Ever since the end of World War II, America has been the dominant world superpower. But there has always been a tension in this country about how we should use that power. Between those among us who think we should maintain an active role in world affairs—and those who want to pull back and focus on our myriad problems here at home.
This week on Honestly, we invited Matt Taibbi and Bret Stephens to revisit this long standing debate in light of escalating tensions at the Russian-Ukrainian border. Since recording, Biden has urged Americans to evacuate Ukraine immediately, warning of an imminent invasion, and the Pentagon has ordered 3,000 more troops to Poland.
In the episode, Matt contends that “we’ve gotten ourselves into quagmires all over the world that have been enormously expensive, both in terms of money and in lives. And the decision not to get involved would have been the right one almost exclusively in the last 20 years.” On the other hand, Bret encourages us to appreciate the benefits of the American-led world order: “A lot of our lives as Americans is intrinsically connected to a broader view of the world in which a militarily strong and morally confident American power pushes the world imperfectly, stupidly, sometimes incompetently and sometimes even criminally, but by fits and starts pushes the world in the direction of a little more freedom, a little more prosperity, a little more liberality in the way in which we conduct life.”
I wonder where you all stand in this debate. When should we use our military might on the world stage? Has recent history proven that we do more harm than good? Would we be better off pulling back and focusing on our many domestic problems? And should America try to wrestle back the superpower status that it feels is waning…or should we just let it go?