So things are not all bonbons and shark’s fin soup for Eileen Gu, the 18-year-old skiing sensation trotted forth as a propaganda gal at the 2022 Olympics by the red Chinese government, following her decision to ski for China instead of America.
Seems the Chinese themselves on their meager internet outlets are questioning why this San Francisco–born and bred golden girl is being shoved in front of them as a role model, given that she had so many more opportunities than they had as Chinese people still stuck in China. And the whole thing is giving the Chicoms the perfect excuse for censoring their posts, if not rounding them up into jails. Way to go, Eileen — hope you’re proud of yourself.
According to the Wall Street Journal, here’s how bad it is:
No sooner had Gu won her first medal, a surprise gold in the freestyle skiing big air event, than one viral online article posed a pointed question in its headline — “What does Eileen Gu’s success have to do with ordinary people?” — that appeared to strike a chord with readers, and to have unnerved government censors.
The article, published on China’s ubiquitous WeChat messaging app by an education-focused blog widely followed by elite Chinese parents called Nuli Shehui — loosely translated as “Slave Society” — pointed out the lack of any concrete evidence to show that Gu had in fact renounced her U.S. citizenship, and attributed Gu’s success to her unique upbringing, which combined the freedom and well-rounded education offered by the U.S. with the rigors of China’s examination-oriented system.