The Likely Cause of the Media Blackout on Imploding Whitmer Kidnapping Plot It is impossible to report on the Whitmer case without connecting it to January 6. So rather than do its job, the national news media is completely ignoring this sensational story. By Julie Kelly

Once upon a time in America, a high-profile federal prosecution imploding amid credible accusations of FBI entrapment would earn wall-to-wall headlines in the national news media. A wife-beating FBI agent who used at least one criminal informant and a dozen more government assets to concoct a plot to abduct a sitting governor—intended to create damaging headlines for an incumbent president right before Election Day—would receive nonstop coverage on cable and broadcast news outlets.

Social media would be flooded with all the juicy details. Names like “Richard Trask” and “Stephen Robeson” would be household names.

But none of that is happening with the Justice Department’s rapidly crumbling case against several men arrested for allegedly conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer from her vacation cottage in the fall of 2020. Defense attorneys have made a strong case that without the FBI’s guiding hand—and deep pockets courtesy of American taxpayers—the scheme never would have materialized past random social media chatter.

“[The] undisputed evidence . . . establishes that government agents and informants concocted, hatched, and pushed this ‘kidnapping plan’ from the beginning, doing so against defendants who explicitly repudiated the plan,” five defense attorneys wrote in a December 25 motion, one of several defense filings that details proof of an elaborate FBI operation to lure their clients into the abduction caper.

And the bad actors in the government’s script keep finding themselves in more trouble. 

Richard Trask, the lead FBI agent on the case, was fired for physically assaulting his wife in a drunken rage following a swinger party last summer. Body-camera footage made public last month shows a shirtless and clearly inebriated Trask being arrested by local police. (He was not charged with driving under the influence.)

A Michigan news station recently unearthed Trask’s Trump-hating rants posted on social media in 2020. “If you still support our piece of shit president you can fuck off,” Trask wrote on Facebook at the same time he was “investigating” threats against Whitmer. Trask said he hoped people who support Trump “burn in hell.”

Two other FBI agents working with Trask at the Detroit FBI field office who handled multiple informants also have been dismissed from the case; FBI agent Jayson Chambers is accused of running a security business on the side and FBI agent Henrik Impola is accused of committing perjury in another case. The Justice Department just notified the court that Trask, Chambers, and Impola are no longer on the government’s witness list.

The Graveyard of False Covid Claims By Kyle Smith Is it any wonder people are at the boiling point when so many influential figures seem to have developed an allergy to the truth?

O n the Fourth of July, President Biden said, “Two hundred and forty-five years ago, we declared our independence from a distant king. Today, we’re closer than ever to declaring our independence from a deadly virus.”

How’d that turn out?

Bad predictions, bad information, and a habit of stomping all over the truth are a big part of the reason why so many Americans are feeling not just depressed but actually angry about what’s going on with the virus.

Six months after Biden’s “Mission Accomplished” moment, caseloads are at record levels, an average of 1,500 people a day are dying from Covid, and, far from being independent from the virus, we seem to be its seething subjects. Teachers are refusing to go back to school in Chicago and elsewhere, while strict mandates remain in effect in many locales such as New York and Los Angeles County, where two-year-olds are required to wear masks indoors, and masks are even required outdoors at large gatherings, such as the Super Bowl slated to be held in L.A. on February 13.

All this after we were told we were in the mopping-up phase. Studying the virus seems to work a lot like Hollywood, where, as William Goldman famously put it, nobody knows anything.

Consider that a Supreme Court justice said something utterly asinine the other day: “We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators,” claimed Sonia Sotomayor. Only about 5,000 children are hospitalized with, or because of, Covid. Suddenly the Supreme Court is a fount of misinformation.

America’s U-Haul Revolution

“It’s not a civil war. Call it the U-Haul Revolution. No shots fired. Just people moving for personal freedom and growth.”

Not everyone in Blue State America is moving to a far healthier Red State. It only seems that way. But enough are doing so to say, without a doubt, it is one of the most significant trends in America today. A revolution of sorts.

It’s long been known in demography and population economics that people leave areas known for authoritarian tyranny, stagnation, stultification, crime and excessive regulation in order to find the opposite somewhere else: economic freedom, dynamism, social diversity and good government.

It’s a big reason why literally hundreds of millions of people around the world have expressed their desire to emigrate to the U.S.

But it’s also true within countries, too.

Amid a backdrop of slow overall population growth, a problem in itself, comes the mass exodus of more than a million Americans moving largely from Blue States to Red States, expressing dissatisfaction with high taxes, rampant crime, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, excessive state government regulations, a politically stifling “woke” culture, and lack of economic opportunity and freedom.

Making Heroes of Muslim Terrorists, Slavers, and Rapists A look at a new Turkish television series. Raymond Ibrahim

Unlike their Western counterparts, many Muslims are fond of their heroes of the past — particularly the jihadist types who for centuries thrived on terrorizing the West.

This was recently underscored by Barbaros: Sword of the Mediterranean, a television series written and produced in Turkey that aired late last year, and is dedicated to highlighting the clash between Islam and Christendom — in a way, of course, that demonizes the latter and extols the former.

The highly fictionalized series revolves around four Muslim brothers and their naval exploits and battles against the Christian maritime states of the Mediterranean.

While the series portrays the brothers as great heroes who sacrificed much to “defend” the Ottoman Empire against Christian Europe, history — real, actual, recorded history — has a different tale to tell.

Biden Administration Provides Still More Money to UNRWA Putting “Palestinian refugees” above all other refugees in the world. Hugh Fitzgerald

Hundreds of millions of refugees who have been created by the wars, conflicts, natural disasters, droughts, and famines since the Second World War must share a single U.N. Agency, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, to look after their wellbeing. But there is one U.N. organization, the UN Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA, that is devoted exclusively to the care and feeding of one hugely privileged group of refugees, those known as “Palestinian refugees.” Having their very own agency is not the only distinction that puts “Palestinian refugees” above all other refugees in the world. Uniquely, “Palestinian refugees” include all the descendants – children, grandchildren, and so on without end – of the original refugees; no other refugees in the world are allowed to pass on their refugee status as an inheritable trait.

The Taylor Force Act is an Act of the U.S. Congress to stop American economic aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) until the PA ceases paying stipends through the Palestinian Authority Martyr’s Fund to individuals who commit acts of terrorism and to the families of deceased terrorists. This system of stipends to imprisoned terrorists and to the families of terrorists who were killed while carrying out their attacks is known, pejoratively and correctly, as the “Pay-For-Slay” program. The Act was signed into law by U.S. President Donald Trump on March 23, 2018. Several cuts were made to the aid given to the PA, with the last one made on August 24, 2018, ending all direct American aid to the PA.

Also in August 2018, the United States ended all aid to UNRWA, cutting off $300 million. That ending of aid to UNRWA was made for two reasons. First, it was a way to express American outrage with the UNRWA’s use of schoolbooks that remain full of antisemitic passages, despite repeated promises by UNRWA that it would be revising, or replacing, those texts. It has yet to do so. Second, the Trump Administration was expressing its frustration with the unique treatment of “Palestinian refugee” status as inheritable, which has meant that the UNRWA rolls constantly expand. In ending its aid, the Trump administration was putting pressure on UNRWA to halt this inexorable increase in the number of “Palestinian refugees.”

Hillary Hints at 2024 Run Never counted out, because never held accountable. Lloyd Billingsley

“Hillary Clinton’s all-encompassing ambition will ensure that she can never be completely counted out for a presidential run as long as she is still drawing breath,” noted Robert Spencer recently. With Biden more addled by the day, and few prospects on the bench, such a run could indeed happen — especially with Hillary’s recent hints on the matter.

But Hillary has a problem.

“If Hillary were held accountable for her actions,” Spencer adds, “there would be no question of her running for president in 2024 or ever.” Those actions include the home-brew server, the Russia Hoax, Benghazi, and the Clinton Foundation, the influence-peddling scheme Peter Schweizer exposed in Clinton Cash. Hillary Clinton has also escaped accountability for actions from her early days as First Lady, when the FBI became an ally.

Bill Clinton was the first presidential candidate to offer a two-for-one deal, and once in office he put Hillary in charge of health care reform. The Yale law alum had served as chair of the legal services corporation under Jimmy Carter. With the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas, Hillary performed legal work for the Madison Guarantee Savings and Loan Association, which went bust, leaving taxpayers on the hook. With Hillary in the White House, that became an issue.

Hillary’s choice for deputy White House counsel was Vincent Foster, her colleague with the Rose law firm. The dapper Foster had custody of Hillary’s billing records, a potential problem for the new administration and Hillary in particular. 

On July 19, 1993, President Clinton fired FBI director William Sessions. The next day at approximately 1 p.m., Foster came out of his office, suit jacket in hand, and told White House aide Linda Tripp “I’ll be back.” As it turned out, he would not be back. 

Michelle Obama: ‘We Must Give Congress No Choice’ Michelle announces she’s going to be a player in the election. Daniel Greenfield

“We must give Congress no choice,” Michelle Obama rants in the latest bulletin from her When We All Vote organization.

That’s how dictators or aspiring dictators talk.

After Democrats spuriously warned of a “threat to democracy” from Republicans, they once again demonstrate that they are the real threat.

And that the party of radicals is projecting its own actions and attitudes onto Republicans.

Michelle Obama’s letter threatens to “organize at least 100,000” people to “contact their Senators, calling on them to do everything they can to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.”

Considering the violent results of past leftist pressure campaigns on the Senate and House, leading to surges of death threats, and the aggressive harassment of even moderate Senate Dems like Manchin and Synema during the recent coup efforts, there’s little doubt that mobilizing 100,000 leftist extremists for a campaign that falsely accuses opponents of being a threat to democracy risks more death threats, harassments, and even possible acts of violence.


A skills-based immigration system is a possible answer to American demographic decline.

Now that Elon Musk has tweeted that “population collapse is potentially the greatest risk to the future of civilization,” it must be true. America’s total fertility rate fell in 2020 to just 1.67 births per female, the lowest in history, and well below the replacement level of 2.1. Ten years ago, when I published How Civilizations Die), the United States still made babies at the replacement rate, though (as I noted) this depended on high fertility among two groups of Americans: Evangelical Christians and Hispanics.

Now demographic winter has descended on America, and there is no obvious path to recovery. The only medium-term solution lies in immigration of skilled adults, and the only two prospective sources of large-scale immigration of skilled adults are China and India.

Civilizations die because they want to. Nations that live for the present and eschew a vision of their future do not take the trouble to raise children. Today’s demographic decline has precedents in the hollowing-out of Hellenistic Greece after the Alexandrian conquests, and the decline of Rome several centuries later.

In the modern era, religious commitment has been the strongest predictor of the desire to bring future generations into the world; other writers, notably the British demographer Eric Kaufmann, have made parallel arguments. What demographers call the great fertility transition occurred with urbanization and the end of child labor. In agricultural societies and early modern industry children were cheap labor and considered (as in wrongful death lawsuits) a resource with a definable monetary value. Once national pension systems replaced family care for the aged, and children no longer were expected to work until early adulthood, children offered spiritual rather than monetary value.

Smash-and-Grab Retail Rising store crime now plagues many communities. Steven Malanga

When police busted a shoplifting ring operating out of a liquor store last spring, they calculated that the dozen or so people involved had swiped at least $375,000 worth of goods from retailers such as Walmart, Lowe’s, and Walgreens. The pair heading the ring relied on small-time thieves, including several with drug arrest records, to launch brazen “grab-and-go” operations in which they snatched expensive goods and then raced out of stores and fled in cars with phony license plates. Though police and prosecutors often categorize shoplifting as a nonviolent crime, the gang’s sprees resulted in several physical confrontations, including one in which a gang member assaulted a store employee with a stun gun. This may sound similar to the organized smash-and-grab lootings that have plagued high-end retailers in San Francisco and other Northern California communities recently, but this gang was operating out of Daytona Beach, Florida—and had done so for nearly two years.

In fact, retail crime has been rising throughout the U.S. for the past five years, with organized criminal rings targeting stores everywhere from Woonsocket (Rhode Island) to Greensboro (North Carolina) to Grafton (Wisconsin). The National Retail Federation reported that store losses mounted from $453,940 per $1 billion in sales in 2015 to $719,458 in 2020. The biggest increase over that period happened not during the pandemic but in 2019, when total losses from shoplifting surged to $61 billion, up from $50 billion the previous year. The Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020 and early 2021 moderated losses, largely because stores were closed or had curtailed operating hours. Now that retailing has resumed, crime has spiked again.

Even more troubling, shoplifting no longer fits its traditional mold as a nonviolent crime perpetrated mostly by teens or substance-abusing adults. Nearly two-thirds of the retailers surveyed by the National Retail Federation said that violence associated with store thefts has risen, led by organized gangs that resell the goods they steal. Corie Berry, CEO of Best Buy, recently said that store crime had become so pervasive that it was depressing profits and traumatizing staff. Like retailers, top law-enforcement officials place some of the blame for the crime surge on a widespread lessening of penalties for shoplifting. “As we’ve witnessed brazen smash and grabs, consequences are key,” Laura Cooper, head of the Major Cities Chiefs Association, said before Thanksgiving. “Without deterrents and accountability, communities will be victimized, and businesses terrorized.”

Is the tide finally turning? By Mark Landsbaum

Yours truly has been pretty down in the mouth for quite a while, for good reasons.  I mean, look around.  Mask mandates.  Experimental drug mandates.  De facto quarantines.  Literal quarantines.  Destroyed small businesses.  Large businesses unable to fill their shelves.  Men pretending to be women.  Joe Biden in the White House.  Not a lot of happy-face material there. 

I’m getting a sense the tide may be turning.  It sure seems that the super-insulated bureaucratic Deep State is beginning to understand that it is not invincible.  Ironically, there may also be new hope politically if Democrats don’t correct course and remain blind to how self-destructive their Trump obsession will be.

On the COVID front, suddenly we see a rash of what we used to call in the news business “skin-backs.”  In plain English, that would be corrections.  In journalism and politics, that’s particularly painful, so skin-back captures it pretty well.

I think the Covidians have already begun The Big Skin-Back.

So many lies for so long are becoming so obviously lies that they need to get ahead of the story.  Otherwise, their only option is to continue to defend the lies in the face of overwhelming mounting evidence of their duplicity and, after losing battle after battle, completely destroy their credibility, even with mainstream media.