Silencing Disfavored Speech Hastings School of Law students expose the intolerance of the race-obsessed Left. Richard L. Cravatts

As further evidence that the campus woke persist in trying to determine what may, and may not, be said on university campuses, activist students at UC Hastings School of Law shut down the appearance of conservative legal scholar Ilya Shapiro at a March 1st event organized by the Federalist Society.

Shapiro, incoming Executive Director of Georgetown’s Center for the Constitution, it will be remembered, experienced the collective wrath and opprobrium of his own school when he tweeted comments criticizing Joe Biden’s pledge to nominate a black woman as the new Supreme Court justice. In a now-deleted January 26th tweet Shapiro remarked that, in his view, “Objectively best pick for Biden is Sri Srinivasan, who is solid prog & v smart. Even has identity politics benefit of being first Asian (Indian) American. But alas doesn’t fit into the latest intersectionality hierarchy so we’ll get lesser black woman. Thank heaven for small favors?” 

The reference to a “lesser black woman” proved to be a most unfortunate choice of words, which Shapiro later admitted, and was interpreted by many on the Georgetown campus as being particularly egregious, racist, and indicative of the type of white supremacist ideology which assumes the inferiority of black people and questions both affirmative action and campaigns for equity and inclusion. For his tweets, Shapiro was denounced by the law school’s dean, fellow faculty, and students, including members of the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) to call for Shapiro’s firing.

So, in March, when Shapiro arrived to speak with liberal Hastings faculty member, Rory Little, at the event entitled “The Breyer Vacancy: The Rise of Contentious All or Nothing Battles for Supreme Court Nominations,” activist students associated with Hastings’ BLSA had already planned to express their dissatisfaction with Shapiro’s views by shutting down the event and utilizing the “heckler’s veto” to silence him for his ideological transgressions.

Dialectical Faucism Biden’s martial law, ready for deployment against the people. Lloyd Billingsley

In response to plunging polls, Joe Biden wants to roll back the public health security state but keep his emergency powers. The key figure in that quest is White House advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, profiled at length in The Real Anthony Fauci, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Fauci earned a medical degree in 1966 but in 1968 hired on with the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Fauci’s bio showed no advanced degrees in molecular biology or biochemistry, but in 1984 he became head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

According to Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Fauci did not understand electron microscopy, did not understand medicine, and was thus unqualified for the post. Fauci’s prediction that AIDS would ravage the general population was hopelessly wrong, but he remained at the helm of NIAID, steadily gaining power.

Fauci knew that gain-of-function research, which makes viruses more transmissible and lethal, could launch a pandemic, but in 2019 he funded such research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which also received a cargo of deadly pathogens from Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory, courtesy of Chinese national Dr. Xiangguo Qiu.

In early 2020, Fauci opposed President Trump’s ban on travel from China. He backed the lockdowns that caused widespread suffering and loss for the American people.

Bill to Federalize CRT Must Be Stopped By Stanley Kurtz

You might think the national parents’ rebellion against critical race theory (CRT), along with the resounding gubernatorial victory of CRT opponent Glenn Youngkin in Virginia, would be enough to protect us from federal legislation designed to impose CRT on America’s schools. You would be wrong. It looks like a federal CRT bill is around the corner.

A plan to introduce a revised version of the Civics Secures Democracy Act (CSDA), a bill that would turn CRT and “action civics” (leftist protests for course credit) into Common Core 2.0, is well underway. The coalition of leftist “civics” groups behind the new CSDA is desperate to rake in the $6 billion windfall the bill would hand them. This is their last chance to tap into the federal gravy train before the Democrats likely lose control of Congress. If passed this year, the revised CSDA would also set these pro-CRT leftists up as the arbiters of a de facto national curriculum, regardless of what happens in the midterms.

The revised version of CSDA only seems to eliminate its radical political elements. Once you understand the latest educational lingo, it’s obvious that this bill will allow the Biden administration to nationalize CRT. The danger is that naïve Republicans, unfamiliar with leftist education theories and eager to associate themselves with anything labeled “civics,” will be duped into cosponsoring this disastrous bill.

What Kind of Justice Will We Get With Ketanji Brown Jackson? She should be asked at her Supreme Court confirmation hearings about her views on crime and if Democratic efforts have harmed public safety.Jason Riley

Joe Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1991 when President George H.W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. Mr. Biden accused Bush of putting racial identity ahead of qualifications: “Had Thomas been white, he never would have been nominated. The only reason he’s on the court is because he’s black.” Now the shoe is on the other foot.

If Sen. Biden could only speculate about the Thomas nomination, no such speculation is needed concerning President Biden’s choice of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to fill the seat being vacated by Justice Stephen Breyer. Two years ago, while running for president, Mr. Biden announced that his first nominee to the court would be a black woman. No whites (or men) need apply.

Later this year, the Supreme Court will consider a case involving the use of race in college admissions. The focus will be on whether these policies are compatible with the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause and with federal statutes that explicitly ban racial discrimination. Still, the dubious legality of racial double standards—clear to anyone who believes that words mean what they say—is only one of the problems with affirmative action. Racial preferences also serve to diminish black achievement. They allow others to take credit for black accomplishments, and they imply that black upward mobility can’t or won’t occur without officially sanctioned favoritism.

When Elizabeth Warren ran for the U.S. Senate in 2012 and was accused of identifying as Native American to bolster her academic career, she became indignant. “I got what I got because of the work I’ve done,” she told the Boston Globe. In other words, she responded the way any self-respecting woman would respond to accusations that she was less qualified but hired anyway for diversity reasons. Liberal proponents of affirmative action tell blacks that there is no shame in being hired based on their skin color, but why are black overachievers like Justice Thomas or Judge Jackson expected to be any less self-respecting than Sen. Warren?

The reality is that blacks were advancing at a faster clip, both educationally and economically, before the implementation of affirmative action policies in the 1970s. At best, racial preferences continued a pre-existing trend. In the 1940s and ’50s, the poverty rate fell further for blacks than for whites. In the 1960s, black household income doubled. The postwar economic boom lifted all groups, but blacks especially. A similar phenomenon occurred to a lesser extent in the pre-pandemic economy under Donald Trump, when black wages rose faster than white wages, and black unemployment and poverty reached record lows. Apparently, blacks need tight labor markets more than they need a woke president.

It’s Joe Biden’s Inflation He blames Vladimir Putin, but his policies and the Federal Reserve are at fault.

Inflation keeps rising, and working Americans are paying the price in falling real incomes. That’s the bad news from Thursday’s consumer-price index report for February, and the White House can’t blame Vladimir Putin for this one, though it’s trying.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said prices rose 0.8% in the month, the fastest rate in four months. That’s 7.9% over the last 12 months, and 8.4% over the last three months. In other words, inflation is accelerating.

The inflation surge was driven by rising costs for gasoline, food and shelter (imputed rents). But the price increases were also broad-based, suggesting that the psychology of rising prices has set in with businesses and consumers. The price of services (not counting energy services) rose 0.5% for the month. Remember when inflation was supposedly caused by supply-chain shortfalls for goods?

Well, services aren’t goods. Transportation costs rose 1.4%, and shelter jumped by 0.5%. The latter are likely to keep rising because they usually trail housing costs (which aren’t directly part of the consumer-price index).

An Ongoing National Crisis The homicide surge continues, while mainstream commentators misdiagnose the causes. Rav Arora

In his State of the Union address last week, President Biden declared, “The answer is not to defund the police. It’s to fund the police. Fund them. Fund them.” This line conflicts with Biden’s radical posturing after George Floyd’s death in 2020, but he’s right to talk about the necessity of adequately funding law enforcement. Over the past two years, homicidal violence has become a national crisis, with little coverage in the mainstream media.

As data from CDC and FBI crime reports released last fall demonstrate, 2020 saw the largest ever year-to-year increase in homicides. Following the George Floyd protests, cities such as Minneapolis, Portland, and New York City experienced an explosion in violence not seen in decades. The mayhem continued to mount in 2021, as under-resourced and demoralized police departments across the country struggled to quell rising neighborhood violence. At least a dozen cities nationwide shattered historical homicide records last year, including Portland, Austin, and Philadelphia.

Austin, Texas, saw one of the sharpest homicide spikes in 2021, with murders skyrocketing 86 percent. The city has never witnessed a higher homicide toll in a single year. “Typically, in Austin, homicide detectives average 3-4 homicides per year. 2021 was different,” Austin police lieutenant Brett Bailey told KXAN. “Several of the detectives were nearing [investigation of] their 10th homicide for the year.”

Trump’s Virtues: Thomas D. Klingenstein

Many leading Republicans and conservatives want someone other than Donald Trump to run for President in 2024. But this judgment requires an assessment of Trump’s vices and virtues in the context of our current political and cultural circumstances, as well as an assessment of other prospective Republican presidential candidates. Among the talked-about alternatives to Trump, I have not yet seen anyone who possesses either his virtues or his backbone. I am not suggesting that everyone make way for Trump; rather that it is too early to throw him overboard.

I regularly ask Republican politicians what they think of Donald Trump. The most frequent response is some version of, “I like his policies but don’t like the rest of him.” But this formulation gets it almost backwards. Although Trump advanced many important policies, it is the “rest of him” that contains the virtues that inspired a movement.

Trump was born for the current American crisis: the life and death struggle against the totalitarian enemy I call “woke communism.” The “woke comms” have seized every political, cultural, and economic center of power in the country from where they ruthlessly push their agenda. That agenda rests on the conviction that America is thoroughly bad (systemically racist) and must be destroyed. 

If there is one thing that patriotic Americans know about Trump it is that he, like them, is unequivocally pro-American and willing to fight to defend the American way of life. When Collin Kaepernick and his ilk knelt before the American flag, Trump called them “sons of bitches.” As always, he was being forceful, authentic, and unmistakably clear.

Pandemic: by Tom McCaffrey

 — The pandemic rages on. The science tells us it is a disease of the mind. It mainly affects persons who have managed to go through life without ever learning to think rationally. Its primary symptom is an overwhelming desire to help the oppressed. Those infected believe that this desire is the essence, the sine qua non, of moral worth. They view anyone who does not share this belief as the embodiment of evil.

Beyond the question of caring for others, the infected show an admirable degree of tolerance for the failings of their fellow man. They are laudably forgiving of vagrancy, drug abuse, sexual license of every variety, petty crime, not-so-petty crime (shoplifting up to the house limit of $950 in California), and arson and vandalism (when done for a good cause). Anyone who does not share their tolerance for such indiscretions they view as the embodiment of evil.

Those infected typically experience an irresistible desire to tell others what to do. A British doctor has diagnosed the mindset of the infected thus: because what’s good for society as a whole is the standard of right and wrong, rather than what’s good for each individual, government experts acting on behalf of society are best qualified to determine how each person ought to live his life.

Hawks, Or Pigeons In A Bad Mood? American elites have squandered our technological and manufacturing advantage over both Russia and China.David Goldman

Few dispute that the Ukraine crisis brings with it the risk of nuclear escalation. The reverse also might be true: The Ukraine crisis may be the result of a shift in the world’s nuclear balance.

With an economy smaller than the state of Texas, Russia has built strategic weapons superior to many in the American arsenal. These include land as well as submarine-launched hypersonic weapons that can carry nuclear missiles past any American defense, as well as the world’s best air defense system, the S-500. The October 4, 2021, test of Russia’s submarine-launched “Zircon” hypersonic missile was the first-ever underwater firing of a low-altitude weapon that flies at nine times the speed of sound, according to Russian claims. A Russian sub lurking a hundred miles off the American coast could nuke Washington in a flat minute.

A day later Russia test-launched its S-500 air defense system, designed to destroy aircraft and missiles in a 600-kilometer radius, including targets in close space. And last December, Russia claimed to have tested the S-550 upgrade, which allegedly can destroy ICBMs as well as satellites. Russia has sold the earlier S-400 system to India, China, and Turkey; India may be the first foreign customer for an S-500.

Putin’s War Crimes: Reported Heroes and Others by Lawrence Kadish

While many extraordinary American companies have voluntarily taken serious financial setbacks as their contribution to defending Ukraine — now the front line in a war on the Free World by Russian President Vladimir Putin — other companies have revealed themselves as indifferent at best.

Putin has curated a long track record of turning Grozny to rubble, flattening Aleppo, devouring Georgia and Crimea, and now has been dropping cluster and vacuum bombs, banned by the Geneva Conventions, on civilian targets in Ukraine. His troops have also attacked and taken over nuclear reactors, and Putin has repeatedly agreed to humanitarian evacuation routes that, when people emerge, the Russians shell — all in sub-zero, dead-of-winter weather. The problem: if Putin is allowed to take Ukraine, it will result in further annexations in Europe. The failure to contain aggressive acts results in further aggressive acts.

It is important immediately to follow the impressive example of worldwide heroes, above all, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. British Petroleum willingly absorbed a $25 billion loss. Elon Musk immediately made his Starlink satellite broadband internet service available in Ukraine and donated Starlink terminals to the people of Ukraine, in the event that their cyber capability was downed.