Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan step forward to fight Pelosi’s Jan. 6 witch hunt By David Zukerman

Mark Meadows, former chief of staff to President Trump, filed an amicus curiae brief in the Supreme Court, January 7, in support of the former president’s claim that his official papers should be covered by executive privilege and not released to the Jan. 6 House Select Committee.  The matter is now on appeal before the Supreme Court as a result of the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upholding the decision by President Biden that executive privilege is not justified to keep the Trump papers from the Select Committee.  The appellate ruling from Judge Patricia Millett included the curious assertion, at the top, of “multiple” deaths at the Capitol, January 6, 2021, with the added contention that the Trump-supporting “mob” came armed with “weapons.”  The only violent death was that of Trump-supporter Ashli Babbitt, shot and killed by a Capitol cop.  There were no reports of demonstrators carrying arms, to my knowledge.   

A comment in the amicus brief goes  to the heart of this matter.  “For Executive Privilege to fulfill its intended purpose of allowing full and free communication among Presidential advisors, it must be able to survive a party change in the Presidency and a hostile Congress.”   If there were any doubt of the hostility that President Biden (and congressional Democrats) have for  Donald J. Trump, those doubts should have been dispelled by the following excerpts from Mr. Biden’s denunciation of his predecessor, January 6, 2022. 

Year Two of The Administration From Hell But will it end well in November? Don Feder

If 2021 was scary, 2022 — the 2nd year of the administration from Planet Stupid — will build on that disaster. You don’t need a crystal ball or the ghost of Nostradamus to see what lies ahead, and it won’t be pretty.

1. The administration will continue to blame everyone and everything for the failure of its perverse policies. We were told that COVID is responsible for snatch and grab, something called the “meat conglomerate” made chicken prices take wing, and greedy oil companies are to blame for pain at the pump. Could destroying domestic energy production possibly have anything to do with rising prices? Impossible! To suggest such a thing shows you don’t understand economics, a la AOC.

2. Chaos at the border will be the new normal. In its move to swamp the nation with welfare-state voters, the administration will continue to open the floodgates to drugs, disease, poverty, human trafficking and crime. The Border Patrol has been replaced by a revolving door.

3.  We’ll continue to fight inflation with spending. – We’ll keep spending to fight a virus that’s increasingly irrelevant. We’ll spend to fight a crime wave that anti-police policies set in motion. We’ll spend to hire more police when fewer and fewer want the job. We’ll spend on education for schools that are closed. We’ll throw money at rising prices – which is like dousing wildfires with gasoline.

4. Biden’s mental health will continue to decline. Don’t believe me? Ask President Harris. We’ll get more of those classic Joe moments, when the president stares off blankly into space at the end of a speech. Chef Boyar-dumb will keep serving up word salads. The sad old man will shuffle through a nation in ruins.

The Gumption for a Civil War? Are we in a time of unprecedented political polarization? Bruce Thornton

This new year we’ve heard a lot of talk from the Left about another civil war just over the horizon. The partisan divide, as the argument from the Guardian goes, has worsened to the point that the “American political system has become so overwhelmed by anger that even the most basic tasks of government are increasingly impossible . . . The crises the United States now faces in its basic governmental functions are so profound that they require starting over.”  The Right knows this, the Guardian warns, but the Left is mired in intramural quarrels. As John Sexton summarizes this argument, “We need to burn down everything (including the Constitution) and start over.”

Much of this melodramatic prophecy bespeaks the progressives’ anxiety over the coming November electoral backlash against their manifest political failures and arrogant assaults on our unalienable rights, from tyrannical covid mitigation policies, to blatantly racist, anti-American school curricula. And for over a century, progressive technocrats have thrived on existential crises real and imagined, the “moral equivalent of war,” as William James put it in 1906, that demands expanded government power and diminished citizen freedom. Prophecies of actual war reflect the progressives’ habit of using hyperbolic rhetoric to gin up the panic and fear that justify increasing the nanny-state’s aggrandizement of more power.

But such prophecies are unlikely to come true, if only because most of the American people don’t have the gumption to kill and die for much of anything. The young who usually do most of the fighting in war particularly are––with the exceptions comprising our armed forces and other young patriots–– unsuited for the suffering and sacrifice that real war exacts.

First, however, we should point out that the laments over our “polarization,” “partisan rancor,” and lack of “bipartisanship” as comprising a novel, dangerous crisis hurtling us to war, bespeak an ignorance of both history and the structure of our political order.

More Than 230 Colleges, Universities Include Some Form of Critical Race Theory Training

More than 230 colleges and universities in the United States have some form of mandatory student training or coursework on ideas related to critical race theory. 

As reported by Fox News, at least 236 colleges or universities have some form of student training on critical race theory. Of those are 149 institutions that have some kind of mandatory faculty or staff training, with 138 mandating school-wide curricular requirements., which compiles research from more than 500 institutions, told Fox News that these programs focus on things like “anti-racism,” “equity,” “implicit bias” and critical race theory. 

“Our database shows how race has become a pervasive focus in higher education with a near universal insistence that racism is systemic in the United States,” William A. Jacobson, a Cornell law professor who founded the database, said. 

He added that “higher ed is focused on what divides people, exacerbating rather than solving problems.” 

The critical race theory-associated content appears within curriculum, staff training and sometimes within training related to hiring. 

Some colleges and universities even have required diversity-related content as part of students’ coursework. 

Shortages Are Everywhere — Here’s Why It’s Biden’s Fault

Just before the holiday, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki took to the press room podium to laughably brag about how “we’ve saved Christmas” because President Joe Biden supposedly fixed the nation’s supply chain crisis. She said that “President Biden recognized this challenge early, acted as an honest broker to bring key stakeholders together, and focused on addressing practical problems across the global supply chain.”

That was good enough for the mainstream media, which had turned a blind eye to the supply chain problems once Biden claimed he had a plan to fix it.

Except, less than three weeks later, #BareShelvesBiden is trending on Twitter, shoppers are sharing pictures of empty store shelves, and the media are being forced – however reluctantly – to report that shortages are actually a worsening problem.

Shortages are everywhere. Whether it’s goods, food, people, COVID tests, you name it. The CEO of the Gristedes supermarket chain is warning of meat and egg shortages. The Daily Beast reports that “shortages of glass and other materials continue, coupled with extensive shipping delays and skyrocketing freight costs.” One site asked readers to send examples of shortages, and cold medicine was in the top five.

A newspaper in Cape Cod finds “empty grocery shelves and downsized restaurant menus rising amid supply chain struggles.”

James Comey and Our Poisoned Politics Five years ago, the FBI boss was busy selling the bogus Steele dossier.James Freeman

This week marks the fifth anniversary of perhaps the greatest media scandal of our age. Outlets like CNN and BuzzFeed flogged a bogus dossier of salacious claims funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign, even while admitting they didn’t know whether the dossier’s allegations against Donald Trump were true or false. It wasn’t necessarily that reporters had mistaken fake news for the real stuff—they simply didn’t care or acknowledge that they had an obligation to vet anti-Trump claims before disseminating them.

The pathetic media excuse for running with the story was that important people in the government were talking about it. And no one wanted to talk about it more than the FBI’s then-director, James Comey. He kept talking about it even after his department had failed to corroborate it, and even though the CIA viewed it as mere “Internet rumor.”

On this day five years ago, Mr. Comey emailed Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. As the dossier story was raging in the press, Mr. Comey mounted an unsuccessful effort to stop Mr. Clapper from publicly acknowledging that U.S. intelligence agencies had not deemed the dossier reliable and were not relying upon its claims, which had been compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Are You With Joe Biden, or Jefferson Davis? The President’s speech on voting rights is divorced from reality.

Every official in America, President Biden said Tuesday, has a choice: “Do you want to be on the side of Dr. [ Martin Luther ] King or George Wallace ? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor ? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis ?” Seriously, he said that grandiloquent nonsense.

Mr. Biden’s speech in Georgia was a call to bulldoze the Senate’s filibuster to pass a rebranded version of H.R.1, a bill that would impose a federal election code on all 50 states, including forcing them to count late mail ballots that lack postmarks. If you happen to think that’s a bad idea, or that it’s unconstitutional, or that nuking the filibuster would hurt the Senate, well, then apparently you’re against Abraham Lincoln.

Mr. Biden’s demagoguery is all the worse because he continues to distort state voting laws like the one in Georgia. “Voting by mail is a safe and convenient way to get more people to vote,” he said, adding “they’re limiting the number of dropboxes and the hours you can use them.” Georgia had zero dropboxes before the pandemic election of 2020, and now they’re enshrined in permanent law. This isn’t “ Jim Crow 2.0,” no matter how many times Mr. Biden uses that incendiary phrase.

People disagree about the security of stand-alone dropboxes, but voters can also put absentee ballots in the mailbox. As for Georgia, all of its residents can request a mail ballot without giving an excuse, unlike in New York or Delaware. And here’s a figure Mr. Biden should know: In 2020, the Census Bureau says, black voter turnout in Georgia was 64%, compared with Massachusetts’s 36%.

The Way Out November 2021 Larry P. Arnn President, Hillsdale College *****

The following is adapted from a speech delivered at a Hillsdale College reception in Overland Park, Kansas, on November 18, 2021.

Here are two questions pertinent to our times: (1) How would you reduce the greatest free republic in history to despotism in a short time? and (2) How would you stop that from happening? The answer to the first question has been provided in these last two disastrous years. The answer to the second has begun to emerge in recent months. Both are worthy of study.

Reducing a Great Republic to Despotism

To establish despotism in a nation like ours, you might begin, if you were smart, by building a bureaucracy of great complexity that commands a large percentage of the resources of the nation. You might give it rule-making powers, distributed across many agencies and centers inside the cabinet departments of government, as well as in 20 or more “independent” agencies—meaning independent of elected officials, and thus independent of the people.

This much has been done. It would require a doctoral thesis to list all the ways that rules are made in our federal government today, which would make for boring reading. The truth is that very few people not directly involved know how all this works. Although civics education is practically banned in America, most people still know what the Congress is and how its members are elected. But how many know how the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) came to be, under what authority it operates, and who is its head? Here is a clue: it is not Anthony Fauci.

Admittedly, this new kind of bureaucratic government would take—has taken—decades to erect, especially in the face of the resistance of the Constitution of the United States, which its very existence violates. But once it has been erected, things can happen very fast.

What, for example, if a new virus proliferates around the world? There have been procedures for dealing with such viruses for a long time. They begin with isolating the sick and protecting the vulnerable. But suddenly we have new procedures that attempt to isolate everybody. This is commanded by the CDC, an element of this bureaucratic structure, and by a maze of federal and state authorities, all of which see the benefit to themselves in getting involved. The result is that large sections of our economy were closed for months at a time, and citizens placed under the equivalent of house arrest. This has not happened before. The cost of it, and not just in monetary terms, is beyond calculation.

The Dispensable Mrs Merkel John O’Sullivan

After what seemed an eternity of farewells, Merkel finally left office on the last day of November 2021 to a chorus of acclaim from those relative few who rate non-nuclear Germany’s dependence on Russian gas nothing worth worrying about. And then there is her other great legacy — a million refugees.

In November 2015 the Economist ran an editorial that its front cover had anticipated with a picture of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the title “The Indispensable European”. “Look around Europe, and one leader stands above all the rest: Angela Merkel,” the editorial proclaimed. “Mrs Merkel has grown taller with every upheaval.” Going on to list the upheavals that had elevated her, it ended triumphantly: “…and over migration, she has boldly upheld European values, almost alone in her commitment to welcoming refugees”.

If Mrs Merkel was almost alone in welcoming refugees, that was because she had been entirely alone in inviting them into the European Union. The EU’s own rules in the Dublin Accords, designed to deter refugees from asylum shopping, stipulated they should be registered in the first EU country in which they arrived and remain there until their cases had been determined. Mrs Merkel swept all this away when she announced that the refugees would be welcome in Germany and later, when a million of them had accepted the invitation, that they should be dispersed throughout the EU. Other EU states objected. The EU migration crisis she created has still not been fully resolved.

After what seemed like an eternity of farewells, Merkel finally left office on the last day of November 2021. Did all those “upheavals” enable her to rise in the world, or vice versa?

Here are the Dems Who Could Have Their Committee Assignments Stripped If the GOP Retakes the House Matt Vespa

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has threatened to purge Reps. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Adam Schiff (D-CA) from their committee assignments if the GOP retakes the House in 2022. He should do it. These Democrats are some of the most annoying of the bunch—and Democrats set the precedent for this. It’s the ‘we don’t like you’ doctrine. It’s their rule. We didn’t set it. They did it thinking that they would hold onto the House majority forever. If this happens, and I hope it does—it’s entirely their fault. Elections have consequences (via Axios):

 What they’re saying: “He will not be serving there,” McCarthy said of Swalwell’s placement on the House Intelligence Committee in an interview with Breitbart.

“Ilhan Omar should not be serving on” the House Foreign Affairs Committee, McCarthy added. “Adam Schiff, he should not be serving on Intel.”

McCarthy pointed to Swalwell’s association with a Chinese spy, reported by Axios. Swalwell, who cut ties with the spy after being alerted to her activities by federal investigators, has not been accused of wrongdoing.

In the case of Omar, McCarthy quoted her 2019 remark that a pro-Israel lobbying group’s influence in Congress is “all about the Benjamins,” which was blasted by members of both parties at the time as anti-Semitic.

McCarthy also said Schiff “lied to the American public” with his support of the unverified Steele Dossier, which alleged extensive ties between former President Trump and Russia.

Democrats removed Reps. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) over weak sauce reasons. Again, they didn’t like these people. They didn’t commit any crimes. They didn’t do anything wrong, but they were removed due to a difference of opinion. We have no interest in playing the better party here. We should hit back at them in 2023. Remove the Swally, Schiff, the Squad—get rid of them all. This is your game, liberals. We’re playing too.