Who Is Responsible for the Death of Matthew Perna?   For the first time in over a year, Joe Biden’s Justice Department has nothing to say about a January 6 defendant. By Julie Kelly


Matthew Perna’s heartbroken family will say goodbye to him this week.

After more than a year of enduring nonstop torment by the U.S. Justice Department, the D.C. District Court, and the news media over his minor involvement in January 6, Perna, 37, hanged himself in his garage on Friday night.

His funeral is scheduled for Wednesday.

In a loving yet raw obituary, his family minced no words about who they hold responsible for his suicide:

Matthew Lawrence Perna died on February 25, 2022 of a broken heart. His community (which he loved), his country, and the justice system killed his spirit and his zest for life. He attended the rally on January 6, 2021 to peacefully stand up for his beliefs. He entered the Capitol through a previously opened door (he did not break in as was reported) where he was ushered in by police. He didn’t break, touch, or steal anything. He did not harm anyone, as he stayed within the velvet ropes taking pictures. For this act he has been persecuted by many members of his community, friends, relatives, and people who had never met him. Many people were quietly supportive, and Matt was truly grateful for them. The constant delays in hearings, and postponements dragged out for over a year. Because of this, Matt’s heart broke and his spirit died, and many people are responsible for the pain he endured.

As I explained in my column Sunday, Matthew Perna did nothing wrong on January 6. He entered an open door manned by two Capitol police officers who did not attempt to stop him or hundreds of other innocent Americans from going inside the building. Matthew did not carry a weapon, assault a police officer, or damage any property. His family said he stayed within the rope lines and took photos that afternoon.

Freedom Center Fellow Canceled By NPR It’s time to fight fire with fire. Jason D. Hill


In October of 2021, I returned to the National Public Radio show Watching America, with host Dr. Alan Campbell, for an interview about my recently-published book, What Do White Americans Owe Black People: Racial Justice in the Age of Post Oppression. I had had a delightful interview with Dr. Campbell the year before for my previous book, We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People.

In the ensuing weeks following that October interview, I inquired about its status. I was told that the “higher-ups” at NPR were disturbed by the book, the interview and, just as importantly, the author. They found me, my ideas, and the book too controversial, too offensive. Let it be known that both the producer of the show and Dr. Alan were upset by this decision. They were and remain brave and remarkable individuals devoted to the free and open exchange of ideas.

 In fact, the producer of that show, having grown weary of battling with management over content and freedom of expression, has resigned from NPR on principle. She is a hero in my eyes.

The “higher-ups” – the management and leadership apparatchiks who can only be described as part of the woke supremacists and cancel culture bureaucrats – are the real villains. They have become the artificial arbiters of what constitutes truth, creators of taste, and standard-bearers of morality in matters of the intellect. I am not alone here. A few conservative friends—mildly so—have confided in me that they too have been canceled by NPR.

But what exactly are they afraid of in a book that aims to explore the entitlement culture we live in; one that challenges the idea that all economic asymmetries and disparities between the races must be the result of systemic racism, and a residual effect of slavery?

The Democrats’ Never-Ending Supreme Court Hypocrisy By David Harsanyi


Democrats keep escalating the judicial nomination battles and then demand that the other side unilaterally disarm.

Yesterday, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dick Durbin, told CNN’s State of the Union that he has “reached out to many Republicans, asking them to keep an open mind and to meet with Ketanji Brown Jackson, ask the hard questions, ask for materials — we’ll provide them. It’s in the best interest . . . of the U.S. Senate for this to be bipartisan.”

Is it? In October 2020, Durbin announced that he would be a “no” on Amy Coney Barrett before asking her a single “hard question” or requesting any “materials,” as did a bunch of other Democrats. Did Durbin have an open mind on Barrett? Or Brett Kavanaugh? Then–minority leader Chuck Schumer, as well as members of the Judiciary Committee such as Richard Blumenthal and Mazie Hirono — who not only spread fake rape allegations about Kavanaugh but argued that the nominee didn’t deserve the presumption of innocence — refused to even meet with Barrett. Schumer claimed that the Barrett nomination would “go down as one of the darkest days in the 231-year history of the United States Senate.” Was that in the best interest of a bipartisan Senate?

When it comes to Supreme Court nominations, Democrats are under the impression that they have the right to dictate the terms of hearings, and nominees always conveniently aligning with their political aims, whether they win or lose elections.

British intelligence agencies surrender to wokeness By Eric Utter


Something called a “Mission Critical” toolkit has been disseminated amongst British intelligence agencies MI5, MI6, and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), according to the Daily Mail. The Daily Mail published the leaked documents showing that the intelligence agencies are promoting inclusive language, attempting to do away with verbiage that could “reinforce dominant cultural patterns,” and urging Britain’s spies to declare their preferred pronouns and add them to their email signatures.

This new guidance was allegedly approved by Sir Stephen Lovegrove, the U.K.’s national security adviser. But wait, isn’t the title “Sir” a vestige of bygone days? Is it not binary in nature, as well as being classist? Does it not itself “reinforce dominant cultural patterns?”

The toolkit, shared internally in early December, purportedly states: “Sharing your pronouns, if you are comfortable doing this, helps to create an environment in which this is normal.” It notes, “In national security, look out for words and phrases, such as ‘strong’ or ‘grip,’ that reinforce the dominant cultural patterns.” (Really? Well, not to worry then; the dominant cultural patterns won’t be dominant for long.)

Documents in the toolkit also allegedly state, “Avoid jargon, hierarchy or gender biases,” and strongly caution against the use of the term “manpower.” Sir Lovegrove would disapprove.

“Use gender-neutral language to reflect people’s diversity and reduce stereotypes and assumptions, for example about job roles and functions which need not be gender-defined.”

The toolkit tells staff that they should “understand your unconscious bias,” “be aware of intersectionality,” “acknowledge your privilege,” and “consider refusing to speak on all-male panels.” In that kind of climate, I think I would refuse to speak at all.

A Reckoning Approaches for Obama’s EPA Abuses Daniel Greenfield


The Supreme Court’s willingness to consider West Virginia v. EPA strikes at the original beating heart of the power grab perpetrated by the Obama administration.

The media is vehemently denying that West Virginia v. EPA is still relevant. The Biden administration claims that it has no intention of resurrecting its abuses. Yet in a legal environment and court environment where the abuses of the Obama administration have often been quickly buried, the determination to keep pursuing West Virginia v. EPA is laudable.

And the Left and its enviro-profiteers are understandably worried because West Virginia v. EPA has the potential to bring light into the great darkness of unlimited regulatory power that they have wielded for so long. 

Once the Left got its EPA, the agency has seized unlimited power, asserting control over literarily everything. The manufacture of a global crisis shifted the terms from real pollution issues in identifiable bodies of water to the power to regulate and control every single shred of human activity in the United States.

Russia vs. Ukraine: Round I Who won? Kenneth R. Timmerman


Public perception of Putin’s war on Ukraine crystallized over the weekend, no thanks to the actions of President-inept Joe Biden.

While Biden was relaxing at home in Delaware, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenski was in the trenches with his troops, sharing grub, talking to reporters, and by all appearances unconcerned by reports that Putin had sent 400 assassins into Kiev to kill him.

“I need ammunition, not a ride,” Zelenski told Western journos, who asked him if he was ready to accept Biden’s offer to airlift him out of his country.

It was a Churchillian moment, and it must have galled Putin into realizing that his cakewalk into Ukraine wasn’t happening as planned.

Ukrainian soldiers decimated a Russian armored convoy over the weekend, and the much-awaited assault on Kiev appeared to have stalled. Captured Russian conscripts appeared bewildered in front of cameras, saying they had been told they were embarking on training exercises, not the invasion of a neighboring country. Thousands openly protested Putin’s war in Moscow’s Red Square.

While events in Ukraine remain shrouded in the fog of war, one thing we haven’t seen – and we would have seen it, had it occurred – is a Russian “shock and awe” bombing campaign, such as the US carried out before invading Iraq in 1991 and 2003.



Politically suffering from America’s debacle extraction out of Afghanistan and his inability to deter Putin’s aggression on Ukraine, President Biden is in search of recognition for some positive accomplishment. Problem is he is focusing this effort on resurrecting the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran, otherwise known as the Nuclear Weapons Deal.

President Trump was justified in pulling out from JCPOA for two reasons. First, from the very beginning, Iran never honored a single element of the deal. Second, Trump’s predecessor ignored mandated consent.

By claiming JCPOA was an agreement and not a treaty, President Obama approved it as an executive decision rather than receive Senate approval as stated in Article 2, Section 2, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution. A treaty by any other name is still a treaty. There is no reason to believe that Biden will honor the U.S. Constitution any more than did his former boss.

Biden will also follow Obama’s policy of ignoring anything negative about Iran during the negotiations. Iran had basically a free run to commit terrorist acts throughout the world without much attention paid to it from 2009 to the first month of 2017. Iran also had $140 billion of frozen assets freed up by the Obama Administration and a relaxation of previous sanctions.

The Long Shadow of Versailles It’s time to abandon the “new world order” happy talk. Bruce Thornton


Or we can continue with diplomatic bluster, “new world order” happy talk, and feeble sanctions, in which case we will just be managing our decline.

In 1919 the Versailles Treaty established in international law and global institutions two ideals that have framed Western foreign policy ever since. The first is the elevation of national self-determination and democratic government as the default goods for all the world’s peoples. The other is the notion that supranational institutions, international laws, and multinational treaties and covenants are the best means for adjudicating peacefully international disputes and conflicts.

Russia’s current violent, unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is merely the latest example of a century’s worth of repudiation of these ideals that still shape modern foreign policy––a challenge that, if we’re lucky, may lead to a long-needed revision of this ideal of a “rules-based international order” and its dubious foundational assumptions.

American president Woodrow Wilson in his Fourteen Points and speeches during World War I articulated these ideals. In 1918 he told Congress, “National aspirations must be accepted; peoples may now be dominated only by their own consent.” This principle perforce was opposed to colonial empires, as Wilson made clear in the Fourteen Points: “The day of conquest and aggrandizement is gone by, which makes it possible for every nation whose purposes are consistent with justice and the peace of the world to avow now or at any other time the objects it has in view.”

Of course, as we’ve seen over the past century, what the great diversity of global peoples and cultures mean by “justice” differs considerably, especially regarding the use of force to realize national ambitions at the expense of other nations. Such ideals have been vulnerable as well to the duplicitous diplomacy, propaganda, and aggression of ambitious states. Hitler brilliantly turned this ideal against its champions like France and England during the Sudetenland crisis of September, 1938. After all, didn’t the 3 million alleged ethnic Germans stranded in the new state of Czechoslovakia after the war deserve their “national aspirations” to be “accepted”? Why should they, as Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels lied during the crisis, have to tolerate the “brutal treatment of women and children of German blood” at the hands of alien Czechs?

Puppeteers and Puppets: America’s Dark Money Masquerade and Other Questionable Conduct by Lawrence Kadish


Are union moguls, puppeteers, power-players and profiteers assaulting the Constitution and US election laws?

“Dark money groups,” according to Open Secrets, a nonprofit that tracks political campaign financing and lobbying, “spends millions to shape our elections without revealing where their money comes from.”

About lobbying, they wrote, “Companies, labor unions, trade associations and other influential organizations spend billions of dollars each year to lobby Congress and federal agencies. Some special interests retain lobbying firms, many of them located along Washington’s legendary K Street; others have lobbyists working in-house.”

The freedom to give unlimited amounts to elections began with the Supreme Court in 2010, with the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. The justices decided that, according to the First Amendment, political spending is an extension of free speech, and that corporations and unions could therefore give unlimited amounts to political campaigns.

Regrettably, nine years later, the Brennan Center for Justice wrote:

“The justices who voted with the major­ity assumed that inde­pend­ent spend­ing cannot be corrupt and that the spend­ing would be trans­par­ent, but both assump­tions have proven to be incor­rect.

Black Lives Matter’s True Colors The malicious, self-serving criminal agendas of a racial hoax. David Horowitz


It’s been almost two years since the summer of violent Black Lives Matter insurrections and cop-hating crusades. The actions of that summer inflicted $2 billion in property damage in 220 American cities, killed scores of people, and spiked record homicide rates in a dozen municipalities run by Democrat politicians and supporters. This unprecedented eruption of hatred and violence was fueled by a racial hoax claiming that there was an “open season” on black lives, despite the fact that there is no evidence to support this claim, whether statistical or circumstantial.

Apart from affirmative action, which was given a pass by the Supreme Court, and despite the false claims of the president, there is no systemic racism in America today. If police departments, for example, were systemically racist, there would be massive lawsuits invoking the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which specifically outlaws institutional and systemic racism. There are no such massive lawsuits because there is no systemic racism in police departments. Although the accusation of systemic racism is the main currency of the Black Lives Matter hate campaign — and, shamefully, of the rhetoric emanating from the White House itself — there is no factual basis for this slander. None.

The time that has elapsed since the launch of the left’s racial witch hunt has provided ample opportunity to expose the malicious, self-serving criminal agendas of the Black Lives Matter movement. These have nothing to do with the welfare of black communities, which have not received a penny of the tens of millions of dollars raised in their name. Contributions to Black Lives Matter have gone to line the pockets and enhance the real estate portfolios of its leaders. Meanwhile, the chief victims of the homicides unleashed by their actions have been poor black inner-city communities — with no show of concern by Black Lives Matter and its allies.