Was the FBI’s Whitmer Chicanery a Warm-up for January 6?   By removing three dirty cops from the witness list, the Justice Department hopes to prevent any cross-examination during the trial and, one supposes, any link to January 6. By Julie Kelly


As questions mount about the government’s animating role in the Capitol protest on January 6, the criminal case against the men charged with conspiring to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020 continues to collapse. 

Defense attorneys in the Whitmer case are carefully compiling evidence that depicts an elaborate tale of FBI entrapment; at least a dozen FBI informants were involved in the failed plot—equaling one FBI asset per defendant. FBI agents handling the informants directed every move. They funded training and reconnaissance trips, and even organized a “national militia” conference in Ohio in June 2020 to lure potential accomplices.

Several men were arrested in October 2020 when the lead informant drove them to meet an undercover FBI agent to purchase munitions, the six month-long scheme’s dramatic conclusion. News of the shocking plot made national headlines as early voting was underway in Michigan: Joe Biden, Whitmer, and the media blamed Donald Trump for inciting an attempted domestic terror attack. (Sound familiar?)

As I explained in an October column, the plan to abduct Whitmer—who had a very public feud with Trump throughout 2020—originated from Operation Cold Snap, an undercover multi-state FBI spy ring intended ostensibly to surveil “militia groups” opposed to states’ lockdown policies.

Henrik Impola, one of the FBI special agents managing the Whitmer kidnapping plan, confirmed the existence of Operation Cold Snap in sworn testimony earlier this year. 

“From the FBI through the domestic terrorism operation center, I was aware of other FBI investigations in Baltimore and Milwaukee and Cincinnati and Indiana involving other militia members,” Impola told a judge in March.  

Impola’s role in the Whitmer caper, in fact, stemmed from his work as a case agent for Operation Cold Snap. The 11-year bureau veteran has spent his entire FBI career investigating counterrorism, including “militia extremism,” which enabled Impola to designate the Wolverine Watchmen, a Facebook group with no real organization coincidentally formed just months before the sting, a “terror enterprise” to justify the government’s central involvement in rigging the kidnapping scheme.

Impola, working out of a satellite office in Flint that reports to Michigan’s only FBI field office in Detroit, was deeply involved in every facet of the Whitmer plot. His testimony is crucial to persuading a jury that the men on trial conspired to abduct Whitmer from her vacation home last year.

11 days of mourning for Kim Jong-il, with no laughing allowed By Eric Utter


December 17 of this year marked the ten-year anniversary of the death of Kim Jong-il, father and predecessor of North Korea’s current leader, Kim Jong-un.  To honor the erstwhile psychopathic leader, the nation will observe eleven days of mourning, during which citizens will not be allowed to engage in leisure activities, drink alcohol, or even laugh, a resident from the border city of Sinuiju told Radio Free Asia.  Citizens of the Hermit Kingdom were not even allowed to go grocery shopping on December 17, not that there is much produce to purchase.  Nor will they be able to conduct funeral services or celebrate their own birthdays during the 11-day official mourning period.

According to Fox News, the unnamed citizen also noted what happens to those who fail to comply with the orders: “In the past many people who were caught drinking or being intoxicated during the mourning period were arrested and treated as ideological criminals.  They were taken away and never seen again.”

The New York Post reported that North Koreans fell silent and bowed in respect for Kim Jong-il as a midday siren blared for three minutes.  Cars, trains, and ships blew their horns as the nation’s flags were lowered to half-staff.

That North Koreans would appear to mourn a sadistic despot like Kim Jong-il, or worship his equally vicious son, the current Dear Leader, Kim Jong-un, tells us that either they are terrified of revealing their true feelings toward these monsters or they have been effectively brainwashed by their government-media-academia complex.

As a PJ Media post noted, “[t]he Kim Dynasty, like totalitarians the world over, has discovered that people can get used to anything.  So while the ban on laughing might be extreme to us, it’s perfectly normal to North Koreans.  If your newspaper, your TV stations, your radio, and your internet broadcast similar messages 24 hours a day, seven days a week, wouldn’t your reality be so skewed that you’d see Kim the same way?”

Why LA Must Show the Gascon the Door By Janet Levy


If Los Angeles district attorney George Gascon has his way, the City of Angels will have sex offenders and violent criminals in their teens roaming free, under the pretext that they are juveniles.  Never mind that they may be repeat offenders.  Never mind that such leniency will encourage gangs to get their work done by those who should be in school or on the playground.

Thankfully, there is growing outrage against Gascon’s abominable ideas and a campaign to have him recalled is gathering steam.  It must succeed so that Los Angeles is spared the fate of San Francisco, which Gascon (as DA in 2011-19) left in shambles and, in the words of former San Francisco deputy DA Nancy Tung, with the reputation of a city “where you can commit a crime and get away with it.”

In L.A., Gascon’s Restorative Enhanced Diversion for Youth Pathway (REDY) program extends the privilege accorded to juveniles who have committed relatively minor offenses to those accused of serious and violent crimes.  Such leniency will only reinforce criminal behavior by giving juvenile delinquents an early taste of impunity.  Moreover, this is a dangerous perversion of the rationale behind handling juvenile criminals with kid gloves.

Why would a DA, whose job, first and foremost, is to deter crime through efficient prosecution, even consider letting serious crimes go unpunished?  Why would someone in the hard-nosed business of presenting evidence and bringing criminals to justice step out of his domain to entertain quixotic ideas about criminal sociology that are best left to experts and the deliberative process of legislation?

Manchin Saves Country From Nightmare ‘Build Back Better’ Act Petulant White House and progressives in Congress lash out in rage. Joseph Klein


Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia declared emphatically that he cannot back President Joe Biden’s signature Build Back Better legislation in its present form. The White House and progressive Democrats are fuming. Instead, they should take Senator Manchin’s words to heart and rethink their priorities in this age of inflation, soaring national debt, an unrelenting pandemic, and grave national security threats.

“I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation,” said Manchin in an interview during the “Fox News Sunday”  December 19th broadcast. “I just can’t. I’ve tried everything humanly possible. I can’t get there.” When Manchin was asked directly by the show’s anchor Bret Baier whether that meant the moderate Democrat would vote “no” if the legislation were brought to a Senate vote, Manchin replied, “This is a no.”

Manchin cited several reasons for his opposition to the $2.2 trillion social welfare and green climate bill. He said that he is concerned about rising inflation that shows no sign of letting up soon, the exploding national debt, and the continuing problems caused by the spread of the coronavirus.

Manchin sharply criticized the budget gimmicks using so-called “sunset” clauses for certain programs that make the price tag appear much smaller than it will actually be.

Poll: 93% of Palestinian Arabs in Jerusalem Prefer Israeli to Palestinian Rule What Palestinians in Jerusalem know. Hugh Fitzgerald


As is well known, kak izvestno, comme nous le savons tous, come sappiamo tutti, Israel is surely a hell on earth, a nasty little Sparta always picking fights with its inoffensive neighbors, a settler-colonial state erected on stolen land, an apartheid state that blights the lives of innocent Palestinians, a vicious statelet that makes of Gaza an open-air prison, a neighborhood bully that routinely thumbs its nose at the international community, which just the other day at the UN passed nine resolutions denouncing Israel for its mistreatment of the Palestinians, its illegal settlements, its brutal settlers, its wolfish inhumanity. Who can not feel sympathy for Israeli Arabs, or for Palestinian Arabs living in places like East Jerusalem, who must want so desperately to be free at last from the endless oppression of the Zionists? What can one say, confronted with such cruelty? Oh, the humanity!

Okay, now that we’ve gotten that farcical riff or idiotic niffnoff out of the way, the idiocy that Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour, Peter Beinart, and Roger Waters, among so many others, want you to believe, let’s have a salutary dose of reality, shall we?

Biden Bans Conservatives and Christians from the Military If you “like” a pro-life group on Facebook, the new woke military will purge you. Daniel Greenfield


In Disloyal: How the Military Brass is Betraying Our Country, the David Horowitz Freedom Center had warned that the Countering Extremist Activity Working Group imposed by the Biden administration and headed by Bishop Garrison, a racist who constantly accused Republicans of racism for the most frivolous reasons, was preparing to purge conservatives from the military.

Now the purge has arrived.

The first task of Garrison’s CEWG was to develop a new definition of extremism. The newly added definition, which takes effect immediately, doesn’t actually define extremism. Since extremism is inherently relative to someone else’s moderation, it can’t be legally defined. But the CEWG’s definition was cunningly written to target conservatives and protect leftists.

The majority of the definitions are already covered by existing military codes and laws against terrorism and treason. The only real addition here is the final definition of “extremism activities” which includes, “advocating widespread unlawful discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), gender identity, or sexual orientation.”

The wording initially appears generic, but it’s actually written to provide military leaders with a wide latitude for targeting conservatives while exempting black nationalists like Garrison.

Biden Lied About Why COVID Tests Are In Short Supply


When Joe Biden was running for president from the basement of his Delaware home, he issued what he described as a seven-point plan “to beat COVID-19.” More than a year later, Biden announced his latest plan, which basically repeats everything he promised he’d do when running for president.

The big news announced on Tuesday was that the administration would buy and distribute half a billion at-home tests to anyone who asks because, he said, testing is key to getting COVID under control.

But Biden promised the same thing last year. In fact, the very first item on his seven-point plan was to “fix Trump’s testing-and-tracing fiasco to ensure all Americans have access to regular, reliable, and free testing.”

Biden said he’d “double the number of drive-through testing sites … scale up our testing capacity by orders of magnitude … stand up a Pandemic Testing Board like Roosevelt’s War Production Board (to) produce and distribute tens of millions of tests.”

Yet the news today is filled with stories of people who can’t get tests.

At his press briefing Tuesday, a reporter asked Biden if the lack of sufficient tests was a failure. “No,” was Biden’s response. “COVID is spreading so rapidly. It just happened almost overnight.” He denied that it took too long to ramp up testing, saying that “the Omicron virus spread more rapidly than anybody thought … All of a sudden it was like everybody rushed to the counter.”

The Dangerous Push to Give Boosters to Teens FDA and CDC experts said the plan was ill-advised, so the agencies cut them out of the decision process. Marty Makary


The U.S. government is pushing Covid-19 vaccine boosters for 16- and 17-year-olds without supporting clinical data. A large Israeli population study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine earlier this month, found that the risk of Covid death in people under 30 with two vaccine shots was zero.

Booster mandates for healthy young people, which some colleges are imposing, will cause medical harm for the sake of transient reductions in mild and asymptomatic infections. In a study of 438,511 males 16 to 24, 56 developed myocarditis after their second Pfizer dose (or 1 in 7,830, at least seven times the usual rate). True, most cases were mild, but in the broader group of 136 people (including older and female patients) who developed myocarditis after the vaccine, seven had a “complicated course,” and one 22-year-old died. Moderna’s vaccine carries an even higher rate of heart complications, which is why some European countries have restricted it for people under 30. But in the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indiscriminately push for boosters for all young people.

Those recommendations came over the objections of the agencies’ own experts. The last vote by FDA advisers, in September, rejected the proposal 16-2. FDA leaders revisited the proposal in November and simply bypassed the experts. So did the CDC, whose advisers had rejected boosters for people not at high risk. Two top FDA scientists, including the head of the agency’s vaccine efforts, quit around the time of the September vote over White House pressure to authorize boosters for all. They wrote in detail about their concerns.

A study by Oxford researchers, published last week in Nature Medicine, validated those concerns. It found young people suffered myocarditis, pericarditis and arrhythmias more frequently from Moderna’s vaccine than from Covid itself. And the long-term cardiac effects of boosters in young people are unknown.

Modern Science’s Broken Bargain J Scott Turner


It’s up to us to ensure progress serves our ends.

The founding manifesto of the modern scientific enterprise—Vannevar Bush’s 1945 classic Science: The Endless Frontier—laid down a promise: that federalizing the academic sciences would protect the universities as bastions of free inquiry and curiosity-driven research. Without such support, Bush argued, the academic sciences would be captured and enslaved by government and corporate political interests. That argument was persuasive to the political authorities of the time. Now, seven decades later, that promise stands broken. Science’s “endless frontier” has become Big Science, a self-aggrandizing cartel organized around the aggressive pursuit of federal money.

Science is grounded in Enlightenment virtues. Its core attributes are unfettered freedom of intellect; cultivation of curiosity; skepticism; dispassionate reason; and dedication to evidence. A robust modern science immensely enriches our society. In return, our society affords the sciences enormous privilege and prestige. This mutually beneficial bargain held for many generations. Scientists were free to roam the intellectual frontiers, the public mostly watched from a respectful distance, and both science and society flourished. That bargain is now unraveling, damaging both science and the society that supports it.

Less and less do the sciences serve as bulwarks of reason against political and corporatist aims. To the contrary, the sciences are becoming stridently politicized, acting as a vanguard for an authoritarianism of “expertise”. Increasingly, science is being used as a cloak to shield political agendas from normal scrutiny and debate, thereby betraying the scientific ideal.

These trends, and the reasons for them, are not hard to discern. Scientists’ careers are no longer charted by the esteem of peers, but increasingly by conformity to institutional and political interests. The natural immunity of tenure, which is intended to protect university scientists’ intellectual freedom, is being systematically gutted. Adhering to science’s core virtues, listed above, is becoming a career hazard. In the face of this, fellow scientists either remain silent, or become eager participants in a masquerade of “consensus.” Public trust in science, which turns on the common perception that scientists are avatars of dispassionate and independent inquiry, is becoming increasingly tattered. The COVID-19 spectacle is demonstrating just how fragile that public trust is.

Defiance of US pressure – critical to Israel’s national security Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger


The Ben Gurion role model

*In 2021, Secretary of State Blinken pressures Israel to refrain from unilateral military actions against the rogue Iranian regime, to halt construction in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and East Jerusalem (while tolerating and encouraging expanded Arab construction), to re-divide Jerusalem, and to retreat to the pre-1967 ceasefire lines, which were termed “Auschwitz Lines” by Abba Eban, Israel’s dovish Foreign Minister.

*Defiance of US and global pressure was a critical attribute of Israel’s pro-US Founding Fathers – from David Ben Gurion in 1948 through Yitzhak Shamir in 1992 – which triggered a series of short term US-Israel frictions, but earned long term respect for Israel, while providing the US with a unique force-multiplier in the Middle East. On a rainy day, the US prefers a principle-driven ally, which does not retreat in the face of US and global pressure and refuses to sacrifice its own independent national security action on the altar diplomatic and economic convenience.