow up Biden’s Bid to Kill the Filibuster… And it Backfires By Cristina Laila

Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton slammed “white moderates” with a quote from MLK after Democrat Senators Sinema and Manchin blew up Joe Biden’s bid to kill the filibuster.

Manchin and Sinema blew up Joe Biden’s bid to kill the filibuster so now his ‘voting rights’ bill that would make it easier for Democrats to steal elections is DOA.

Without naming the Senators, Clinton responded to Sinema and Manchin by firing off a passive aggressive “subtweet.”

“MLK Jr. said: “I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice, and that when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress.” This is a subtweet.” Hillary said.

7 Things We’ve Learned About the 2020 Elections Phill Kline

The United States Agency for International Development, which monitors foreign elections to ensure fairness and accuracy, asserts that proper elections require “transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability.”

The 2020 election in the United States, however, remains one of the least transparent, inclusive, and accountable contests in our nation’s history.  And unfortunately, due to prevailing political headwinds, it will likely remain so because election officials are refusing to be held accountable and answer basic, reasonable questions.

The United States Agency for International Development, which monitors foreign elections to ensure fairness and accuracy, asserts that proper elections require “transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability.”

The 2020 election in the United States, however, remains one of the least transparent, inclusive, and accountable contests in our nation’s history.  And unfortunately, due to prevailing political headwinds, it will likely remain so because election officials are refusing to be held accountable and answer basic, reasonable questions.

Instead, those responsible for managing our elections, along with their allies, are responding with a narrative that questions are bad and the election system is beyond reproach.

Responding to Chinese Diplomatic and Economic Aggression: Why on Earth Is the U.S. Attacking Its Best Allies? by Pete Hoekstra

The UAE is a staunch ally of the U.S. as well as home to a major joint U.S./UAE military installation. The UAE, demonstrating extraordinary leadership by His Highness Mohammed bin Zayed Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and his outstanding advisors, was also the first Muslim country to sign on to the Abraham Accords, and to initiate a truly warm peace between Muslim states and Israel after years of disputes had destabilized the region. The UAE, in addition, was the first Arab country to send troops to Afghanistan alongside the U.S. and to provide significant assistance when the U.S. withdrew from there in 2021.

National security cannot be compromised and diplomatic relations must be defended…. The “Monitoring China-UAE Cooperation Act,” is, alas, a woefully misguided way to go about it. Congress may try to claim that it is trying to protect our national security against China’s espionage and influence operations, but triggering friction against strong allies can end up delivering them into the hands of our adversaries – as our adversaries doubtless wish.

Sadly, this Act is profoundly counterproductive….Most importantly, any new requirements would respect our friends and allies. Legislation highlighting a single specific country can only be perceived by that country as an insult, an affront. Whether it is in the economic or national security arena, the business of diplomacy is improving relationships, not damaging them.

This is a global problem, not unique to one country. China is trying to install its companies’ products all over the globe. Some might even call China’s aggressive push on 5G a pandemic.

Rather than assaulting allies, and instead of clinging to a one-size-fits-all solution, the U.S. might craft legislation that would require the Director of National Intelligence to adjust requirements based on the relationship that the U.S. has with various countries….The DNI would design a global system that is flexible enough to reflect the complex network of relationships that the U.S. has around the world. No two are exactly the same.

China is the threat, not our allies.

Legislation recently introduced in Congress purportedly seeks to confront China’s growing global aggression on a broad range of fronts. While that goal is certainly urgent and important goal, regrettably, in reality,this document appears largely a pretext for attacking one of America’s most impressive allies, the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Donald Trump, Magnificent Vulgarian Andrew Blyth

The 2016 US election was a turning point for the republic. Having tolerated presidents Barack Obama (Democrat, 2009-17) and George W. Bush (Republican, 2001-2009), and with Hillary Clinton (Democrat) offering more of the same, large swathes of the voting American middle class were desperate for change. They wanted to see a it in the way politics was done, and to stop being ignored by their elected representatives in Washington DC.

The election was a contest between former First Lady, senator and ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (a Washington insider) and a trailblazing entertainment and construction businessman from New York with a fondness for disruption, Donald J. Trump. Voters, particularly those living in the Midwest, liked what Trump was offering: making America great again. Trump promised to be their agent for change. He was catering for the needs and aspirations of ordinary Americans, who felt they had been neglected for much too long. The ‘basket of deplorables’ (Clinton’s remark showing her disrespect for millions of hard-working Middle Americans), one in two women, and one in three Hispanics voted for the ultimate risk-taker. A new dawn was emerging in the United States. Trump was to embark on a program of reform – and he was in a hurry to ‘drain the swamp’ of the Washington insiders who looked after only themselves. Trump was soon to discover how entirely different it was campaigning from opposition to governing.

Political historians warn that commentary immediately after an event will never stand as the final word. Dispassionate historical analysis, it is often said, takes time. Written works explain and clarify decisions and events that the participants expect historians to consider when assessing political, economic, social or cultural events.

The rise and fall of the Trump presidency has been the subject of much commentary, mainly by a handful of active participants including academics, commentators, journalists, and Trump family members. Little has been written by those who have some perspective on the machinations of politics and government. To date, the Trump presidency has been the subject of terse political commentary more than measured historical assessment; but commentary is not history.

Donald Trump: The Ultimate Contrarian (Connor Court Publishing, 2021) is Richard Alston’s second foray in two years examining the principles and practice of public leadership, and he offers a scintillating read. Drawing on his time in politics, as a senator and senior minister in the Howard Government, and as a state and federal party leader, Alston ventures where others fear to tread – offering a critique of Trump’s presidency. With outstanding effect.

Evolution, Hyper-Novelty and Cultural Noise Michael Giffin


“Science occurs along a spectrum, sound on one end, unsound on the other. We live in an age where facts are scientific if they serve the narrative of whatever ideology is currently hegemonic and unscientific if they do not. One of the delusions of our age is the belief that sex and gender are functionally independent, from each other and from evolutionary biology too. Scientists now reinforce this delusion, because it bankrolls their research, controls government and education, and drives public policy. This is the backstory of the AMA recommendation against recording sex on birth certificates.

In their book, Bret and Heather discuss a common misunderstanding of our age, that because men and women work side by side, and are equal under the law, they are the same. To ignore their differences, to demand they be the same, is sexism of another kind. We were sexual beings long before we were human, and our desire to reproduce is hard-wired. It is a fool’s game to pretend, as our culture now pretends, “that sex equals gender, or that gender has no relationship to sex, or that either sex or gender is not wholly evolutionary”. Sexual differences can be valued without embracing the naturalistic fallacy.

Men and women have three possible reproductive strategies to choose from: first, “partner up and invest long term, reproductively, socially, and emotionally”; second, “force reproduction on an unwilling partner”; third, “force nobody, but also invest little beyond short-term sexual activity”. The first is best for men, women, children and society. The second is morally reprehensible and, historically, available to men rather than women. The third is now widely embraced by women in an age of sexual liberation, birth control and abortion on demand.

Yet sexual liberation has consequences—emotional, societal and evolutionary—the cost of which must be borne, ultimately, by some individuals or groups. Cheap sex has not empowered women in their negotiations with men. The non-judgmental, value-free welfare state was established to protect women, but its benefits are mixed; many women are disempowered, and what results is a class of self-perpetuating social disadvantage. Without monogamy, Bret and Heather believe sexuality is reduced to “females burdened with the entire chore of reproduction, and undiscerning males always on the make”.